Montymint's 5x5 log (12 weeks)

Pet Northerner
29 Jul 2006
Newcastle, UK
Ok guys, time to shape up and strengthen up.

I've P***yfooted too much in the gym recently which was giving not results (esp as my diet was shot to **** to boot). I've eaten my last bag of crisps, said goodbye to the fizzy pop and will begin eating as I once did when I wasn't such a tubby git :P

I'm going for a more structured approach using the Stronglifts 5x5 method.

I chose this as I have very little time to jump into the gym until my office moves back to Newcastle city (as I'm not on set lifts to work and back as I don't drive). Once in the city I'll re-evaluate as I'll be within running /cycling distance and can work out after work.


My training weeks 1,3,5

Monday: Squats 5 x 5 (after warm up)
Bench Press 5 x 5 (after warm up)
Barbell Row 5 x 5 (after warm up)

Wednesday: Squats 5 x 5 (after warm up)
Overhead Press 5 x 5 (after warm up)
Deadlift 1 x 5 (after warm up)

Friday: Squats 5 x 5 (after warm up)
Bench Press 5 x 5 (after warm up)
Barbell Row 5 x 5 (after warm up)

Weeks 2,4,6 Will be the same but inverted (Wednesday becomes Monday and Friday)

I'm starting with 2.5k + bar Monday (for squats and bench press, 5k + bar for rows) and empty bar on Wednesday (5kg + bar for dead lifts) as I did a session on Friday to time myself. So I'll not count it towards the weeks, but will do towards weight.

After 6 weeks I plan to keep going as per the first 6, however if I feel I can add a little to the workout or use Tuesday and Thursday for something else, I'll re-evaluate here.


So, here are the beginning stats:

Height: 169cm
Weight: 11st 7lb
Body fat: 22% roughly

I've done the macros and i 'Think' I need the following (please feel free to correct me):


I've yet to get the full diet down on paper, as I'm still waiting on Friday for payday (5 week months are killers), but this weeks is going to be mainly chicken / (4% fat) mince and steamed veg. i'll eat eggs and protein powder to hit the numbers.

I'll update this thread with my food logs for review / suggestions from you good guys :)


At this point it's only the base pics of who I am as of this afternoon.





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First lunchtime session done

Squats 25kg - Warmup,5,5,5,10,10
Bench 22.5kg - Warmup 5,5,5,10,10
Row 30kg - Warmup, 5,5,5,10,10
edir - forgot to mention chin ups (overhand) 5,5,3,5,3

I've made the last two sets longer as this is weight under what I'm used to, but i want to start from scratch as my pb isn't a million miles from these numbers, so I can work on form, speaking of which....

Squat - seems ok, I stand lags shoulder width apart, pointing my toes out a little, i then stick my butt out and sit into it deeply, then push up by bringing my butt back in (if that makes sense) - this gym has a strict no photo / video so I cannot put anything up :(

Bench - Fine, used the guides to help hand position, squeezed the bar for strength and brought the bar to my chest (nipples) and pushed straight, locked the elbows carefully and came back down.

Row - Horrid time, i find it hard to straighten my back as I've got bad posture. I squeezed my shoulders and straighten my back as best as I could. squatted down to the bar and lifted, then pulled my elbows back for the rep.

I'll update with food diary tonight
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I have to say I had problems with rows when I started stronglifts and only just started doing rows properly. You could try inverted rows for a few weeks until you build up some decent strength, try hip hinge exercises as I found that helped hugely with rows.

Squats 25kg (as I put too much on last time, need to be strict) - Warmup,5,5,5,5,5
Press 22.5kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5
Deadlift 30kg - Warmup, 5
Pull up - 5,5,3,5,5
Good luck with your SL journey, i found it very useful :)

Your cals on your diet seem quite low, and i dont think you would go wrong adding in a good 30g+ of mixed nuts (unless your allergic of course:D) this will give you and extra 250ish cals and a nice boost to your fats as well.
Yeah, I'm finding it hard to push past 2000 cals without going over the macros much. I've picked up Edamame Beans (baked) from amrks and sparks to try :)
I think many would agree your fats are quite low, so adding in some fats would easily up both your fats and cals totals quite nicely
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Another session today, as I cannot make it tomorrow.

Squats 27.5kg - Warmup,5,5,5,5,10
Bench 25kg - Warmup 5,5,5,10,10
Row 32.5kg - Warmup, 5,5,5,5,5
Chin-up (overhand) 5,4,4,3,2

Arms were more gassed on the chins today. Will edit later with my diet for the other days.

Syla - yeah, I think you are right, since posting the first screenshot of the diet I've added more fat. I'll update in a bit :)
Squats 30kg (as I put too much on last time, need to be strict) - Warmup,5,5,5,5,5
Press 25kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5
Deadlift 35kg - Warmup, 5, 5
Pull up - 5,5,3,2,3

Squats 40kg Had a brain fail and could count from 30 - 32.5 it seems)- Warmup, 5,5,5,5,5
Bench - 30kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5
Row - 37.5kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5

All felt good, but cannot be jumping too much too soon, although i'm still a long way off my 1RM
Squats 42.5kg (as I put too much on last time, need to be strict) - Warmup,5,5,5,5,5
Press 27.7kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5
Deadlift 40kg - Warmup, 5, 5
Pull up - 5,5,3,2,3

Squats 45kg - Warmup, 5,5,5,5,5
Bench - 35kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5
Row - 40kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5

Still need to update the food diary , Will get it converted from My fitness pal into excel sheets which i can put into my google drive to share / keep updated.
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Still at it, 3 time in 3 days due to conflicts in schedule this week preventing me from going to the gym monday and friday

Squats 50kg - Warmup, 5,5,5,5,5
Bench - 37.5kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5
Row - 42.5kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5

I've found I hate rowing and am finding form hard
Squats 52.5kg - Warmup,5,5,5,5,5
Press 32.5kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5 - These are starting to feel heavy!
Deadlift 60kg - Warmup, 10 - yey my first 20kg plates used :D
Squats 55kg - Warmup, 5,5,5,5,5
Bench - 40kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5
Row - 45kg - Warmup 5,5,5,5,5

I'm starting to properly feel the weigh on all the exercises now :)
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