Morals aside...

Of course you should claim. Explain the situation to them and they will likely give it you without giving you any hassle.

You'll pay it all back in your first couple of wage packets anyway.
big_white_dog84 said:
I do realise that people have been working the past five years. But I'm not a student who has no experience of the world of work and I can guarantee you that I have worked many times harder than the average taxpayer over my time at Uni.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Sorry, but that's so funny. Uni is an utter doss compared to a real job.
Mr Jack said:
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Sorry, but that's so funny. Uni is an utter doss compared to a real job.

Surely that view of uni courses is very subjective on the course in question.
He should be alowed for 2 months as hes going to uni and the wage a graduate has is larger then the averge wage in the UK this means he will be paying more taxes then the average joe which will cover the costs of his 2 months .. what do you get £45 every 2 weeks? £180 in the 2 months he will probably pay that much tax within 1 month of a decent job!

And can anyone who please goes to the NHS STOP as thats the Tax Payers money :@
The only thing the OP is asking is if it is possible to screw the system for a quick bob or two whilst in-between jobs.

The answer is: yes.

Is it the "right" thing to do as far as ethics/morals/whatever is concerned? Nope.

Should that stop him? Does that stop the millions of immigrants who sponge off the government daily and can collectively pull in £50,000/household without working a day in their lives? No again.

Personally, I would feel embarrased if I wanted to claim for being a lazy read me.
big_white_dog84 said:
I have contributed a lot via tax - a hellova lot more than most people my age who left school at 16 and got a dead-end job.
I'm not so sure about that!

Here's a piece of advice: when you do go to the job centre, lose the arrogant attitude. Going in with a "Yeah....I know....whatever" attitude is a quick way of getting your claim denied.
Mr Jack said:
Of course you should claim. Explain the situation to them and they will likely give it you without giving you any hassle.

You'll pay it all back in your first couple of wage packets anyway.
One thing i'm wondering: Would you not get bored, not doing anything for several weeks? Even if you're working part time its something to do!

Just do a few hours a week in a pub or something, at the very least it'll keep you occupied.
big_white_dog84 said:
Thanks for that response blueCAT. As I say in my first post I will be graduating in June after 5 long years at Uni. Before starting my job in September I am taking a couple of months off.
so if you are choosing to be lazy, why should you recieve any benefit?

I know most poeple on JSA are simply lazy but is that an excuse for you to be a leech as well?
Go for it.

If we're going to start judging people on the amount of tax they've paid/received then lets at least wait until they reached retirement.

Personally I'd rather my tax payments go to white lazy dog than some hook-handed muslim extremist or all the other immigrants happily raping our system.
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