Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin

Great night squatting - LOVE test night - 35 folk in tonight going for it (15 females as well!)

Went with a plan for 135kg and a stretch for 140kg.

Warmed up and hit 127.5kg/132.5/135/137.5 and 140kg!! Buzzing - really happy with that.

12 week program - gone from 125kg single to 140kg. Really happy with that progress. Trust the program.

Big Liam hit 255kg tonight for his PR!!!o_Oo_O

Conditioning 9.30am class.

10am barbell class

1 rep every 45 seconds @ 80kg Squat clean - 30 reps --- All reps hit.

Single at 84/86.5/90 and 92.5kg for 1.5kg PR (big mental barrier overcome here after snapping my thumb last time I went for 92.5kg!)

100kg is next big target
Sat/Sun off



Every 2:30 do
  • 18 cal row
  • 6 sq snatch @ 60kg
  • into max BMU or pullups
Rounds 1-3 did it at 50kg sq snatch

R1 - 5 lifts (missed 4)
R2 - 4 lifts (missed 4)
R3 - 5 lifts (missed 2)

Dropped to 45kg

R4 - 6 lifts just in time
R5 - 6 lifts - got 1 pull up!!

Sq snatch under fatigue - technique went to ****.

Lifting - heacy double sq snatch - worked up to 60kg for double (single pr is 62.5kg)

Tried squats - legs gubbed - go again tomorrow. (calories have dropped off over weekend, will get them back up again this week)


  • 25 cal assault bike
  • 15 burpees
  • 90 seconds rest
5 rounds! This hurt bad........17.30 finish time including rests.


2 rep max Clean and split jerk

worked up to a 2 rep max of 80kg, then hit a single at 82.5kg for a 1 rep PR. Need to work on my jerk, clean is fine.


Upper body strength stuff

4 x 10 low row
4 x 10 incline press
4 x 10 lat pull down
4 x 10 seated curl and press

Strict pull ups 3,2,2,2,2 (gradually improving!)

Night time


Yuck - after PR last week - felt awful this week - find 5 rep max

5 @ 110kg
5 @ 115kg
5 @ 120kg
5 @ 122.5kg

Then 20 reps @ 65% of 1rm - 91kg for me - got to 9 and felt my knee starting to get pretty painful - stopped before any more pain.


PT session

Working on Sq Snatch Balance - worked up to 60kg for a single - trying to get more snappy/aggressive under the bar

Then complex of
  • 4 hang power cleans
  • 4 power cleans
  • 4 sq cleans
oh man was this a grip killer!!!!

Managed 40/50/55/60kg - grip was so hard!!!
AWay at the weekend and a quieter week this week training wise as kids off school so been pottering around with them etc.

Just jumped into a few classes on monday/tuesday instead of normal training program.

Also squats still ticking along.

Monday homework

Back Squat

2 x 10 @ 110kg
2 x 5 @ 120kg

Wednesday bootcamp

Find a 3 rep max back squat

3 @ 100/110/115/120/125kg
Then finish with 20 reps @ 65% of 1RM

That was disgusting.... I honestly thought I was going to explode with about 5 reps to go. It wasn't heavy but just real hard to hold form after about 15 reps and my back was really tight!! Got it done mind you.



  • 15 cal assault bike
  • max burpee box jumps
  • rest
  • 15 cal ski
  • max 50kg ball throw overs
  • rest
4 full rounds.

Score your BBJ and Ball Throws

managed - BBJ - 11/9/9/8 and throw overs - 8/8/8/9


EMOM - 1 C&J asscending weight for 7 rounds. Reset and go again.

50/55/60/65/70/75/80kg.....all hit.... Same numbers on second run through. 1RM is 82.5kg so happy with this.


T2B - still awful but need to stop avoiding them and just get stuck into them.

Single max set then every 30 seconds for 7 minutes 25% of that.

So did 5 for max set (still having to rekip between each one) then 2's for every 30 seconds.



1000m row/1000m run

Offttt - sweaty one this - not hard just a grind really. Finished in 26.42 - Did have about 8 seconds transition time between row and runner due to them being in different rooms as class was on in the main room so could have got it down by another minute or so.


EMOM - 1 Sq Snatch - asscending weight for 7 rounds. Reset and go again. start around 60% of 1RM

As per usual - takes me ages to get Sq Snatch into any kind of rhythm/groove.

37.5kg/40/42.5/45/47.5/50/52.5 - 1st time through then

Few extra lifts but happy to get extra practise/work in. Did try 63kg for a PR (current 62.5) but end up missing it twice.
Wednesday morning

General upper body strength stuff

Wednesday night - Squats

Mixed bag again .....4 sets of 7.

Target was to hit 7 reps at your 5 rep max from 2 weeks ago.

I wasn't comfortable at all last night - just tired feeling from the start

Supposed to be 120kg sets.

