Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin


Conditioning - Row
  • 250m - 50 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 500m - 1 min 44.8 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 750m - 2 min 44.1 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 500m - 1 min 48.0 seconds
  • 1 min rest
  • 250m - 50.7 seconds.

Squat Bootcamp homework done - 5 x 5 @ 105kg

Conditioning - Max effort Cals
  • 3 Mins max assault bike
  • 90 seconds off
  • 3 Mins max assault bike
  • 90 seconds off
  • 3 Mins max assault bike
  • 90 seconds off
Then straight into
  • 30 second max assault bike
  • 60 seconds off
  • 30 second max assault bike
  • 60 seconds off
  • 30 second max assault bike
  • 60 seconds off
Probably one of the worse one's I've done for a while.....Assault bike is just a horror show. Just completely empties you everytime....there is simply nothing like it.

54 Cals /53 Cals /50 Cals
18 Cals /16 Cals /15 Cals

After this wander around in a daze for about 15 minutes and went home as I was gubbed - Was supposed to do lifting but I wasn't even close to be able to do anything.

Back at night for Squat Bootcamp

5 x 5 @ 105kg - solidifying my homework from this week.
Squat Snatch work in my PT session

Worked on a few technical things so took the weight down to 40kg. 15 min EMOM - 2 reps every minute.

Hit 20 out of 30 as there was a few new technical bits I was working on so missed a few whilst refining things.

Then singles at
- 45kg
- 50kg
- 55kg (woo hoo 1kg PR - been stuck for ages)
- 57.5kg (double woo hoo - 3.5kg PR
- 60kg - so damn close but no there yet!

Really really pleased - totally worth getting individual PT's to help with training/technique etc.
Friday Partner Class

Strength - 3 Rep Front Squat

Worked up to 80kg but didn't push it anymore knowing what was ahead of me!!

Conditioning - 6 mins
  • 40 cal assault bike
  • 20 burpee box jumps
  • 30 double dumbell cleans (22.5kg)
  • 40 9kg ball slams
  • max front squats for remainder (50kg)
3 Rounds with 6 mins off inbetween. Now I went with the wife to do this but she ended up with her friend and no other males without partners in the class so ended up with a female partner. She scaled her weights accordingly but it was mash up the reps anyway you want. Both of us pushed hard.

Did a good job between us and got 14 front squats in 1st round, 38 balls slams completed in 2nd round and 30 ball slams in 3rd round. A real gassy one. 6 mins doesn't sound a lot but 40 cals on assault bike is a brutal start.
Sunday night session.

This is always a great session - loads of people in and great atmosphere.

  • 12 Cal Ski
  • 12 Down and Ups
Max effort, you go then, partner goes, as soon as they are done, I go again. Round for round, 10 rounds!!!:eek::eek:

Utterly terrible - really hard going - probably one of the hardest sessions. Just felt like it was never going to end......

1.10/1.10/1.10/1.14/1.21/1.20/1.20/1.24/1.27/1.26 were my times.

  • 2 reps (reset) Power Snatch - 10 ascending sets
Tried to focus on the work I did last week on my squat snatch. So started fairly light.

30/34/40/44/47.5/50/52.5/54/55 (missed 1 rep at 55kg) - Then got a single at 58kg for a 0.5kg PR! - Pr is a Pr - I'll take it.
Still here - just not logged for last 2 weeks!!

Started a "Nutritional 6 week challenge" in the gym.....160 people doing it for various reasons, weight loss, body fat loss etc. Generally clean eating, 3 meals, 2 snacks etc.

See how we go. Week 1 was last week and I didn't feel great as it was a bit of a drop in calories for me but week 2 has started better!


Conditioning - 14 min cap.
  • 50 Burpees
  • 150 Double Unders (scaled to 35 for me)
  • then max row for remaining time.
Double unders still cost me time....finished with 1687m row.

