Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin


Feeling tired - training a lot recently and think it caught up a bit today on me.

3RM Front Squat

Not bad - squatting from the rack so built up to 3 @ 80kg. Went for 90kg but not there. Also I usually take a good bit longer warming up for squatting with more stretches but 15 mins to get this done was shorter than usual.

WOD - EMOM - 4 Rounds
  • 12 cal Ski
  • 12 Front Squats 50kg
  • 9 Burpee box jumps
  • 9 50kg slam balls - up to shoulder.
  • 20 High Knees
  • rest
Yuck - Ski was fine each round, front squats were horrible as I'm a fairly slow squatter so trying to get 12 in was never going to happen, 8,8,6,5, Got 8 each round in the burpee box jumps, 50kg slam was too much, dropped to 30kg. High knees were fine.

Sucked big time - rest was getting down to 10/15 seconds a round and struggled at the end to keep up.
Squat Bootcamp Week 3

Heavy Singles was the aim of tonight. Not 1RM territory but close. 92.5% of your 1RM for 8 singles.

Warmed up and then set about 8 singles @ 95kg. Did 7 of them @ 95, then last one at 100kg. Considering my 1RM is 102.5kg pretty happy with that.

Not looking forward to homework this week - 4 sets of 10 reps!!! (adding 2.5kg from last weeks 10's!!)

Wasn't planning on going today but one of my clients cancelled on me so why not....

Strength - Max weight.
  • 3 Deadlift
  • 2 Hang Clean
  • 1 Push Press
arghhh - yuck - two of my worst movements in one complex. I knew 60kg on the Hang is still my limiting factor. Got the 60kg done, tried 65kg and got it done (finally!) and got 3 deads and 1 hang clean at 70kg. Chuffed to finally break through the 60kg barrier as it's been in my head for a while!

WOD1 - 8 min AMRAP
  • 12 deads
  • 9 hang cleans
  • 6 push press
  • 20 barhops
50kg for me. Yuck - real nasty one. A grind for 8 mins. Got 3 full rounds done plus deads in 4th. Horrible. Push press became the limiting factor for me. Long arms don't do you any favours on push press.

WOD2 - 8 Min AMRAP

3 on each, then 6 on each, then 9 etc etc
  • bike Cals
  • 20kg overhead ball slams
  • box step ups
Much more to my liking. Went pretty much round for round with another guy beside me and got full round of 15 done and buried myself on the bike to get 16 cals into the 18 round. Pleased with that.

Amazing how wrecked you feel after a total of 16 mins work!
Saturday Team WOD

Two grave errors made at the outset......supposed to be 3 man teams, I ended up in just a pair. Second error was picking the Assault bike for Calories part....... (Skier would have been better i think)

Waterfall - 40min AMRAP
  • 12 Cal Bike
  • 10 Box Step ups/Jump Ups (24")
  • 10 American KB Swings (20kg)
  • 10 Drainers
  • 10 Dumbbell Cleans (22.5kg)
Add 2 Reps at the end of the round.

Start with 1st man on bike, 2nd man on bike, then 1st man on bike and box, 2nd man on bike and box, 1st on bike,box,swings etc etc. Basically adding an exercise each time.

Our issue was less rest here, obviously in a 3 man team you get more time off but hey ho....

Tough slog for 40 mins as a pair but we got through the full setup twice (12's for everything the second time round). Good effort between us.

Core finisher at the end was 5 mins of alternative jackknife's 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4 etc. That hurt bad.

Cheat meal tonight - Got a taste for a big juicy burger and fries! Been good all week!

Strength -

3RM Muscle Snatch - Not a favourite for me being 6ft 3 - no redip, no push etc. 40kg was my best about 2 months ago. Managed 50kg tonight so happy with that.

WOD1 - 8 Min EMOM
  • 8 Assault bike Cals
  • 8 35kg Muscle Snatch.
Yuck yuck yuck - This sucked big time. I could get the bike done in about 18/20 seconds but then getting on the bar was another 4/5 seconds so trying to aim to get 8 muscle snatch done was never going to happen. I always got the 8 on the bike but then only got 6,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 done on the snatch. Trying to leave myself at least 15 seconds of rest.

WOD2 - 8 Min EMOM
  • 8 Box Jump (24")
  • 8 Down and Up
This was ok actually - Step ups for me (due to dodgy knees) - and D&U's I kind of don't mind actually - sweaty and close to the time but usually got them done in 45 seconds. All done

WOD3 - 8 Min EMOM
  • 6 Dumbell Thrusters (20kg each side)
  • 6 T2B (or 12 high knees)
Horrible - I ended up going with a single 30kg dumbell due to a mix up with the dumbells. Managed the thrusters ok and high knees are never nice having to double them but got them all done in time.

Full on sweatfest tonight.

