Morals aside...

I don't really feel like working for the next few months.. could I get some free money too? :rolleyes: (and yes I did read the opening post).
I have no moral issues with somebody who is between jobs and has no money claiming JSA to keep them afloat whilst they attempt to find a job.

You on the other hand want honest tax payers like me, and a lot of others on the forums to pay for you to frauduently claim JSA so you can get some sleep? The excuse you gave us "I have paid more tax than the average youngster" doesn't cut the mustard with me. I pay a hell of a lot of tax, does that entitle me to a few months of kip paid for by other tax payers because I have paid? No!

University must have been real hard if you need a few months of sleep, and if you really need the money - get a JOB.

That's my opinion and if you don;t like it - tough. I really don't like fraudsters/
My comment about paying more tax than the average youngster was in reply to someone's post that I shouldn't be able to claim benefits til I have contributed some tax.

I didn't say I wanted sleep - I am having my last holiday as a reward for 5 long long years of very hard work before I start employment. During this time I am not going to work. I am going to claim whatever benefit I can to keep me going before I start my job in September.
Get a job, bunk with your rents for a couple of months - just dont scab off the system. Dont sink to the level of wasting chavs.

What did you do at University btw?
big_white_dog84 said:
I didn't say I wanted sleep - I am having my last holiday as a reward for 5 long long years of very hard work before I start employment. During this time I am not going to work. I am going to claim whatever benefit I can to keep me going before I start my job in September.

You do realise that during those five years, other people were working too right? But they won't get any time off, they'll continue working and paying taxes for you to sit on your arse. Do you want some sort of medal for working for five years? :D
I do realise that people have been working the past five years. But I'm not a student who has no experience of the world of work and I can guarantee you that I have worked many times harder than the average taxpayer over my time at Uni.
big_white_dog84 said:
I can guarantee you that I have worked many times harder than the average taxpayer over my time at Uni.

why's that then?
Because my experience of many companies is that people sit on their fat backsides and do as little as possible all day - living for their next coffee break. Doing 7.5000000000000000 hours a day and not one second more, spending as much time as they can at the watercooler etc etc.
yea you can get income support over the 2-3 month period, dont go flaming me for it, but i did it also between my (2nd year - 3rd year in uni terms) HNC and HND while i was looking (and i MEAN LOOKING) for a job. i did end up with something but it went sorta pear shaped but recently last october got a delivery driver job. Anyhow i was getting about £47.50 or something every fortnight from the jobcentre. mind you im in scotland so i dont know if fee's or the claims you make are different down south...
I worked very hard at University but did not feel the need to claim benefits whilst I got a job in the industry.

I worked as a white van man after university. So 4 years of hard study followed by a year of very hard graft before I got into IT.

Get a bar job or any other temp job.
I probably say that you wouldn't be entitled to the allowance. Quoting from the jobseekers website:

[answers relating to you from the info above]

Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) is paid:

* If you are capable of working - Yes
* If you are available for work - Yes
* If you are actively seeking work. - No

Why 'No' for the last answer? Well, you already have a job lined up and therefore you are not techincally seeking employment, just waiting to be employed. However, I am no expert on these things, I just abide by the rules/criteria for these sort of things.

Insted of staying in bed for two months there are more constructive things to do. Ok, so I'm not saying get up at 7am everyday but you should make use of the time you have.

Just my 2 cents however.
I graduated 2 years ago and tried that one. Nope doesnt work. Maybe in extreme cases you may be able to get jobseekers? I can not remember the exact reason I couold not get it. It may have been as i was living at home they means assess my parents as part of it too. Therefore i did not qualify even though i was unemployed and actually desperately seeking work and going to interviews but to no avail with job seekers. Getting a job and starting to gain experience however is much more valuable then sleeping, good luck!
^^ oh wait a min you cant apply as your doing a 5 year uni course or whatever, but because i was doing it year by year i was allowed the allowance.
big_white_dog84 said:
Can you claim unemployment benefit between school and uni, and between uni and starting a graduate job? I will be graduating in June, and starting a job in September. I have no intention of getting out my bed in July or August, and if I could get a few quid from the benefits man it wouldn't go amiss. Have I got any chance?

Im sorry but, is this for real!!!.
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