Modded the wifes punto!!

geiger said:
I think it looks good, Iam a long term fan of those inset style alloys also though they weigh more I think ?

Two wheels of the same dimensions, design and construction with different offsets will weigh the same.

If half the people who whitter on about lightweight alloy wheels (usually Mondeo owners with 18" Superleggaras) knew what they were jabbering about they wouldn't buy them (using the Mondeo example - 15x6 steels and higher-profile tyres are lighter than 18" alloys and no-profile rubber...)

geiger said:
I think it looks good, Iam a long term fan of those inset style alloys also though they weigh more I think ?

Is the Punto a TD and you did a screw mod job on it

its an auto manual so no :p
I saw someone elses car get modified last night.

Went to KFC with a friend then parked up and there was about 20 chavs around us. So we just ignored them, or I did but my friend kept looking at them (idiot!), anyway they didn't take any notice of me and my car but some boy racer in his Corsa came booting it around the carpark and all the chavs ran after him and one of them managed to throw a stone into the side of it.

The guy in the Corsa almost crashed driving out of the car park lol, that's when I disspeared.
Now I think of it I saw a delivery van modify itself to fit a lamp post this morning. My how time flies :)
I spotted a mk3 fiesta on the way to work today. It had two silver 'gaffer tape' racing stripes up it.
So my guess is gaffer tape racing stripes or insulating tape racing numbers :p
Scuzi said:
I spotted a mk3 fiesta on the way to work today. It had two silver 'gaffer tape' racing stripes up it.
So my guess is gaffer tape racing stripes or insulating tape racing numbers :p

Now that is an excellent idea!
im home now, so will go out with camera!

reversing the BM i caught the punto! no marks or anything on mine, didnt even feel it hit or start crushing the poor small car, just my wife waving frantically at me!
Morba said:
reversing the BM i caught the punto! no marks or anything on mine, didnt even feel it hit or start crushing the poor small car, just my wife waving frantically at me!

And men complain and woman's parking :eek: :p I would be waving and screaming if it was my car you were crushing:p

Nice change though;)
ooo nice mod

glad it didnt set you back much by hurting the bm lol

i think it will give it more "character" lol
TinkerBell said:
And men complain and woman's parking :eek: :p I would be waving and screaming if it was my car you were crushing:p

Nice change though;)

i wasnt parking :p
penski said:
Unless you've made it look like this:

Then it will still look gash.
So he could've done that to it anyway then?

Sounds like he was in a no-win situation, because that looks worse than standard :p
Cybertronic said:
penski, what do you think of my friends Punto? :p

Not the best picture, it's probably even lower now :o

Nice wheels, nice bumper, nice stance, gash sideskirts, gash colour.

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