Monaco Grand Prix 2011, Monte-Carlo - Race 6/19

Ok, only just finished watching but think the result was a complete joke in the end :S

I completely disagree really with the ability to fix the cars during the restart... Neither Hamilton nor Vettel/Alonso should have been allowed replacement tyres and the fix on the wing...


Tules are rules, so it spooky this race a little, but at other races with more cars involved in the carnage, then not allowing changes would reck the race. You can't regulate for every incident and it happens so rarely anyway.
They only want fa ke overtaking.

How about they just slice the cars width by a third and do what they said, remove been more downforce. It has clearly worked just under 0.5 seconds yet again.
I'm sure people will talk better of Hamilton in 20 years, there were plenty of people who thought Senna was a **** at the time too :)

Same as MS, most people have put away their grudges against him and recognise despite his dubious actions, he holds most records.

Nice guys just don't win big, unless they have an amazing car.
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Then, ya know.. Don't go for it? :/

Picking your time to attack is a quality of excellent drivers, this wasn't his greatest choice..

So. Never go for an over take at Monaco?
Several over takes happened in identical ways and worked, because the other driver realised that someone was there and gave enough room.
So either you go for it or you might as well ban overtaking at such a race track.
Schumacher's tyres were pretty screwed at the time and iirc he'd lost a bit of grip going into the corner so took the sensible option. That was a more calculated move.

how was it more calculated? If MS had done the same, Hamilton would have hit and had a third penalty.
How can people watch that and blamehamilton,what did the stewards watch.

Even hitting hammy maldanado still went over the Kerbs, that's how early he turned, hammy was well up alongside him.
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I suspect that right now there is a McLaren press officer or PR wonk sat head in hands wondering just how much damage Hamilton will have done by the end of the season if he keeps this up :D

Head in hands?, he's cracking open the champaign. Overtime and job security for that fella. :D
My beef about Hammy is he just comes across as a spoilt schoolkid sometimes. He's in a great team, gets paid loadsa money, and then when he balls up he can't seem to say "Sorry...screwed up!" without losing his toys. Compare with Di Resta....chalk and cheese

have you watched the replays?
He has said he's stuffed up in the past.
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