Mk4 Astra SXi info please!

[TW]Fox said:
It's not 'better than a crummy Focus' - it is a poorer car than a Focus in every respect bar asthetics. The only thing it does better than the Focus is, in your opinion, look better. It's not as reliable, it doesnt handle as well, it isn't as well built, it just plain is not as good as the Focus.

If you hate the way the Focus looks then fine - I also dont like the Focus interior (but lets face it the Astra isnt much better inside is it? At least the Focus just looks odd rather than feels cheap) but it doesnt make the Focus crummy, looks aside its far and away a better car.

idk, i drove the focus aswell and the steering didnt feel as positive or sure footed as the astra. The interior felt about the same build quality as the focus, but didnt look like sick.
It seems that from peoples comments on the Focus, you would think it was leagues ahead of the competition.. the statement being used was "It isn't better than a focus though, in any way."...

I know the focus is a good car, and it has the best 'drive' in it's class, but apart from that, it's all subjective to a point..

Just comparing a 2000/2001 SXI 1.8 Astra Vs 2.0 Zetec Focus, I've picked the 2.0 Focus, as it's the closest match to the 1.8 Astra, and the one people are recommending

The Astra beats it to 60 (8.5 Vs 8.9), beats it flat out (127 Vs 125), beats it on MPG (37 Vs 32), and has the same insurance rating..

The interiors are subjective, I find the Astra a little 'black' and imposing, the Focus a bit fisher price..

The Focus does handle better, although the Astra with sports suspension is not too shabby, it does lack feel, but it has some grip, but lets face it the Focus wins in that department..

Reliability wise, well, the focus is reliable, but then again the Astra is not too bad, certainly well below average for breakdowns..

So on performance the Astra Wins, on Economy the Astra wins, then subjectively people may prefer the Astra interior leaving the focus being a slightly better handling car with slightly better reliability..

It doesn't seem that clear cut..

Anyway back OT..

Chris, if you want a 1.8 SXi, you need to be aware that in 2000 they upped the power output from 115BHP to 125BHP with gearing changes, this turns the lowly SXI into a pretty warm hatch, shaving almost 1s to 60MPH..
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I'm going to stick my neck on the line here and say that for a car like the Astra compared to the Focus, you are wasting your time here and (may I add to the other posters in this thread), Chris has not asked for your opinions as such on the Astra, just if anyone owns one and what to look for.

Personally (and unusually for me with Fox) I hate the Focus, I loathe the very ground it sits on, it should have been aborted at birth......but, many people feel the same about the Astra.

Some people (like me) hate everything about Ford (knowing that they were for a long time built with defects so that people would shell out for parts) put me off for life. I also feel completely claustrophobic in ANY Ford i've ever sat in and think the grey plastics they use were taken from 1990s Japan!

By comparison, I love Vauxhalls, but maybe because I grew up with them and had one as my first car!

What i'm trying to say is, you have people who swear by Ford and others who swear by Vauxhall, and with the correct input from people on these forums replying to your OP (not saying OMFGWTFLOLBBQ should have bought a Ford), answer his dam question! ;)

I had the displeasure of travelling in a MY53 Ford Mundano and I looked at the pathetic excuse for a centre console and saw what looked like a 1980s Digital Watch display controlling the AC and Climate! WTF!?

And for the record, in the 2006 reliability Index, the Focus came 5th from top, the Astra 6th. So all in all, reliability is on a par, and Handling was actually easily comparable to the Focus.
Yup i've decided to go for it :D

I think the 12month warranty and brilliant history is worth it, and looking around i can get irmscher kit for 500 ish plus fitting, so that within reach no problem. I will touch up the interior console with the irmscher surround also.

I think ultimately, it will last me a long time, i wont lose much on selling it on if i decide to get rid of relatively soon, but its a car i can own into my 20's and be happy with.

Anybody got any information on an ECU remap for these suckers, as that an eagle f1's will be first on the list!
Chris, did you find out if its the 115bh or the 125bhp variant?

I wouldnt bother 'just' remapping it, its pointless on this engine. You need to focus on air filter, exhaust, cams and then think about chipping or mapping.

In addition, consider the coupe gun metal grey interior centre console as opposed to the Irmscher add on. Its a lot nicer and lifts the interior a lot. Plus, this entire console from Vaux is about £30 where the Irmscher one is nearer £60 IIRC
I see that you've already signed up to astra-sport. Have a look at the how to guides on there regarding de-restricting the air box, fitting a vectra intake and a decent panel filter, very simple and easy mods but they do help.

I think its abit expensive, id think I was lucky if i could get someone to pay £4k for my 2003 1.6 sxi with 50k miles but if you like it, go for it.