Gymnastic practice - anything you want. So I did a mini EMOM - 5 strict pull ups using blue band. 5 rounds. Then some skipping practice - not got double unders - just basic skipping practice at the moment.

WOD1 - 10 Min time cap.
  • 42 Single alt dumbell snatch (20kg)
  • 21 Burpee Box Jump overs (24")
  • 30 Single alt dumbell snatch (20kg)
  • 15 Burpee Box overs Jump
  • 18 Single alt dumbell snatch (20kg)
  • 9 Burpee Box overs Jump
I did burpee step ups overs instead of jumps. Partner on/off etc - Idea being helping with standards and motivation leading up to open etc - I Went 2nd, partner Andy is a proper Rx athlete and smashed this in 8.32. I dug REAL deep here and knew I would struggle a bit with the time cap but some great motivation from Andy, and really pushing me I finished in 9.52. Very chuffed with that. Without him, I don't think I would have pushed as hard.

WOD2 - 6 min Cap - 2 rounds.
  • 25 9kg Wall Balls
  • 50 Single arm Dumbell swings (20kg)
Yuck - I can wall ball ok but I'm slow so I knew I was up against this. Partner did around 5.40 so I knew completing this was going to be almost impossible. First round was ok but wall balls went to pot in the 2nd and got 25 swings done at the cap. Not bad.

Overall another tough couple of workouts. But having a good partner to motivate is really helpful.
Receiving and releasing the ball on the wall balls is key, as soon as your technique breaks down it is game over! I also find them a million times easier with lifters on!
Strength bootcamp. (back squat)

5's again tonight, week 4 of the program. 5kg on to your last sets of 5 that was week 1. So 90 < 95kg for me.

My numbers are all a bit "clumped" up at the moment with just starting out but 5 x 5 @ 95kg was done but it was very hard work tonight - some ropey form towards the last set but in the bag all the same!!
PT Session - Thursday

Again working mainly on Upper body strength etc
  • 5 sets of 10 High Knees - pleased with this as sets of 10 were a struggle 6/8 weeks ago.
  • 5 Rounds - 5 Blue band strict pullups into 5 green band dips. - again pull ups feeling better all the time - I will get a strict one done at some point this year!!
  • 4 sets of 10 Bend over row - bar plus 30kg
  • Skier 20 on/40 off - 10 rounds - max cals - 7 cals every time bar one which was 6.....annoyed me to drop that one!!
Focused and determined to get a proper strict pull up one day!

Condition Class

5 x 2 mins rounds (2 mins rest inbetween)
  • 20 Plate speed step ups
  • 15 Plate touch press
  • 10 burpee plate step ups
  • max cal bike
sweaty one this - got through the plate stuff around about 1.10 so 50 seconds on the bike was nasty.

Spin Class

Usual sweat fest. Always a good sweaty cardio hours work on a Friday.

Afternoon session

Power cleans - 3 reps @ 30/40/50/60/65 and 1 @ 70kg.
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Sunday Night - Bootcamp Homework

Back to 3 set of 10 but adding 2.5kg from last week again. So 87.5kg for 3 sets of 10. Again tough going - 5 reps or so are fine but then it really starts to hurt! Done.


Barebell complex - 2 power snatch into 2 push press into 2 front squat.

Knew that I would probably fail on the push press part first but got 55kg done, failed on the push press part 3 times at 60kg, but eventually got it on my 4th attempt to complete it all at 60kg.

WOD1 - Tabata - 20 second on/40 off - 4 rounds
  • power snatch
  • push press
  • front squat
All at 45kg. Tough going but set myself a target of 5 reps every movement, every round and completed that each time. Pretty happy to maintain that every round. Tasty on the arms/shoulders after this!!

WOD2 - Tabata - 20 second on/40 off - 4 rounds
  • Assault bike cals
  • weighted plate situps (15kg above you)
  • down and ups
Not to bad this one after the first wod. Assault bike - smashed each time (17,14,12,12) and then focused on 7 situps and 7 down and ups in each round.

Shoulders and arms feeling very tired after this lot.

5 RM Power Snatch

never a favourite but hey ho......managed 5 reps @ 45kg. It's long way to get the bar when your 6ft 3" - worked on hook grip as well.

WOD1 - 9 min cap
  • 40 9kg wall balls
  • 40 20kg American KB swings
  • 40 30" box jump (step ups for me)
  • 40 9kg Wall Balls
Went 28 unbroken in the wall balls to start which is a new PB for me. Step ups looked ridiculous on 30" box but did them ok, then pushed hard (had to beat my wife beside me!) - last wall ball bang on the cap of 9 mins. Very happy to get it done.

