Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin



Complex - Clean into jerk into split jerk --- 8-10 lifts ascending weights

42.6/47.2/51.7/54/56.3/58.5/60.8/63.1/65.3/67.6kg hit (lbs plate conversion!) Poor on my return from the jerk to my shoulders - really need to work on this.

Singles - C&J - Hit at 70/72.1/74.4kg (also hit my chin on the way up!)

HSPU from 30" box. (toes on box) - 90 seconds off between rounds. Not got proper HSPU yet so still working on improving shoulder strength


4 x 10 lat pull down
4 x10 ghd



5 min max cals assault bike
2 mins 30 off
5 min max cals assault bike
2 mins 30 off
5 x 20 seconds on/40 seconds off.

Always a tough one - 81 cals, then 81 cals again. Into 14/12/11/10/11

Happy with that.

Lifting EMOM

2 Power snatch every minute for 12 minutes @ 80-85% of max.

All reps hit at 52.5kg (84%)

Then singles at 55/57.5/60/62.5 and 65kg for a new PR (2.5kg up) - tried 67.5kg but no go.

Double Under practise/whipping myself for 7 minutes....:D:D
those workouts just sound brutal

always hard work - but doable and I can see the progress I'm making.



  • Cal Row
  • burpee over rower (facing)
16 min cap - Finished in 13.47. Happy with that - once you got past the round of 15 it was ok.


10 rep Hang Power Snatch - 30kg/35kg/40kg/45kg
8 rep Power Snatch - 45kg/48kg
6 rep sq snatch - 37.5kg/42.5kg

Practised box overs for 19.1 Castle games qualifier which I'll do tomorrow.
Squats last night

Another night of 10/8/6/4/2's but up 2/2.5kg or so from last week.

96kg for 10
102.5kg for 10 (miscounted my 8 and partners thought it was too easy for the 8 reps so made me do 2 more)
108kg for 6
115kg for 4
122.5kg for 1 (missed the 2nd one)


19.1 Castle Games Qualifier

16 minute workout - Part A & B

Part A - 5 min cap

1 rep 24" box over (step or jump over) into 1 rep Ground to Overhead (35kg)
2 reps into 2 reps
4/4 etc etc

I decide to step as that's quicker for me than jump, and snatch the GTOH rather than C&J.

3 mins rest

Part B - 8 min EMOM

8 lifts - one every minute of cleans (power or squat)

However - you set your bar weight at the start and it's the same weight for all lifts. Score is completed lifts x weight. ( if you fail a lift you can lift again in that minute but if you don't get it, it's not counted)

Slightly better 2nd time round - another 5 reps on Part A, Went up to 83kg on the cleans, missed the first one bad!! However recovered to get all 8 lifts at 83kg.

Partner WOD with the wife!

Good fun working with the missus


Extra Squats 3 x 10 reps @ 100kg. Feeling good at the moment.
Damn - behind again!!

Saturday - 3 x 10 @ 100kg squats - just done whilst son was in his class.

Sunday night session

Conditioning - for time.

5 rounds of
  • 250m row
  • 50DU or 100 singles
into 5 rounds of
  • 12 burpees
  • 12 hang clean and press dumbell (22.5kg)
offtt - burny on the shoudlers this one - finished in 21.13.

Then worked on some EMOM squat cleans

5 mins - 60kg - 1 rep/2 reps/3 reps/4 reps/5 reps.
5 mins - 70kg - same

Tough going on the legs towards the end trying to get 5 reps in 1 min.


Castle games qualifier 19.2 (scaled)
  • 30 wall balls (6kg)
  • 30 burpee step ups (24" box)
  • 100 single unders
  • 30 KB swings (24kg)
  • 30 cal row
  • 100 singles
  • 30 burpee step ups (24" box)
  • 30 wall balls (6kg)
20 min cap - went out fairly hard and possibly paid the price on the way back - went unbroken all the way to the burpee box step ups on the way back and broke them into 5's with a very quick rest (like 3-4 seconds) - then wall balls me legs were a wreck but finished in 13.28.

Squat homework

10 @95
8 @ 102.5
6 @ 107.5
4 @ 114
2 @ 120

Solid session - happy with that.
Wednesday night bootcamp

10 Back Squats | 97.5 kg
8 Back Squats | 105 kg
6 Back Squats | 112.5 kg
4 Back Squats | 117.5 kg
Then went 122.5kg for 2 - but failed on the first rep.

No issues here - Coach said that so long as 10/8/6's are all hit - fatigue just starts to kick in at the higher weights and the main aim is to hit the 10/8/6's - anything after that is a bonus.

Sunday homework - repeat Wednesday weights but hit everyone if possible.

10 Back Squats | 97.5 kg
8 Back Squats | 105 kg
6 Back Squats | 112.5 kg
4 Back Squats | 117.5 kg
2 Back Squats | 122.5 kg

Boom - happy with that after failing the 2's on Wednesday night. Good session.