I know how you feel about the focus. I was going to get one until I test drove it, the seats were too high, I didn't like the interior & it was more expenisve to buy and insure.
Demon said:
It seems that from peoples comments on the Focus, you would think it was leagues ahead of the competition.. the statement being used was "It isn't better than a focus though, in any way."...

With the exception of the VW Golf, which is poorer in some ways than the Focus but better in others, the Focus mk1 *is* leagues ahead of the competition.

Just comparing a 2000/2001 SXI 1.8 Astra Vs 2.0 Zetec Focus, I've picked the 2.0 Focus, as it's the closest match to the 1.8 Astra, and the one people are recommending

The Astra beats it to 60 (8.5 Vs 8.9), beats it flat out (127 Vs 125), beats it on MPG (37 Vs 32), and has the same insurance rating..

The 2.0 Focus Zetec is fitted with the same MTX75 gearbox with the same ratios as the 2.0 Mondeo - this means that in order to get 60 you need 3rd year. The Astra, like all Astras, is geared to hit 60 in second, presumably so the figures look better in the brochure.

On paper, the Astra is quicker, in the real world, the Focus is the quicker car.

The interiors are subjective, I find the Astra a little 'black' and imposing, the Focus a bit fisher price..

The Astra interior is just... utilitarian. It does what it says on the tin and nothing more. Whilst there is nothing particularly nasty about it there is also nothing particularly nice about it either. It is simply 'an interior'.

The Focus interior is of better quality, has nicer plastics but unfortunately as with the exterior, the designer was on LSD at the time so it's a bit of a mess of triangularness - now the upper half of the dash works but the centre console is just horrid, I really dislike the way it doesnt come down to meet the gearstick properly.

Reliability wise, well, the focus is reliable, but then again the Astra is not too bad, certainly well below average for breakdowns..

Hmmm not sure the Astra is anything more than average in terms of reliability whereas the Focus is pretty exceptional - they are very reliable cars indeed. Poor old Minxy on here had nearly £1000 of repair bills on her well maintained, immaculate Astra 1.8.

I mean personally I wouldn't buy either - this class of car really only makes sense new or nearly new when they offer a saving of the larger, better cars in their respective product family.

At this age they are just simply ridiculously overpriced - we'll ignore the fact the Vectra is a pile of junk for a second and just point out that a 2000 W Vectra SXi would cost you well under £3k, just as a 2000 W Mondeo Zetec-S would cost a similar amount.

With the Astra and Focus you pay a pile more money for less car, it really is quite bizarre but it's something you have to get used to if you've got the 'omfg big is bad' attitude, even though neither the Vectra nor the Mondeo are really big cars.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to address Oracles point - I don't recommend the Focus becuase it is a Ford. I have absolutely zero brand loyalty whatsoever and I'm not particularly fond of any manufacturer either - I judge each individual car on its merits and not its badge.

Infact of Fords range its only the Focus and the Mondeo I like. People here will also say I'm a BMW fanboy, but again, they make more cars I dislike than cars I actually like. I like to think that badge is irrelevent to why I like a car or why i'd recommend one.
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Have an 03 Astra GSI myself and its a fantastic car, got the suspension uprated so the handling is extremly nice. Very good cars imo and above all else, VERY cheap to run, for a car that does 0-60 in 6 seconds.
Lord-Jaffa said:
Have an 03 Astra GSI myself and its a fantastic car, got the suspension uprated so the handling is extremly nice. Very good cars imo and above all else, VERY cheap to run, for a car that does 0-60 in 6 seconds.

Although about as relevent to the discussion on whether buying a 1.8 SXi is a good ideas it would be had you walked into a 'BMW 316 compact, does it suck' thread with 'My M3 CSL is amazing'.
[TW]Fox said:
With the exception of the VW Golf, which is poorer in ome ways than the Focus but better in others, the Focus mk1 *is* leagues ahead of the competition.

The 2.0 Focus Zetec is fitted with the same MTX75 gearbox with the same ratios as the 2.0 Mondeo - this means that in order to get 60 you need 3rd year. The Astra, like all Astras, is geared to hit 60 in second, presumably so the figures look better in the brochure.

On paper, the Astra is quicker, in the real world, the Focus is the quicker car.

The Astra interior is just... utilitarian. It does what it says on the tin and nothing more. Whilst there is nothing particularly nasty about it there is also nothing particularly nice about it either. It is simply 'an interior'.

The Focus interior is of better quality, has nicer plastics but unfortunately as with the exterior, the designer was on LSD at the time so it's a bit of a mess of triangularness - now the upper half of the dash works but the centre console is just horrid, I really dislike the way it doesnt come down to meet the gearstick properly.

