Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin

30 minute hybrid spin class. On and off the bike.

Spin into max sprawls in 60 seconds x 5
Spin into 10 ball slams then 10 ball squats x 5

On for 40 off for 20 seconds.

All at 6.30am............:(:(
Condition Class - 30 mins.

Warm Up

Partnered up - turn about - 6 mins AMRAP

Rower 10 cals into 10 air squats

2 mins off

Partnered up - turn about - 6 mins AMRAP

Skier 10cals into 10 hand release pressups

Hate pressups after the skier - shoulders and arms are wrecked

Into various core exercises for 3 rounds of 2 mins - situps, half crunches etc

Then off to a 30 mins max effort spin class - rest periods cut down to bare minimum. Another sweaty mess after that.
Monday Hybrid Spin.

On and off the bike.

9kg ball slams 60 seconds, into speed steps ups with the ball on the shoulder, 60 seconds, then sprint on the bike 60 seconds. x 3

Legs like rubber after that.

Slam ball on shoulder squats 60 seconds, into shoulder ball lunges 60 seconds into sprints on bike x 3

Then tabata training on the bike - level 3/4/5/6/7/8 each level for 30 seconds, one minute off, then back down 8/7/6/5/4/3 getting faster each level till all out sprint. x 2

Cracking 30 min workout for a monday morning!

Warm up


12 mins to build up to max 5 rep Bench. 3 people.

Horrible - I have a crap bench, was dreading this.

Managed 50kg on my own and 55kg with a bit of spotting. This is something I seriously need work on. One of my partners managed 100kg with only a spot on the last rep. Very impressive.


1 mins on/1 min off x 5 - Total 10 mins.

Max cals on any machine. Partner chose rower......:(:(

Anyway - managed 112cals which was pretty happy with, would have probably preferred bike but so be it.

WOD3 -10 mins.

Dumbbell snatch - 22.5kg for me. (30 kg for the regulars!!)

Jumping pullups


28 dumbell into 28 jumping pullups into 22 dumbell etc etc.

This was pretty nasty as well - snatches got very ropey towards the end but managed to finish in 8.55.
6.30am hybrid spin.

Sprints to warm up then into intervals on/off the bike.

20 seconds on/20 seconds off - max sprints x 5 on bike
20 seconds on/20 off - jumping up to step, down into deep squat x 5
20 seconds on/20 seconds off - max sprints x 5 on bike
20 seconds on/20 off - Speed step ups. x5

20 seconds on/20 off - climbing the gears - 3/4/5/6/7/8/7/6/5/4/3

Some good hard work being put in.

Never be upset if someone chooses a movement or exercise you don't like. Always work on your weaknesses :)

Warm up


Deadlifts - 5 x 60kg, 5 x 70kg 5 x 80kg 5 x 90kg.

4 man teams - I started on WOD3, 4 x 5 min Wods, 3 mins rest in between.


5 Mins
5 Press Up Renegade Rows L&R 20kg
10 Box step ups.

Disgusting - I'm rubbish at pressups on their own but the renegade rows are nasty things. Managed 4 times thru this one. Not great but with dreadful technique towards the end it was a struggle.


5 mins
75 wall balls 9kg
Remaining time ball slams

Now this is the first proper time doing wall balls......it's a technique I'll need to work on. Really struggled with the technique, weight was fine but catching and then into squat and driving up and out and throwing I need to work on. Only managed 66 but something to work on.


5 Min time cap
1000 row
Remaining time Hand Release Press Ups'

Row was ok - finished in 3.50, managed 18 HRPU


5 Mins AMRAP
1,2,3,4,5 etc
Deadlift 60kg
Bar hop (there and back)

Tough but weight was ok and managed 8/8 in 5 mins.

Very tough workout but buzzing to get another crossfit class done.
5 days, 5 gym visits! Never thought I'd say that!

Only a quick 30 min conditioning class as I had a lot to do today but man that was brutal!!

warm up

20 mins - partner workout - try and finish.

