Momentus 7200.2 - It's alive!

Slackworth said:
We've got orders on everywhere so we will have them ASAP.

I'm back and I want one now, now, now!! :D

Any indication on when you guys are expecting the first batch of 160gb drives in? I'd rather get the 160 not the 120 but if the wait is weeks...
Thanks you, thank you, thank you - I finally have one ordered, should be in my grubby mits by Friday YAY

Can't wait to see how this changes my laptop after those horrible 5400 rpm drives :D
:) Thanks for the business!

Very tempted to get one of these myself but need to work out how to mirror my existing drive exactly. It's got the main partition for windows and a hidden partition with no drive letter as a "Recovery" area. Any ideas what the best way to do it is? Norton Ghost seems an option but I'm not sure whether you can mirror a drive exactly or just a partition.
Acronis TrueImage is by far the best such commercial tool at the moment, IMO, and will clone/move/resize the partitions (including recovery) from your source drive. Some versions of Ghost is more problematic than others, but suffice it to say that I generally avoid it if possible at the moment.
I'm going to try it with Acronis - I'll let you know how I get on with it - I'm in exactly the same boat with a Main (c: ) partition and a 'recovery' partition (I think mine is letterd d: though).

I'll be looking to image c: and d: onto the Seagate and expand the c: to fill the extra 60gb of space on the new drive. Hopefully it should be painless - I'll let you know how it goes - cross fingers. ;)
Slackworth said:
Unlikely. They are too busy making the 300GB.


You mentioned something about this months ago, what's the deal? Are we getting a new raptor? When? Any significant changes apart from the size?

:D :D :D
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :( :mad:

Well - I spent about 5 hours trying to do this via the Console/Agent in Acronis and banging my head against the wall. (Curse you Gates - your card is marked!) Let's just say that trying to mix and match between XP pro and Vista with various degrees of UAC is a big fat no-no, Imagine my joy at the end of this marathon when I finally overcame all the obstacles, pointed the backup to the right network drive, only to be told that I don't have enough privileges to run the Workstation. :mad:

(And no - before you say it - it's not solved by disabling UAC - when I did that the machine I was working on disappeared from the list of clients in Acronis - nice touch :rolleyes: )

Anyway - I finally wised up and realised that I could do everything direct from the Workstation and that simplified everything - backing up the old drive as I type.

So.... I plugged in the new Momentus thinking that it would probably be quicker/easier just to use the clone facility instead of Backup/restore... and for some reason XP only recognised it as an 80Gb drive... much scratching of head, checking nfts, ensuring no obvious limitations, and then out of desperation I checked the drive....


Yep - they sent me out the 80Gb instead of the 160Gb (A pox on all your houses!)


Anyway - I'm sure the admin will be sorted quickly and painlessly and I should be back up and running shortly - the good news is now that I've worked out Acronis I can't recommend it enough - once the right drive arrives it should only take a couple of hours to clone the drive and my xps will be flying - before and after benchies to follow! :D
Slackworth said:
Give the RMA lads a call and they'll sort you out. :) Sorry for the problem.

Done and done - winging its way back already (like the webnote system - quick and efficient ;) ) Now I get the anticipation all over again!

I've got a spare drive kicking about so I might try out the cloning to 'perfect' my technique before it gets back to me - I have to say (MS-related wall/head reunions aside) Acronis seems very good - I like the remote management facility, might have to think about it again if I don't go down the Windows Home Server route.
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