I recently purchased a red set for my AX850, and unfortunately I have bad news to report.
They look great, but during install of the main 24 pin power cable,one of the wires stripped out of the connector completely. I don't even know what happened to the pin that was supposed to be attached to the end of the wire!!!!
So I do feel that the quality of these cables is dubious to say the least - not up to the expected quality from Corsair. Luckily I happened to have some new pins in my stock of bits, and was able to repair the cable. I am however very dissapointed that this even happened.
Before anybody suggests I mistreated the cable or roughly handled them - I can assure you this is not the case at all - I take great care and time over things when working on my Pc. I will e mail corsair about this and see what they say. In the meantime - go careful with those cables, as they can be rather flimsy !!!!
Update: Have received an RMA from corsair for the troublesom cable - problem is that I have to send it back to Holland at my expense and wait for a replacement.No acknowledgement from corsair
that they will look into the quality issues. I think the response is not quite up to what it should be - they should just send me a replacement, because now I have hassle with packing/posting and waiting.
Oh well I suppose they are at least going to replace it.