Lifting - Squat Cleans

12 single lifts at 90 of 1RM, one every 90 seconds.

Stuck on 80kg at the moment, so 12 lifts at 72.5kg. Hit 11 of 12, missed 1 due to poor technique.

Extra work - 4 x 10 lat pulldowns


Conditioning - Assault bike

  • 5 mins max cals
  • 1 min rest
  • 4 mins max cals
  • 1 min rest
  • 3 mins max cals
  • 1 min rest
  • 2 mins max cals
  • 1 min rest
  • 1 mins max cals

YUCK! That sucked big time.......total grind. Happy with my efforts, nothing much left at the end.

5 mins - 81
4 mins - 63
3 mins - 50
2 mins - 34
1 min - 26

Total - 254 cals

Back squat 4 x 7 @ 90kg - less than normal but legs ruined from above!


  • 10 mins - Max Ski Cals.
  • 3 mins rest
  • 30 seconds on/30 seconds off max effort x 3
Not paced a long ski before and it's not my favourite but was pretty consistent pace and finished with 163 Cals. Could probably have pushed a bit more in the middle for another 5/7 cals etc.

Straight into the 3 hard quick 30 second efforts - 12/11/12


5 mins max output DT. (12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push press/jerk)

Pick your own weight - As many reps as possible. Then multiply reps x weight chosen.

Again done DT before but not this kind of way. Chose 40kg to try and keep moving. Did 4 full rounds plus 12 deads and 3 hang powers in the 5 mins. So output of 4920 (123 reps)

3 mins rest

Then effectively Snatch DT (6 deadlifts, 4 power snatch, 2 squat snatch)

Again - stayed with 40kg, completed 4 rounds exactly. Output - 40kg x 48 = 1920

Currently having a mental fight with Squat Snatch.....despite PR'ing (58kg) 2 weeks ago, I've hit a total wall with this movement and now struggle to hit 40/45kg consistently. It's in my head and I missed lots on this workout again.

Will need to focus and fight it - otherwise training is going well despite a bit of a calorie deficit for the 6 week challenge.
Squat bootcamp last night.

Trying to turn your 7 rep max into your 10 reps.

So last 7's for me at 105kg. Last night was to try and do 2 sets of 10 reps at 105kg.

Managed 1st set at 105kg (heaviest 10 rep set ever) - 2nd set got 7 reps and failed on 8th.

Then triples at 107kg, 110kg, 112kg and 115kg - again a PR for a triple.
Thursday PT session.

After a complete meltdown last week with my squat snatch, spent 45 mins working on it today in my PT. I Pr'd 2 weeks ago but since then, can barely hit 40kg/45kg.

Again very frustrating stuff today but some glimmers of light, and worked hard on Snatch balance which I've done very little of before. Will try and add this into my weekly work and see some progress.

One very strange thing pointed out to me today was I seem to close my eyes when I go for the snatch.......When I keep them open, I seem to be more consistent!!

Conditioning Class

I go/you go with partner, 10 reps each, 9 reps each, 8 reps each etc - down to 1 each, then move on to next exercise.
  • burpees
  • plate situps
  • dumbell clean and press
  • box jumps
15 mins - only just got to box jumps but it was full on. 55 reps on each in total so sweating hard!

Barbell Class

Warm up squat cleans. Was looking forward to this as my squat cleans have been feeling good recently.

60kg Bar - 1 lift even 20 seconds for 7 mins. Tasty one. Not mad heavy but legs were feeling it towards the end. No misses, hit all 21 lifts.

Then 1 lift every 90 seconds, for 12 rounds, progressive weights. Current PR is 80kg

60/63/67/70/73/77/80/83/84/87kg :D:D - missed 90kg twice (a bit greedy buy hey!!)

Super happy with that 7kg PR - knew it was there as I felt good earlier in the week with squat cleans.

