Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin

PT Session this morning.

Working on transition from "high knees" to straight legs - mini EMOM for 10 mins - 5 straight leg swings.

Then played a game......

250m full gas row - however you had to let the rower "spin" down and stop on exactly 250m...... For ever 1m over or under, you got one penalty point....

So it was 10 x 250m full gas efforts. (1 min between first 5 then 1.30 between next 5) - Kept all of them below 1.40 for 500m pace and ended up with 30 penalty points!! It's very hard to judge when going full gas when to stop....

Coach gave me burpee bar touches as punishment......yuck.....did them there and then.....Tough session but playing a "game" as part of the work out was fun!!
Strength Bootcamp - Wednesday night

Idea for tonight was to find your 1RM back squat. So the guys that have been doing it for a while looking to push their 1RM up. I don't really know mine having only started 6 weeks ago so just find where I'm at. I'm doing sets of 7 @ 92.5kg and I've done one set of 3 at 100kg before in this 6 week block.

Anyway -

40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
70kg x 3
80kg x 3
90kg x 3
95kg x 1
100kg x 1
102.5kg x 1
105kg - failed twice.

Kind of funny - happy to set a benchmark and since I've never squatted more than 85kg 6 weeks ago, I'm happy to be up at 102.5kg. However at the same time disappointed to not get 105/107.5kg etc as I thought that would be possible. Maybe just a bit too much training as I've been in Sat/Mon/Tues/Wednesday PT session and then this session. Also going to start tracking my food intake.....I'm fairly clean eater but I think I'm not eating enough.

So first 6 weeks of bootcamp. 85kg to 102.5kg - happy enough but a little disappointed. Going for another 6 weeks - Some others got some monster numbers - think best last night was 220kg for a single.
Thursday Crossfit

Not sure I wanted to go today as I was feeling tired from 4 sessions in 3 days but wife was going so decided to head in.


2RM - Hang Power Clean

Not my greatest, I know in my head how it's supposed to work techincally but I never seem to put it together correctly!! Got to my usual 60kg, tried for 70kg and got it high enough but didn't get under it enough. Some more practice required here.

WOD1 - 7 min time cap
  • Wall Balls
  • Rower
10,10 cals /20,20 cals /30,30 cals

This was not too bad - I don't mind rowing so got it all done in 6.45. Again always happy to finish. Wall Balls are definitely improving as this used to slow me down.

WOD2 - 7 Min Time Cap
  • 30 Cal Assault Bike
  • 60 Russian KB Swings (24kg)
  • 30 Cal Assault Bike
Finished in 6.50 so again pretty chuffed but was hard work. Normally I would drop to a 20kg KB but decided to go with 24kg and did struggle a bit but got them done.

WOD3 - 7 min time cap - 5 Rounds
  • 5 push press
  • 10 hang cleans
  • 15 box step ups (20")
40kg on the bar - gassed badly here - lots of shoulder and arm work this week so far and felt it big time here. Really empty in the shoulders and got 3 full rounds completed. Disappointing finish but probably just tired from a lot sessions this week (5 sessions in 4 days)
Conditioning Class

Not going to list everything but basically lots of body weight stuff, hillclimbers, air squats, speed step ups, ball slams etc - 30 seconds on/30 second off. 5 rounds. Then similar but 45 seconds on /45 second off. pretty much full 30 mins. Gassy and sweaty!

Then 30 mins of spin class.

Probably take it easy this weekend as that's 6 sessions in last 5 days.

3RM Power Clean - Managed 3 @ 60kg and 1 @ 70kg. Need to work on getting under the bar more as I'm still trying to pull it all the way up.

WOD - 2 min timecap each station. Rest for the remaining time before moving on if you finish.
  • 12 Cal assault bike, 10 Double Kettlebell cleans (20kg)
  • 10 Burpees, 10 Box jump (30")
  • 15 Ring Rows, 20 Ball Slams
  • Rest
3 Full Rounds.

Didn't look too bad but by the end felt awful....I would normally scale to 16kg dumbells but trying to push myself a bit with the 20kg. Did step ups to the 30" box as my knees don't deal well with jumping! Felt good after resting Saturday and just squats yesterday but really pumped by the end of this one. Finished all reps in all rounds.

3RM - Muscle Snatch.

A new one for me....hard work trying not the re-dip the knees like a power snatch and just muscle it up. Managed to get 40kg for 3, then 2 @ 45kg.



6 Mins on/6 Mins off
  • 40 Cal Row
  • 40 Power Snatch (35kg)
  • 40 Single Arm Dumbell Push Press (20kg)
  • 40 Wall Balls (9kg)
  • 40 T2B or Straight Leg lifts
  • 40 Plate holding Step ups (15kg)
3 Rounds - So I go for 6 mins, partner goes for 6 mins, then me back in for 6 mins etc - starting each round where you left off last time. Aimed to get through it at least once which I did and then buried myself on the rower in the last 1:40 to get a full round Wod plus 25 cals. Totally broken by the end. Snatch is still a killer for me, I lose so much time on that.
Strength Bootcamp - Week 1

A new 6 week block (my 2nd) - weekly squatting and homework to be done at the weekends.