WOD2 - 9 min cap.
  • 15 Cal Row
  • 15 Power Snatch (35kg)
4 Rounds

Row is fine, snatch was hard, broke it into sets of 5. Struggled with snatch every round - Got 3 full rows and 10 snatch done in the cap.
Wednesday Squat Bootcamp.

Sets of 3 tonight - 95kg was weight 3 weeks ago for 3's.....decided to jump 5kg to 100kg tonight. Managed 6 sets of 3 @ 100kg. Last set of 3 was a bit ropey but I was just in a pair tonight so we went fairly quick through the sets working under fatigue. Happy to get 6 sets at just 2.5 kg under my 1RM!

One of the guys hit the 500lb club tonight for a set of 3! (227kg)

Supposed to have my PT session today but my coach had a baby last night so session was cancelled. Decided to do class instead - BAD IDEA!!!

Strength - 3RM Deadlifts

Legs were heavy from last nights squats but pushed up to 140kg x 3 before we ended that bit. Will need to find a few days rest and hit my Dead's again to see if I can PB past the 140kg.

Each WOD was 6 mins on with 3 mins rest in between.

  • 50 cal bike
  • AMRAP 20kg single arm dumbell clean and press.
  • 10 Deadlifts (60kg)
  • 10 box step ups
  • Double unders (if not step touch jump ups)
  • butterfly situps
50,50,40,40,30,30 etc.

  • Down and Up's
  • 20kg Ball Slam
10,10,9,9,8,8 etc etc

Tough going all round - WOD1 - bike was done and got 24 clean and press done. WOD2 - 5 full rounds, WOD3 - 50 & 50, 40 & 30. WOD4 - 10,10 down to finishing the round of 5's. Brutal.

Also I'm in the open!! God knows why i've done this to myself......4.30pm to 6.30pm tomorrow night for 18.1 at the gym. Bricking it!
Good man. The Open is my favourite time of year, the atmosphere in our box is fantastic. Don't worry, we all get the nerves!
Friday Night

Crossfit Games -18.1
  • 8 High Knees
  • 10 Dumbell Clean and press (16kg)
  • 14 Cal row
20 min AMRAP

I was 318 reps scaled - 2 cals short of 10 rounds - pretty happy with that. Fast but steady pace all the way through on the row. No major pauses either, just the odd 3/4 second pause. Pleased to get one in the bank. Nothing much left at the end.

Then we had a massive box throwdown.....Partner WOD (break up anyway you want)
  • 70 cal Ski
  • 70 dumbell clean and press (22.5kg)
  • 70 D&U
  • 70 Ball Slams or Pull ups
  • 70 Dumbell Snatch (22.5kg)
  • 70 Cal Ski

20 mins - We got within 34 cals of finishing which wasn't bad considering I'd emptied the tank on 18.1 about 60 mins earlier!

Just stuff a chinese takeaway down - first bit of junk food in about a month and it was AWESOME!
Weekend off so back to it today.


Strength - 3RM deadlift

Didn't want to go overboard on this one today as there was deads in the WOD so did 3 x 120kg and called it there.

WOD1 - 7 Min EMOM

  • 90kg deadlift x 7
  • burpee barhop x 7
Tough one to get all that in the time and at least 15/20 rest. Despite having 140kg dead, the 90 on fast reps was tough. Did rounds of 7,7,6,6,6,5,5 to allow for at least 15 seconds rest.

WOD 2 - 7 min AMRAP

  • 30 wall balls (9kg)
  • 20 Pull ups (jumping pull ups for me)
  • 15 30" step ups (jump ups if you have them)
Tough one again after the deads! Got a total of 105 reps done.

Tried to get my squat homework done after this! Short of time this week due to kids activites etc. Didn't go well.....supposed to be 3 x 10's @ 90kg but knee was giving me "jip" so just did 5 x 5 @ 80kg instead.

Gymnastic Practise

banded pull ups practice - 5 blue band pull ups for 5 sets. Blue band was low down so feeling stronger with my pull ups. Also "nearly" got my first T2B!

Some skipping practice - just singles as I need to get that consistent before doubles

WOD - 25 mins AMRAP
  • 60 air squats
  • 50 20kg KB Swings (american)
  • 40 Cals on Bike
  • 30 T2B or Straight Legs
  • 20 Burpee Box Jumps
  • 100 Double unders or 50 Box Step Ups
Tough shift again. Got one full round plus squats, swings, bike and 6 Straight Legs done.
Squat Bootcamp

Heavy singles tonight - 95% of 1RM for 8. However my numbers are a bit all over the place.

My 1RM from 6 weeks ago is 102.5kg, and I did 6 set of 3 reps @ 100kg last week. So I did 100kg x 4, 105kg, 108kg, 108kg and 110kg!! Not really supposed to be testing 1RM but felt good so smashed it.

Really pleased to see the progress from 6 weeks ago. 7.5kg PR tonight.
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