7 @ 115kg
6 @ 120kg
4 @ 120kg
5 @ 120kg

Then 20 rep @ last weeks weight plus 2.5kg....

I got 18 reps @ 92.5kg.....just ruined after that. Lost count in my head at about 12 reps and thankfully my spotters kept count......This program just hasn't suited me so far, last one was great.

So all in all - not the best night but progress none the less.


PT Session - weakness work - gymnastics

Some shoulder work
Then working on kipping pull ups.

Managed to get a bit of progress with them and smashed out 8 reps for a PR (previous was 4!!)

Then some bench/farmers carrys etc.


Conditioning class

20 min blast

Team of 3 -

ski cals/ball slams(15kg)/reebok step jump overs.

10 reps on each/then 20 /30/ 40 etc - go as far as you can between you. So could mix it up how we wanted. Sweaty work as always

Barbell Class

Warm up

Squat cleans
  • 3 reps every minute at 65% of 1RM - 60kg for me - 10 rounds - all hit
  • 2 reps every 90 seconds @ 80% - first 4 rounds at 75kg, then 80kg for last 3 rounds. - all hit
  • 1 rep every 2 minutes progressive lifts
hit 80/82.5/85/87.5/90/93kg:D

Happy with that - another 0.5kg PR! - moving slowly towards the 100kg target.
Still working away - keep forgetting up update.

Wednesday morning


  • 1000m row
  • 2 mins rest
  • 250m row
  • 1 min rest
3 rounds - ideally be aim to be around 10-15 seconds off PR time for the 1000m and aim to row the 250m at 500mPR pace.

1000m - 3.43/3.43/3.41
250m - 49.5/49.0/47

Lifting - Sq Snatch EMOM.

Every 90 seconds - 1 lift at 90% of 1RM - hit all at 55kg

Wednesday night


Heavy 3's -

120kg x 3
127.5kg x 3
130 x 3
Went for another set of 130kg but hit first rep and failed on 2nd rep.

Then the dreaded 20's!! - 20 reps @ 95kg this week (hit 92.5kg last week for 20kg)

Got them done but man they hurt when you get into the 13/14 rep range....

Conditioning class

3 x 6 min WOD's

Partner on/off - various fast movements - nice and sweaty.


Complex - 1 Power Clean into 2 Front Squats into 1 Squat Clean

1 lift every 90 seconds for 5 rounds @ 60kg.

1 lift every 90 seconds for 5 rounds - ascending weights.

hit complex at 65/67.5/70/75/79kg - odd numbers i know!!!

Then single squat cleans....

70/75/80/85/90 and 94kg - Another 1kg PB....Always a mental battle when I get over 90kg for some reason. 1kg last week, 1kg this week - 100kg in sight!!

On another note - a new addition for the house!!!

Couldn't get in on Monday so did Concept 2 Bike ERG WOD at home.

Ride a single 21 minute piece. Ride the first six minutes @ 70 rpm. Then row five minutes @ 75 rpm, four @ 80, three @ 85, two @ 90 and one @ 95.

Burned - 11,115m - 394cals!



20 on/40 off - 15 rounds.

5 rounds assault bike into 5 rounds ski into 5 rounds assault bike.

Ass bike - 13.5/11/12/10/10 - 56.5 cals
Ski erg - 9/8/9/8/9 - 43cals
Ass bike - 9/11/10/9/10 - 49cals

Power snatch ladder
1RM (66kg)

12 reps @50%
10 reps @60%
8 reps @70%
6 reps @75%
4 reps @80%
2 reps @90%

12 mins time cap.

Completed - 9:21

60/63/65/67.5/68.5/70kg! - No idea where that came from - 4kg PR!!:D:D


5 unbroken (still having to rekip between reps)
Then 3's and 2's every 20 seconds for 7 mins. Missed 3 sets
Strict pull ups - 1 Strict pullup every 30 seconds - 12 total, missed 2
Still training -just forgetting up update!!

1 week to Castle Games - crapping it now! 1st ever crossfit comp.

Last night

  • 1200m row
  • 100 32kg Russian swings (:eek::eek:)
  • 800m ski
  • 60 box jumps
  • 40 2 x 22.5kg dumbell cleans
  • 20 burpee bar touch.
22 min cap.

Had to work in 3's - so I started on the box jumps......Stupidly misread them as burpee box jumps......So ended up doing 42 before relaising it was just box jumps....Then missed the box and absolutely smashed my shin.

Hobbled through the rest of the workout - capped with 410m left on the ski.


8 mins to find a max
  • Power clean into push jerk
straight into

8 mins to find a max
  • squat clean and split jerk.
Hit 80kg for the push jerk which is a huge PR from 73kg.
Hit 80kg for squat clean into split jerk - technique lets me down here as I can't get my wrist position sorted at all after the clean.

