Thank you for sharing, I had no idea this was possible.well, ive been asked a couple of times for this, most recenetly i saw someone ask for a guide today, so thought id make a quick one!
Be gentle with me, im not a professional photographer, and i dont write guides for a living either, but if i miss anything, or you need clarification on anything just ask.
What you will need:
a craft knife or a VERY fine screwdriver if you dont have a knife available.
i have one of these, only a couple of quid and work like a charm.
a pair of SHARP scissors ( i use singer ones, i find them to make really nice cuts)
and of course an akasa proslim sata cable!.
Grab the cable out of the bag; you can see why they are called pro slims!
the only bit you need to worry about, is this bit.... the end.
Either end will work, it doesnt matter which one you want to work on.
Turn the cable onto its side like so.....
as you can see, there is a small join in the connector here... (ive pulled this one apart a little so you can see it easier)
put the craft knife into this little join, and GENTLY pry it apart. its only a little bit that comes out, and you will need to do both sides.
Once you have done both sides, you will have something like this,
once you get it to this stage, DONT just pull back on the cable. you will break the teath that puncture the cable and it will ruin it.
what you need to do is lift it towards the metal clip on the sata connector, so your going straight up.
once its off, it will look like this:
Turn it over (i turn both the clip and the cable over so that i know which way around the cable goes back in after i cut it)
You can see where the connnector punctures the cable, its a pretty clever idea!!
Pull the clip off the end of the cable. make sure you either mark which side needs to go back into the clip, or make sure you dont turn the cable around at all when you cut it, you need to make sure it goes back into the clip the same way it comes out.
Just cut the cable using a pair of scissors, wire cutters seem to crush the cables more, which is why i opt for scissors.
push the cable back into the connector clip
and then push it all back onto the connector. you might need some pliers to do this last bit, MAKE SURE THAT THE CONNECTOR AND THE CLIP ARE FLUSH!!!!
Then once you have finished, it will look something like this:
one thing to note, if your sleeving these cables, you dont need sata sleeve, normal "small" (4mm) sleeve will stretch over it after you take off the connector end. it looks a lot better imo. Unfortunately 550 paracord doesn't fit over them though =(
these cables can be found on ocuk Here
I've got loads of long cables and end up having to cable tie them all to keep them tidy, but that's bad for airflow. Is this restricted to slim cables or all SATA cables?