Then a 5 min finisher, groups of 3 - 60kg bar.
  • 1 squat clean
  • 2 front squat
  • 1 push jerk/split
As many as possible in your group. Hard finisher!

Pleased with PR - 2nd week of the Nutritional Challenge and feeling much better for it.


  • 3 min row max cals
  • 3 min assault bike max cals
  • 3 min max 50kg ball throw overs
  • 3 mins off.
  • 2 min row max cals
  • 2 min assault bike max cals
  • 2 min max 50kg ball throw overs
  • 2 mins off.
  • 1 min row max cals
  • 1 min assault bike max cals
  • 1 min max 50kg ball throw overs
  • 1 mins off.
10 second transition time.

Row, assault, 50kg ball throw overs
  • 3min- 52cal, 57cal, 15 throws
  • 2min- 34cal, 33cal, 12 throws
  • 1min- 20cal, 17cal, 5 throws
Much better ball throws - improvement here as they have been a struggle before - really trying to pop the hips up.

Lifting e90secs 10 sets

1 hang sq clean, 1 sq clean complex - working as a group of 4 so hard to change weights each round.

3 rounds @ 60kg
3 rounds @ 65kg
4 rounds @ 70kg

Good session after the leg burning conditioning! Cleans/squat cleans are feeling good, technique getting better all the time.

I would like to hit 100kg on a squat clean before the end of the year - that's my challenge to myself.

Conditioning - 21 mins

Max distance Ski ERG. Every 90 seconds do 7 down and ups and 7 24" box jumps.


Tough going - took around 40/45 seconds for 7 & 7 so ski time was only around 45 seconds as well. Tough shift - ski is not my favourite. Managed 2589m total.

Squat Homework

After the above, this didn't go well.

7 @ 105kg
5 @ 105kg
Singles @ 110/115kg

Wednesday Morning

Weekly Comp Wod - 20 min cap

21, 15, 9

  • Alt Dumbell Snatch
  • T2B
21, 15
  • Alt Dumbell Snatch
  • T2B
  • Burpee over Dumbell
  • Alt Dumbell Snatch
  • T2B
  • Burpee over Dumbell
  • Assault Bike Cals
Supposed to be Rx weight of 30kg dumbell but I went with 25kg and since my toes to bar would take me a week to complete that many, I did high straight leg rasies

Got 9 dumbell snatch into the final round of 21. Brutal on the shoulders this one.
Thursday PT session

Had a good physio session on Wendesday to really loosen up my left shoulder which has been niggling me for a bit.


Again still a huge weakness for me but some really good progress. I know people moan and say you shouldn't to kipping pull ups until you can do strict but any pull up is good for me in my eyes! :D

Managed to get 4 kipping pull ups with no re-kip in between which is big for me - always had to rekip in between each one. Please with the progress here.

Power Snatch

7 rep ascending weights for 5 or 6 sets. Again trying to work on weakness.

sets at 30kg/35kg/40kg/42.5/45 and 47.5kg. Happy with that, very hard in the last 2 reps of the final set.

Singles at 50kg/52.5/55 and 58.5kg for a 1kg PR.

Good session all round



1 min on each station - max effort
  • Assault bike
  • kneeling ball slams (15kg)
  • box jumps
  • Alt dumbell clean and press (22.5kg)
  • burpee bar touch
  • rest
3 rounds. Tough shift again for 18 mins!

Lift Class

More Power snatch! - talk about working your weaknesses this week!!

Similar to yesterday - working on the empty bar with the high pull and focusing on the basics again.

Then 7 rep ascending weights for 5 sets - 30/35/40/42.5/45kg today.

Then 50 reps between you and partner at the minimum of 50kg for guys. Ouchy!!

Tough on this as I have a 58.5kg max and partner has a 57kg max. 10 min cap.

Sounds not too bad but really stinks after conditioning and 35 snatch already!!

Did 2's and 3's - partner is quiet slow as he likes to get himself ready/set himself rather than just grip it and rip it in this workout.

