Well - I spent about 5 hours trying to do this via the Console/Agent in Acronis and banging my head against the wall. (Curse you Gates - your card is marked!) Let's just say that trying to mix and match between XP pro and Vista with various degrees of UAC is a big fat no-no, Imagine my joy at the end of this marathon when I finally overcame all the obstacles, pointed the backup to the right network drive, only to be told that I don't have enough privileges to run the Workstation.
(And no - before you say it - it's not solved by disabling UAC - when I did that the machine I was working on disappeared from the list of clients in Acronis - nice touch

Anyway - I finally wised up and realised that I could do everything direct from the Workstation and that simplified everything - backing up the old drive as I type.
So.... I plugged in the new Momentus thinking that it would probably be quicker/easier just to use the clone facility instead of Backup/restore... and for some reason XP only recognised it as an 80Gb drive... much scratching of head, checking nfts, ensuring no obvious limitations, and then out of desperation I checked the drive....
Yep - they sent me out the 80Gb instead of the 160Gb (A pox on all your houses!)
Anyway - I'm sure the admin will be sorted quickly and painlessly and I should be back up and running shortly - the good news is now that I've worked out Acronis I can't recommend it enough - once the right drive arrives it should only take a couple of hours to clone the drive and my xps will be flying - before and after benchies to follow!