6 Weeks will be along the lines of sets of 5 this week, 3's the following, 1's after that and then 5,3,1 again.

So had to aim for 5 sets of 5 @ 90kg for me (this weight was 85% of my 1RM set last week plus 2.5kg) - complete ok - felt decent for a change!!
PT Session - Thursday

Not going to list all the bits but basically a strength workout including, dumbell rows, strict pullups (with band), bench press, shoulder press etc.
Friday Conditioning

Partners on/off
  • 8 Cal Bike
  • 10 Step Side Touch ups
  • 5 Drainer Lunges (basically a burpee, into an air squat into a lunge on each side counts as 1 rep)
10 mins AMRAP
  • 8 Cal Ski
  • 10 Hand Step ups
  • 10 15kg Ball slams
10 Min AMRAP

Into 30 min spin class
17 year old from our gym is European Crossfit Champ Teens - Superb work from him and he'll be back in the gym tomorrow like nothing has happened. Best thing is he works with the kids classes so both my kids are excited to be trained by a European champ!

Anyway - Squat Bootcamp homework today

Warm up - lots - then main sets was 10 reps (!!!) @ 75% of 1RM

So 3 x 10 @ 78kg for me. Not heavy but the 10 reps really start to hurt at the end!

3RM - Hang Power Clean

Arrghhhh - this one is starting to get in my head. I'm over thinking this too much. Being tall is not a good thing for this - stuck on my same 60kg for 3 reps. Need to find some practise time.

WOD - 20 seconds on/40 seconds off - 5 rounds
  • Max Cal Bike
  • 24" box jump or step overs
  • 50kg Hang Power Cleans
  • Down and Up's
  • T2B or High knee/straight legs
  • 9kg Wall Balls
Didn't look that bad on the board but got very gassy on the legs heading into 4th round.

More weakness work!

5RM Push Press - Did 5 @ 50kg and was happy with that. Having seen the workout I didn't want to force myself to try 55kg etc.

WOD - 25 min time cap.
  • 50 Step Ups (24")
  • 50 Jumping Pull Ups
  • 50 KB Swings (24kg)
  • 50 Walking Lunges
  • 50 Knee to Elbow or high knees
  • 50 Push Press (20kg)
  • 50 Ball Slams (15kg)
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 DU (or step touch ups)
yeah well.....it happened.....Any order you wanted. Horrible towards the end. Probably made the mistake of leaving burpees to last but got through most of it ok, but ended up with KB swings and burpees last. Really on the limit at the end and I finished in 24:52.

Totally destroyed at the end.

Then 100 situps between 2 passing 15kg plate in 5mins. Think we got to 80.

Then did 10 mins work on my Hang Clean. Really need to focus on my jump/shrug as I'm still trying to pull the bar up rather than use the momentum of the jump to get it up.
Squat Bootcamp

Week 2 of the new 6 week block - last week's 5 sets of 5 reps to 6 sets of 3 reps tonight but adding 5kg from last weeks 5 reps (90kg) - so 95kg tonight.

Warm up

Bar x lots
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 3
90kg x 3

Then 6 set of 3 @95kg. Not bad, a few bits of dodgy form but all dealt with ok overall. Happy with progress again this week and sticking to the program set by the head coach and numbers going up every week. Next week back to singles! 1RM
PT Session.

Mainly Core and grip strength work.

Dips 4 set x 8 reps with band to help
GHD Situps (first time!) 4 x 10
Plank 30 seconds on/off for 5 mins.
Farmers walk with 20kg dumbells x 2 LOTS!!! with 12 cal Assault bike between walks for 10 mins!!
Friday Conditioning

Partner Waterfall Workout - 15 min AMRAP
  • 10 Cals Assault Bike
  • 10 Down and Ups
  • 10 Box Step ups (24")
  • 10 15kg Ball Slams
  • 10 Jack-knife situps
  • 10 Ball Squats
  • 10 Ball Push Press
So basically first person goes and does bike, then 2nd bike, the 1st does bike & D&U etc etc - adding an exercise every round. So more rest but more work.....damn that was a sweaty one again. Got into the Ball squats round.

Then 30 mins of spin class.
Mini Work out as my son was at the Crossfit Kids class.
  • 4 x 8 reps dips (using a band to help)
  • 4 x 10 reps @ 15kg each side on low row
  • 5 x 5 reps EMOM - Straight leg lifts
  • Then 10 rounds of 20 seconds on / 40 seconds off - Assault bike - max out. Aimed for 100 cals over the 10 rounds and fell short with 95. Blew up with 2 to go!:p:p
Squat Bootcamp Homework.

3 sets of 10 @ 83kg. That's a 5kg increase from last weeks 10's. Happy with that. All progress in the right direction.

5RM Weighted Pull Up's - Or for us mere mortals, banded pull ups! Working on strict pullups with blue band.

WOD1 - Cindy- 4 Rounds (time cap 6 mins)
  • 5 Pull Ups (10 jumping pull ups for me)
  • 10 Press ups
  • 15 Air Squats
Then 9kg wall balls for the rest of the time

4 mins rest.

WOD2 - 6 Min
  • 35 Cal Assult Bike
Then 20kg Dumbell Snatch alternative arms.

4 mins rest.

WOD3 - 6 Mins
  • 1000m Row
Then max burpees for remaining time

Good workout this one for me - I'm much more endurance based than strength. Cindy is always a tough one but got it done and 24 Wallballs. WOD2 - smashed the bike (first off it in around 1:50) and got 53 snatches done. WOD3 - Again good row, just under 4 mins and got 30 burpees done.

Really happy with that today. So counting the reps after each one I had a score of 24+53+30 (107) which was fairly well up the board in the gym for me! Good sweaty session that one.
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