Slam ball 9kg

20 for me then 20 for partner (turnabout), then 18 each, then 16 each, 14 each, 12 each, 10 each

Then 30 cals between us on the assault bike

Then same again 20 each down to 10 - 20kg russian kettle bell swings (alternating)

Then 30 cals again between us

Then 12" box - 20 down to 10, box over jumps.

Just fell short - down to 12 each on the box overs.

I think where we didn't think about it was a few pairs used bikes at the same time, where as we just used the one bike, i did 15 cals then partner did 15 after me.

Brutal to try and finish - doesn't sound like a lot but hard work in 20 mins!

Weekend off and hit it hard on Monday again!
I'm tempted by a med ball for some anger management- what weight would you suggest? I'm averagely strong (120g squat, 155kg deadlift, 90kg bench)

The slam balls at the gym are usually 9kg - doesn't sound a lot but it starts to hurt after a while!!
Also I think the wall balls (bigger in size) are also 9kg.

Averagely strong!! - think your doing yourself a big disservice there!!!
Monday Morning Crossfit.

WOD - 20 seconds on/40 seconds off.

6 or 7 person team.
  • Assault Bike
  • Double KB Cleans (24/16)
  • Box Jump Over
  • Burpees
  • Toes to Bar
  • Ball Slams
  • Rest
x 5 Rounds

Doesn't sound much 20 second on but 5 full rounds moving to each station is a killer. I can't do toe to bar yet so it was knee ups basically.

Managed pretty well but tough going.

Then Coaches Choice finisher.....

Partner up - 7 mins alternating
  • 5 sprawls
  • 10 HRPU
  • 15 Air Squats
Managed 3.5 times thru this lot

The HORROR that is Front Squats.....


3RM Front Squat - Never really front squatted before so this was mainly about trying to find my position/technique/grip/bar resting etc - Managed 65kg which was fine for 3RM to start - maybe a bit more in the tank but felt it's something I need to do more of before pushing on.


Partner up

4 Min On, 4 Min Off x 3


Front Squats - 50kg
Burpee Box Jumps (30inch)
Pull Ups (jumping pull ups for me from a box as I can't do pull ups!!)

* Start each round where you finished the last one.

Horrible. So 4 mins to do 2 Squats into 2 burppe box jumps into 2 pull ups, into 4/4/4 into 6/6/6 etc in 4 mins. Then 4 mins off whilst partner goes - then start where I finished last time.

First round was ok but the 50kg front squat was hard when I got to 8 reps/10 reps!! Dropped to 40 for the next round and final round. Got to 4 squats into the round of 14 in my 3 sets. Burpees are horrible things to then jump on a box!!!

Probably the hardest feeling session I've done so far. Never properly front squatted so that hurt bad!
Friday night crossfit!

15 min work/practice on any gymnastic skill - pull ups/handstands/muscle ups etc etc - basically just trying to get good technique etc


AMRAP - 30 min limit

Partner work out - split between you however you want.

1000m row
50 KB Swings (24kg)
40 goblet squats (24kg)
30 Pull ups or Supine ring pulls up
20 down and ups

X 3

Hard hard work - split equally between us, got into round 3 and completed row/swings and squats in the time. Very tough. Happy with using the 24kg KB as I usually drop a little weight here still. Pull ups of any kind need work from me, really struggle with them as I have no upper body strength so this is going to be a long way/hard work to get a decent pull up.

12 mins to work up to Max 2RM Power Clean (5 man groups)

- this was hard for me as never done Power Cleans! - anyway a bit of coaching and I managed to get 70kg for 2 reps. Need to work on my technique to improve


5 man teams

3 mins on, 1 min off move to next station.

Power cleans (50kg) AMRAP
Skier (max cals)
Double Kettlebell Rack Carry (20kg) there and back as one rep
toe to bar OR Plank
Wallball (9kg) catch into sprawl

Tough one all round - I ended up starting on the rack carry and finished on Power Cleans - felt a bit better working on my own with the Power Cleans and got a bit better technique by the end.

Anyway - off for a couple of days away with the missus but hotel has a massive gym so probably do a few workouts to keep the beers/food intake under control. Got rid of the kids for 2 nights so first time in 10 years me and the missus have more than 24 hours alone!!!
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