Part A

  • 10 BBJ into max cal ski - 2mins
  • 2 mins rest
3 rounds

Part B
  • 75DU into max cal ski - 2mins (scaled to 100 singles for me)
  • 2 mins rest
3 Rounds

BBJ & Cal ski

100 singles & Ski

Lifting - Power Clean Technique work

Basically spend time working on catching as low as you can in a power clean - This was great for me as I catch way to high still. Aim for a 2 second pause in the catch position.

Worked up to 85kg - happy with this as my PR is 88kg and it was a new/different way of lifting for me.



Row - Max Cals
  • 30 second on/60 off
  • 60 on/60 off
  • 90 on/60 off
4 Rounds

30s - 12/12/11/12
60s - 23/20/20/21
90s - 32/33/32/33

Total - 261

19.3 Castle Games Qualifier 10 min cap
  • 15 jumping pull ups
  • 50ft overhead lunge (20kg bar)
5 Rounds

into max shuttle runs (25ft)

Yuck - this was worrying me before the off - standards were the bar at wrist height for jumping pull ups. Lunges also not great for me.

Part A - time for the 5 rounds - 7.49
Part B - 1 rep for each 25 ft shuttle run completed - 40.

Absolutely disgusting - Legs were gone badly by 4th round and had a huge stitch in my side at the start of the shuttle runs - a real slog.

Currently sitting 79th with top 80 qualifying so I suspect I'm going to have to put on the big boy pants and redo it before closing date on Sunday night. REALLY don't want to.
Keep forgetting to update - But solid training still


9 min AMRAP

Part A
- 800m block run into max cals on assault bike

9 mins off

Part B (9 min AMRAP)

12 box step ups with 2 x 22.5kg dumbells into 6 devil presses.

OFFFTTTTT - Part A I completed run and 88 cals on the bike - happy with that.

Part B was brutal - the weighted step ups are hard, but devil press is disgusting - Completed 2 full rounds plus 12 step ups and 3 devil presses.


2 squat cleans into 2 clean and jerks - 7 sets - ascending weights

Hit - 40/45/50/55/60/65/70kg


Squat Home work

Squat homework -
10 @ 100kg
8 @ 107.5kg
6 @ 115kg
3 @ 120kg (failed on 4th rep)

3 x 1000m row with 2 mins off between sets - aim to hit approx 10-12 seconds off your pb. (mine is 3.29)

1000m- 3.41
1000m- 3.41
1000m- 3.41

The straight into 20 seconds on/20 seconds off for 4 rounds - max distance.

20 secs- 110m
20 secs- 105m
20 secs- 104m
20 secs- 105m

Snatch Balance work - 30/35/40/42.5/45/47.5/50kg

Single Sq snatch @ 50kg and 52.5kg - after that wasn't at the races -
Wednesday morning

Some various upper body strength work and double under practise - won't bored you with the details.

Strength Bootcamp at night

One thing I've learned is to trust the process/coaching over the last 12 months.

Gym owner spends a lot of time programming everything - always geared towards progressing etc.

Great night tonight -

Back Squats

10 @ 102.5kg
8 @ 110kg
6 @ 115kg
4 @ 120kg
2 @ 125kg

Buzzing to hit 2 reps at my currently 1 rep max tonight. Still about 4-5 weeks away from re-testing my 1 rep max but felt bang on tonight - just knew I was going to hit everything tonight. Felt great!
It's happened - the unthinkable.....

A strict pull up :D:D

Was getting frustrated with not having them, back to basic's in terms of some upper body strength training for 6-8 weeks and ignoring the bar for the last couple of months on the advice of my coach....
Then today - on the bar and - bang - strict pull up!!!:D

So happy - crossfit completed.....:cool::cool:


Waterfall type work out
  • 5 HRPU
  • 10 Sprawls
  • 15 plate touch to press
  • 20 fast hands on the plate
  • 25 hillclimbers
  • 30 lateral plate jumps
  • 35 ab extensions
  • 40 fast feet on plate
So I do 5 HRPU, parnter does 5, I do 5 HRPU plus 10 sprawls, partner does the same, I then do 5/10/15 etc.....adding a round each time.

20 min cap - we manage to complete round of 35 ab extensions each plus got I got back to 30 lateral plate jumps at cap. Sweaty one as usual.


1 squat clean into 2 front squats, drop bar and 1 front squat. All about working under fatigue when lifting.

5 sets @ 60kg - one every 90 seconds.

Then same complex

7 sets - asscending weights - every 90 seconds for 4 rounds then 2 mins for last 3 rounds.

All hit - 63/65/68/70/73/75/78kg. Front squats hurt the most!

Go after a heavy single squat clean

Hit 80/82.5/85/88/90 - all real nice, felt great.

Stalled again after this - 92.5kg missed 4 or 5 times. More of a mental fight than physical for me with squat clean as I badly hurt my thumb last time I tried 92.5kg. I need to just clear my head and get it done. Current PR is 91kg. Frustrated a bit that 90kg was so good and simple. Anyway - will get it next time!