Finished in just over 8 mins.

Hands and shoulder are ruined from last 2 days!
Sunday Night

  • 5 Min Max Assault Bike Cals
  • 5 mins rest
  • 5 Min Max Ski Cals
  • 5 Mins Rest
  • AMRAP 60 DU into 15 Burpees for 5 mins ( i scaled to 20 DU and 15 burpees)
Hit it hard - 89 Cals on the bike, 84 on Ski and completed 2 full rounds on the AMRAP (DU still slow/missing lots but keep plugging away)

Happy with bike cals as I was only about 4 or 5 cals behind the top boys!


Complex - 3 Power Cleans touch and go into 1 push press/jerk (no split) - 8 sets ascending weight.

Never a fan of push press/jerk.

40/45/50/52.5/55/57.5/60/62.5kg. Pretty happy with this as my max push press/jerk is 65kg.

Then singles of power clean into push press/jerk - 65/67.5/70/72.5 and failed 75kg twice on the push jerk.

Overall still very happy with that, not done push press/jerk in ages so a good PR again.



  • 18 cal row
  • 60m shuttle runs
  • burpees box jumps 24"
  • rest
4 rounds.

Hit - 14/13/12/12 on burpee box jumps and all others done.

6 mins - AMRAP
  • 25 DU
  • 10 T2B (or high straight legs)
Double Unders not playing ball again - cost me time. 3 full rounds plus 10 DU.

6 Min

40 reps @ 22.5kg dumbbell alt squat snatch OR 22.5kg alt dumbbell snatch lunges - burning! Did the lunges - completed in 5.48.


Squat homework

Legs sore from yesterdays lunges

10 @ 100kg
9 @ 100kg
3 @ 105kg
2 @ 110kg



250m Run/250m row
500m Run/500m row
750m Run/750m row

Total time, no stops. Completed in 13.03. Good race with another girl from the gym (females do 50m less on each row) - I caught her on the runs (assault runner is horrible).

Dead heat between us. Always good to have someone to race/pace/train with.

Not had time for a lot of strength work this week so that will be the rest of the week for me.
Wednesday night - Squats

Find a heavy 3. Working with the program again....finished 2 weeks of 10 (thank christ!!) - back to 3's which "should" be around 90% of my 1RM following the 1st 6 weeks of the program.

Current 1RM is 122.5kg.

Sets of 3 tonight at

  • 100kg
  • 105kg
  • 110kg
  • 112.5kg
  • 115kg
Went for 117.5kg got first rep but failed on 2nd.

So 115kg is 94% so happy with that. Rolling with 3's for next 2 weeks.
Still training lots but not logging!

Anyway -



20 Min AMRAP

2 - Cal Ski
2 - 2 x 22.5kg dumbell cleans
25 DU

6/6/25 etc

Switch to 10 DU and 30 singles per round as DU are still hit or miss

Was ok but the cleans got nasty later on.

Finished 16Cals/16 cleans and 2 DU.


12 min EMOM - 3 reps

3 rep Power clean @ 75% of 1 RM - 65kg for me.

Damn this was nasty.....lot of reps overall and last few sets were ropey!!!

Later at night.

Squat bootcamp.

Still on sets of 3.

3 @ 100
3 @ 110
3 @ 110
3 @ 112.5
3 @ 112.5
2 @ 115 (failed last rep)


20 on/40 off - assault bike cals max

12 rounds

127 cals.

Legs not great after squatting last night.


you go I go with partner

5 mins

5 power cleans (70kg)
Partner goes
8 rounds total (4 each) plus 2 reps completed

2 mins off

5 mins

5 power snatch (45kg)
Partner goes
8 rounds (4 each) plus 1 reps completed

Working on Kipping pull ups


21 Cal assault
15 dumbell push press (2 x 12kg)
9 Banded strict pull ups

3 Rounds.
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