  • 7 mins assault bike - 110 Cals
  • 90 seconds off
  • 5 mins assault bike - 81 Cals
  • 90 seconds off
  • 3 mins assault bike - 49 Cals
  • 90 seconds off
  • 1 mins assault bike - 25 Cals
Total - 265.

8 mins to find 1RM power snatch - hit 67kg (70kg is my max)

straight into

8 mins to find 1RM sq snatch - 58kg (62.5 is my max)

Kids off again today so short on time. Gymnastics and some Castle Games run throughs tomorrow/Thursday.

400m row
400m run
90s rest
90s rest


4 x 10 low row
4 x 10 lat pull down
4 x 10 seated curl and press
4 x 10 incline press

Castle Games workout 3 run through.

PT with some core/gymnastic work etc.

Did a few test runs for Castle Games this weekend. First ever comp this Sunday.

1st event - 6 minutes to find a max clean (any kind of clean)

Was giving this a go this morning and hit a 3.5kg PR of 97.5kg!!! Landed it's fairly solid as well - put 100kg on but bottled it!! haha - Would be amazing to get near 100kg on Sunday in the comp.

Technically not amazing - rounding my back standing up but happy enough with that.
Castle Games write up coming shortly!!



Bike ERG - 40s max cals into 40s active recovery x 3 rounds (no rest)
Straight into Ski 40s max cals into 40s active recovery x 3 rounds (no rest)

Repeat whole thing twice - no need to score this.


10min EMOM - 2reps @85-90% max power clean
80kg all reps hit (85% of 1rm)

Straight into:
5min heavy single
90kg (failed 93kg twice for a PR)

5 mins weakness work on T2B timing/kip

Tired after comp/driving yesterday - will his gymnastics again later this week


2mins on 1min off - 7 rounds.
3 Clean and Jerks @ 75% of max into max cal row for the 2 mins.

Row - 202 cals total for 7 rounds.

Lifting - Power snatch - 10min Emom

2 reps @ 60kg - missed 2 of 20 lifts - poor technique.

5min for singles

62.5/65kg - 67.5kg wasn't happening (70kg is 1RM)


20sec on 40sec off x5
Alternating Strict pull up

No Strict HSPU - Replaced with parallette press ups
Long overdue update.

Summer holidays are a nightmare for me - kids at home all day, wife works fulltime (I work from home) - training always goes out the window for about 7 or 8 weeks till the schools go back.

Anyway - back at it a couple of weeks ago - feeling the pain of not training 4 or 5 days a week just now but get back into it asap!!

Anyone still interested - I'll keep logging.

Pretty much 2 years ago to the day I started Crossfit and still enjoy punishing myself each time I train - great bunch of people and a mega well stock/run gym.



  • 18 Cal bike ERG
  • 12 burpees
7 rounds - rest for as long as the round takes you.

Nasty one - overall time including rest 20.03.


Work to a max Hang Squat Clean -

30/40/50/60/70/80/85/88/92kg for a cheeky 2kg PR.

Then 4 mins max reps @ 75% of above weight.

Lost count a touch but think I managed 22 or 23 reps @ 69kg.

Toes to Bar practise

20 seconds on, 30 second off 7 rounds.

5/5/4/5/4/3/2 - actually hurt my groin doing these this morning - no idea how but gymnastics has dropped off with the summer poor training. Need to ramp these back up again.

250 off 250 on row

5 out of 10 intensity off, 9 out of 10 on.



Hang squat snatch

30/35/40/42.5/45/47.5/50/52.5/55 - missed 59kg a few times
4 min max reps @ 42.5kg 16 reps


Did Strict pull ups as no strict C2B, death by - round 4, then repeated and finished round 4 again.

Strength extras.

5 x 5 @ 100kg Back squat
5 x 5 @ 32.5kg OHP
3 x 5 @ 100kg Deadlift
Still be working away - just come off the back of a 6 week nutrition challange/cut that lots of people took part in.

Down 3kg/7lb so time to start building some strength again! Upping Carolies to around 2500 a day to start with (been in and around 1800/1900 a day for last 6 weeks)



Max out Sprints.

2 mins - 22 cal assault bike (rest remaining time)
2 mins - 22 cal row (rest remaining time)

4 rounds of each.

Not bad - completed it fine - legs wrecked after mind you!


Work to a max power clean in 12 minutes, then complete max touch and go reps @ 70% of that.

60/70/74/77/80/84/87/90/94kg - 1 kg PR! (been stuck on 93kg for ages)

Max reps T&G - 11reps at 66kg. (70%)


T2B - 80% of max set, rest 2 minutes then 30% of max set every 30 seconds for 8 minutes

80% of max - 8 hit

Then 30% - Hit 11 Rounds of 3's and last 5 rounds were 2/3/2/2/2. Again a bit of progress from last week. But happy to be stringing these together much more consistently now.
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