Back squats - 3 x 10 @ 105kg

Sunday - day off - DIY!!


20 min EMOM

  • 15 cal bike
  • 10 burpee facing box jumps
  • 15 cal ski
  • max dumbell sq snatch
  • rest
4 rounds! Yuck......that was right on the limit for each round, very little rest apart from the minute off. Sq Santch was supposed to be 22.5kg but went with 16kg as I was all over the place with 22.5kg in the 1st round!! Max Dumbell was 6/10/10/9

Back Squat Homework (yeah I know after that conditioning)

Tired but still squatted but mindframe wasn't great.....just kept telling myself I was tired in the middle of my sets!! - Also hate squatting solo

10 @ 102.5kg
8 @ 110kg
6 @ 115kg
3 @ 120kg (failed on 4th final rep)
Didn't hit twos.

  • 1200m row
  • 3 mins rest
  • 1200m row
  • 3 mins rest
  • 100m row
  • 1 min rest
4 rounds of the 100m.

Right in my wheelhouse this one - times were 4.15 and 4.20 for the 1200m - not far off my 1000m best effort pace the whole way.

18.1/18.3/18.1/18.1 for the 100m - nothing if not consistent!


1 hang squat snatch every 30 seconds for 10 minutes - at 75% of your max squat snatch (61kg)

45kg for me

As usual took me about 5 lifts to get going - always despite warming up miss loads at the start!! Hit 15 of 20 lifts.

Singles - 45/47.5/50/52.5/55kg from the hang sq snatch - happy with that as last numbers I have for hang sq snatch was 45kg!!! (back in July last year!)

Wednesday morning

General upper body strength training - keeping the legs fresh for squatting heavy tonight!

Wednesday night - another cracking nights squatting. Eating 3500 calories+ a day definitely helps the squats!!

Last week of the 10/8/6/4/2 sets before moving to 8/6/4/2/2 next week - 1rm test night is about 4 weeks away.


10 Back Squats | 105 kg
8 Back Squats | 112.5 kg
6 Back Squats | 117.5 kg
4 Back Squats | 122.5 kg
2 Back Squats | 127.5 kg

Buzzing - one 1rm is/was 125kg in November so to already hit 2 lifts beyond that is great. Really happy with that tonight.
Damn - keep forgetting to update!!!

Back squats last night

4 @ 127.5kg
2 @ 130kg
1 @ 130kg
1 @ 130kg
1 @ 130kg

Kept failing on the 2nd rep of the 130kg's.

Test week next week - 1RM max night. One of the lads going for 250kg!!! - he hit 2 reps @ 247kg last night!!:eek::eek:

Cheeky wee challenge today

"Acid Bath" workout

500m ski erg
500m row erg
1000m erg bike

Time cap 6 mins.

This one was from Dubai fitness champs

This ends exactly as it's named - the cramps were horrendous after it. Finished in 5.26 which I was super happy with. Awful awful cramps after it - really good/bad workout !! haha

Matt Fraser was 4.57 so I'll take my time being 15 years older than him!!!:p:p


Also qualified for Castle Games (scaled) - not sure if I can make it yet but it would be first comp!

Lift class

Power Clean - technical work - trying to drop into the catch more and hold for 2 seconds just above parallel

3 reps @ 50kg Every 60 seconds for 7 rounds.
2 reps every 90 seconds for 7 rounds increasing weight - 60/63/65/68/70/73/75kg for me
1 rep every 2 mins for 5 rounds - find a max - 78/80/83/85 then missed 87.5kg.

Current 1rm power clean is 87kg.

Squats later in the day.

3 x 10 @ 110kg

Saturday - day off.
Sunday homework squats

Good session this morning - last one before test night.

4 @ 127.5kg
2 @ 130kg
2 @ 130kg
2 @ 130kg
2 @ 130kg

Chuffed to hit all the doubles today after missing them on Wednesday night. Roll on test night to see if we can find a new 1RM.

Old 1RM was 125kg at start of January.

12 rounds

Max Out - 20 seconds on/40 second off - Max Cal assault bike

133.8 Cals total for 12 rounds. (went out way too hard i think)


Sq Snatch at 75% of 1RM (45kg for me)

  • 3 mins max reps - 10 hit (dropped 6!!)
  • 2 mins off
  • 2 mins max reps- 7 hit (dropped 4)
  • 90 seconds off
  • 1 mins - 4 hit (dropped 1)
Always takes me a while to get into a groove with my sq snatch.

Single Sq Snatch - 50/55/57.5/60 (1kg PR) - then 62.5kg for a 3.5kg PR.️‍♂️

Death By Strict Pull ups.

1/2/3 then 3 in the 4th round, started again on next minute, 1/2/3 then 2 on 4th round. Happy with this as 6 weeks ago had none!!
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