Hmmm not sure the Astra is anything more than average in terms of reliability whereas the Focus is pretty exceptional - they are very reliable cars indeed. Poor old Minxy on here had nearly £1000 of repair bills on her well maintained, immaculate Astra 1.8.

You don't half talk some crap at times..

The Astra/Focus have almost identical power to weight ratio's, so I'd expect it to be close.. which indeed they are, in favour of the Astra, which happens to be the lighter of the two cars..

Interior quality, well if you think the old Focus has 'quality' materials, then that's your very much subjective opinion.. it's hard ill fitting ford plastics Vs tactile soft ill fitting Astra, too tough to call.

Reliability wise, the warranty direct info shows that the Focus is good with an index of 31, the Astra 52, with the average being 120, both well below average.. granted the Focus is 'better' but that isn't to say the Astra is anything but 'good'

As for Minxy, well, that's statistics for you, the sister in law has had a new gearbox on her 23,000 focus, and it still suffers from electric gremlins on the remote boot release, and central locking, the total bill for the gearbox was in excess of £1500.. but I don't think all focii are unreliable.. I had a 1.8 Astra sport, did in excess of 80K in it, totalling 130K on the clock, and the only 'problem' outside regular servicing was a faulty headlight switch stalk.. some £18..

The only thing of note with the focus is the drive is more engaging then it's rivals, and thats about it.. which isn't the be all and end all by a long chalk.
Demon said:
You don't half talk some crap at times..

Thanks for that polite, well measured response to the effort I put into that post.

Interior quality, well if you think the old Focus has 'quality' materials, then that's your very much subjective opinion.. it's hard ill fitting ford plastics Vs tactile soft ill fitting Astra, too tough to call.

I said 'of better quality' - ie, better than that of the Astra. Confused at your comment though, the entire upper half of the Focus dashboard is soft-touch plastic whereas you seem to think the whole thing is hard..?

Reliability wise, the warranty direct info shows that the Focus is good with an index of 31, the Astra 52, with the average being 120, both well below average.. granted the Focus is 'better' but that isn't to say the Astra is anything but 'good'

Fair enough.
[TW]Fox said:
Thanks for that polite, well measured response to the effort I put into that post.
well measured except the lack of facts, just very confused opinion ;) I thought you could take this abrupt repsonse, you certainly use it on other people..

I said 'of better quality' - ie, better than that of the Astra. Confused at your comment though, the entire upper half of the Focus dashboard is soft-touch plastic whereas you seem to think the whole thing is hard..?
I didn't say that, the Focus does have more 'hard' plastics used throughout the cabin, but that doesn't define quality alone, The astra has used a lot of soft/heavy materials to give a quality feel, the Doors (on the 3 dr) have a nice weighted heavy feel to them.. I was inferring that if you look at materials used panel gaps/solidity etc, the cars where quite similar. I'd find it easier to argue the Astra dash uses more tactile materials in more places, with a heavier more solid 'quality' feel, and excellent well constructed joins with close fitting gaps around the center console then the focus, but I really just think that it's more personal then that, some people like the more closed in heavier feeling Astra to the lighter feeling focus dash, horses for courses, but I'd think anyone arguing the focus is somehow much better quality is really a little bit over egging it.. ;)
Chris1712 said:
Yup i've decided to go for it :D

I think the 12month warranty and brilliant history is worth it, and looking around i can get irmscher kit for 500 ish plus fitting, so that within reach no problem. I will touch up the interior console with the irmscher surround also.

I think ultimately, it will last me a long time, i wont lose much on selling it on if i decide to get rid of relatively soon, but its a car i can own into my 20's and be happy with.

Anybody got any information on an ECU remap for these suckers, as that an eagle f1's will be first on the list!

I'm with Oracle, don't even bother with any major tuning mods because the 1.8's simply don't like them. Instead stick to the straight forward ones that will up the airflow. Several people have found that sticking a Veccy C intake pipe on along with a decent exhaust system and air filter can take them up to close on 140bhp.

Insurance groups...the difference between the SXi and the SRi is so small its not worth talking about, at least thats what I found. I originally looked for a 1.6SXi and discovered that I may as well take the next step up in both engine size and trim. The other option you could look for is the "Sport" which was an early mk4 edition but it still came with the sports seats and lowered suspension.

I'm warning you now that as a Polar Sea Blue owner myself its an absolute nightmare to keep clean but its well worth polishing up because it looks fantastic when its done. Its one of Vxl's better colours and in sunlight it can look almost purple.

Get some rims on it and get it lowered. a debadge and a general tidy up can make all the difference such as getting a decent set of plain number plates made up etc.

