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MLAA on 4870 GPU - How to inside...

12 Sep 2003
Newcastle, UK
I thought it best to post this in a new topic, so that it is not lost inside the big thread. For those interested in the discussion, please go here:-


Post #277 by KNiVES explains this process, however, it is not very clear as it is taken from a German translation, so here is a tidy version. :) All credit to those who discovered this, I do not want to take any for this. :)

MLAA on 4870 GPU

I have installed the 10.10c hotfix drivers and I run Win7 64-bit with a 4870 GPU.

1. Download the fixed package. - http://www.mediafire.com/?5h6cpooivo4sbox

2. Extract to a folder on your PC. (I use 7-Zip)

3. Extract Setup.exe. (Again, I use 7-Zip)

4. When I extracted Setup.exe, it did it in the same folder. So I then simply browsed to ...\Packages\Drivers\Display\W76A_INF\B107032.

5. Take out "atiumdag.dl_" and place somewhere easy, say on your desktop.

6. Run a CMD prompt (as Admin). Do a change directory (CD) to your desktop location and enter, "expand atiumdag.dl_ atiumdag.dll"

7. You should now have "atiumdag.dll" on your desktop. Place this into C:\Windows\SYSWOW64. (Re-name the original file just in case).

OK, so that's the file copy done. Now we need to alter a few settings in the Registry. I'd recommend taking a backup, just in case you want to revert back easily.

This is where it's slightly tricky. The original suggested Reg locations were different for me. It looks like they differ depending if you have a 4850 or a 4870. So these steps below are what worked for me.

1. Open up Regedit.

2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000

3. Put in the following settings (you should have these entries already. I did not have one or two, so I simply added them as a NEW > String Value):-

4. Within the same location, expand out ...\0000 and drill down to UMD. (i.e. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000\UMD)

5. Put in the following settings (again, most of these I had and most were set correctly):-
"AntiAliasSamples_SET"= "0,2,4,8"
"AntiAliasMapping_SET"="0(0:0,1:0) 2(0:2,1:2) 4(0:4,1:4) 8(0:8,1:8,2:16)"

6. Repeat the above two steps, but this time in a slightly different location. For me, I found this location by myself. The original instructions did not help me here. I went to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Video and could not find the folder listed. BUT, if you simply expand the keys out (I had 5 sub-folders within ...\Video) you will find one that has all of the same options you saw previously. The other locations, have very little in them, so that's how I knew which to choose. So in the end, I settled on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Video\{0307D824-4705-4DA4-AB1A-86192E5EC04C}.

7. You will have a ...\0000 folder and a ...\0001 folder. And again, simply apply the settings from step 3 in here.

8. Within each of them you have the ...\UMD folder. Again, apply the settings from step 5 in here.

For info... For those with a 4850 GPU, the original instructions listed these as the Reg location:-


As I say, these were no good for me.


That's it! Reboot the PC and you should get....



Now... off to test some games! :D

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I've got the checkbox for MLAA to appear in the CCC, but it doesn't seem to work in WoW, is that just me?

edit: never mind, I turned off DX11 for it. It works, but it's very glitchy. There's a black bar flickering across the entire screen, and the HuD is affected. It's also that way in ME2. Did you encounter anything like that on your end?
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I got it to work-ish, too. Tested it with Trackmania and got the black bars flickering as well. Edit: Also with the option enabled, windowed DirectX applications tend not to display anything.
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Hi all

I will try some games tonight, I never actually got around to it the other night. :(

Will report back, sorry to hear about the black flickering bar... will see if I get that too.

Glad to help. :)
OK, just tried Battlefield Bad Company 2, and that was OK. Will test another game... will give GTAIV a try.
OK, black flickering bar in GTAIV. But I resolved this by simply unticking "Use Application Settings" for AA. So if you look at the screenshot I posted, the tickbox on the left I simply de-selected. This seemed to resolve the issue.

Let me know if this works for ME2 and WoW. :)
I've tried GTA4, Dead Space, Arma 2 and Oblivion, all of which have the black lines flickering. GTA4 looked the same as did Oblivion (which also seemed very choppy), Arma2 looked a little better and Dead Space looked better, I can actually force AA in Dead Space now which I could never do before.
I've tried GTA4, Dead Space, Arma 2 and Oblivion, all of which have the black lines flickering. GTA4 looked the same as did Oblivion (which also seemed very choppy), Arma2 looked a little better and Dead Space looked better, I can actually force AA in Dead Space now which I could never do before.


Did you try unticking "use application settings" for AA?

Hi there ummmm whats it actualy do any ways? and is it just to make things look nice or will it make me game run better ARMA2 that is :).
A few days old this post I know but, got the option enabled on my Sapphire 4850 however all games suffer from the flickering back bar, so the hack works just looks like, or in my case, the 4850 does not want to work with it.
MLAA doesnt work on 4*** guys sorry.
This came straight from the AMD's Cat's team. Not enough processing power or something like that...
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