Monkey Making Tips

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It's hard to make a monkey do anything... Perhaps offer some sort of bribe, a banana or a trip to climb some big trees or something. Some monkeys can be taught sign language (bonobo apes for example) and maybe you could teach a monkey sign language, then carefully explain your request and he might comply?

A monkey who knows sign language could also be a money spinner, but I doubt you care about such trivial things. This is monkey science.
Make sure it has wings of some sort, then it could join my despotic monkey regime! (has this joke been done too much yet?:))
Sorry, can't help with the original question as I've just got back from the pub...
Chris [BEANS] said:
Think you've got the wrong end of the stick there mate, he had a monkey for a head, but he didn't make monkeys.

i meant Mephisto


the mad scientist that alters DNA and creates things/people


who is this strange person you talk about with a monkey for a head?
:confused: :eek:
nikebee said:
i meant Mephisto


the mad scientist that alters DNA and creates things/people


who is this strange person you talk about with a monkey for a head?
:confused: :eek:
Hmmmm, seems i made a mistake!! There definately is a character out there somewhere called "Proffesor Monkey For A Head" and he obviously has a monkey for a head!
Cant thnk where he's from now though :(
SkodaMan said:
Well, it didn't go straight in the water... It bounced off a rock :D

Oh, Skodaman. That's such a pointless death. At least when they experiment on them they get something out of it, a nice perfume or something. :D
Belmit said:
That was Earthworm Jim, a most excellent cartoon. I think there's an online petition to bring it out on DVD.

I just remembered that too

Its bringing back fond memories of Queen slug for a butt, Psy-crow and all his enemies, and the games on Sega and Snes "Gravy!!"

I miss Earthworm Jim :( :(
Chris [BEANS] said:
Hmmmm, seems i made a mistake!! There definately is a character out there somewhere called "Proffesor Monkey For A Head" and he obviously has a monkey for a head!
Cant thnk where he's from now though :(

Earthworm Jim is proof that VG adaptations DO work.
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