I've posted a couple of photos of my car (Thanks to Fox for the lovely comment) Mines a 2001 1.8SRi

All the parts I've used with the exception of the suspension are Vauxhall/Irmscher bits because I wanted my car to look like it had rolled straight off the production line. It is possible to modify on a budget, I was a student when I did mine and I managed to gradually pick bits up along the way.


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Yup, picking it up saturday. Shame cos im at work all day but oh well, and sunday, and monday, and tuesday, and wednesday, and so

Overall, i decided that it was worth going for. A years warranty and peace of mind is very nice to have after spending best part of 1500 on my 306 this year. I also realised, that a 3 door SXi with the irmscher goodies actually look pretty ace.....


Ofcourse all IMO, but hopefully within 3 months or so i can get the irmscher front spoiler/boot spoiler/skirts on, and maybe the back box if i can scrounge behind the sofa.

I also thought, that if in a years time i wanna get rid, i wont lose THAT much on it. Looking on autotrader, there arent so many sub 60k sxi's about, especially with the history this has got and hopefully the irmscher goodies by then to.

I know its not gonna get a good reception on here. But its a car i feel i can happily own into my early 20's, keep myself happy by tweaking the styling a bit Plus it will hopefully be a darn site more reliable than my 306!
Was quite nice to hear it was 80 quid less fully comp than my 306 aswell, considering its a group 9 car.

Anyone got info on getting the screen/wheel controls to work with a pioneer hu......
Yeah looking at that, looks like GSi front and SRi rear? If i can get hold of a GSi front when the time comes, i will consider it. I think irmscher front/skirts, SRi rear/spolier is where i'll be heading.

Will need the irmscher twin oval pipe aswell, yawn all adding up a bit! Gonna have to save for bare time, again.
Chris1712 said:
Yeah looking at that, looks like GSi front and SRi rear? If i can get hold of a GSi front when the time comes, i will consider it. I think irmscher front/skirts, SRi rear/spolier is where i'll be heading.

Will need the irmscher twin oval pipe aswell, yawn all adding up a bit! Gonna have to save for bare time, again.

And you'd be horriby wrong!

Its the SRi Turbo front (made by Prodrive) and SRi turbo rear. Dont confuse SRi with SRi Turbo, trust me, the SRi rear bumper never looked that good!!
Oracle said:
And you'd be horriby wrong!

Its the SRi Turbo front (made by Prodrive) and SRi turbo rear. Dont confuse SRi with SRi Turbo, trust me, the SRi rear bumper never looked that good!!

Dang i got pwnt.

Oh well, found i can get irmscher full kit for £555 inc spraying. Pretty tasty. afaik its just a masking tape/bonding glue few screws job to fit the lip spoilers, and poop off stupid plastic clip type things for the skirts.

We shall see, ill be far to poor to consider it anytime soon, but hopefully in about 3 months time.
The Mk 4 Astra is a great car. I've always been a little surprised at the negative reaction that it receives on this forum

I think personally to have a 1.8 3 dr Astra which does 0-60 in just over 8 seconds at 18 is amazing. Lucky you - enjoy it!

They are well made - I don't know where the comments are coming from here. I owned one for two years (1998 1.4 LS) and it was all very well screwed together. They're spacious inside and good travelling cars (for the class of car).

My only criticism is that they're a little bland but stick a body kit on and the silver dash inside and it really helps. The later SXIs came with the silver dash as standard kit - if yours doesn't you can get a geniune silver dash from the bay for about £30 or so and spend an hour fitting it. It'll cost a lot more from Vauxhall

They handle well - second only to the Focus according to the reviews. They depreciate sharply from new which is good news for used car buyers - you can get a younger low mileage Astra for the same price as an older higher mileage Focus.

They're safe too.

I've been in a Focus before and, honestly, I was rather disappointed. The interior was dreadful, really dreadful. I know it's been mentioned but it looks far nicer in the photos than in person. Aesthetically it's not nice - it doesn't flow or 'work'. It isn't that well made really, with gaps, and it's made from cheap materials.

I'm not saying the Focus is a bad car, far from it, but it's not streets ahead of the Astra by any means.

I'd say to forget that they're a Vauxhall as they're a good car! They're so far ahead of the awful Mk 3 it's quite something.

The cambelt needs to be done at 40,000 miles or 4 years, as mentioned. Make sure you get this done as it's a very expensive repair if it snaps! Mine cost me about £400, but that was at a main dealer, with the tensioners and water pump too.

The 40,000 mile service is a major service and this came to about £300.

The dealer service, at least in Broadstairs, was very good too. Check your brake pads, brake discs and wheel bearings as these often need doing at 40,000 miles too
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