More ignorant Sony news

I think it should be changed to "Sony relies too much on third party franchises". Also what is wrong with Nintendo making their own games. Neither Sony nor Microsoft have the abilities or skills to make that amount of top quality first party games.
Now i know for a fact that those early PS3 adopters arnt getting a lot from their consoles by way of lack of games.

Now if Sony consider this to be the "good mix".. i'd hate to think what their bad mix is. Maybe they should consider funding some game development for their console.. because their current strategy isnt really working.
KNiVES said:
I think what he is trying to say is, he wants to try and get the console to a level where its own merits is enough to get developers to want to develop games for it. And that's fair enough for me. He could have worded it much more differently though, and now looks like a proper muppet. As usual.

I don't think that makes 'sense', the aim is to make sure people buy your console and not the competitors, and then make sure they buy plenty of games for it.. Exclusives is one of easiest ways of doing this, the more exclusives you have, the more 'worthy' exclusives you have, the more people will be persuaded to buy your console over the other one to play these...

Previously, dev houses wouldn't have to 'charge' as such, the PS2 base was so massive compared to the Xbox 1, they would just develop it exclusively for the PS2 as this made financial sense to them, this time, the PS3 is just trailing the competition in terms of numbers, and thus they need to develop for both or loose revenue, so understandably would require 'money' to keep a title exclusive, and money is something Sony are that keen on spending in the current climate..

How else are they going to 'get' it to that level?

Well that's my opinion on it..
this is definitely More Ignorant Sony news. :D

I'd bet they can't afford to do the sort of thing MS are doing right now, just haven't got the weight to throw around. Probably, if they could... they would. Same goes for any corporation in this market, it's a business and they naturally want to control and influence the software development as much as they can. If they don't think that's a massive advantage then they will lose out to the ones who take this approach. Might seem unfair to some but MS are just trying to do their job, it's up to the other players to keep things level and find ways to get developers on board.
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tbh i dont see a problem with them paying for exclusives on the consoles, i think in a way that actually helps to keep prices between consoles competitive. Having said that it still wouldnt make me rush out and buy all 3 of this gen's consoles just for an exclusive lol

Also, if MS didnt fund epic in Gears, would Gears have been anything like it actually is in terms of quality? Surely the fact MS were throwing a fair chunk of moolah at it must have helped make the overall game better? Not taking anything away from Epic though as they are a fantastic developer but regardless of who you are, more money is always going to help

I'd have thought the same could be said for the Sony, if they funded a developer they'd end up with an awesome game :)
james.miller said:
oooooh. well that i can understand lol. :D

it is, slightly arrogant, yes. The thing is though, do paied exclusives really do anything for us as the gamers? ms recently paid what was it...50mil for two episodic gta4 games? what benefits do we really see? its not something that ive ever agreed with - paying for exclusives. only the fat cats get anythign from it.

I think it's a great idea, it breeds competition and competition is better for us as the gamers.
cokecan72 said:
tbh i dont see a problem with them paying for exclusives on the consoles, i think in a way that actually helps to keep prices between consoles competitive. Having said that it still wouldnt make me rush out and buy all 3 of this gen's consoles just for an exclusive lol

Also, if MS didnt fund epic in Gears, would Gears have been anything like it actually is in terms of quality? Surely the fact MS were throwing a fair chunk of moolah at it must have helped make the overall game better? Not taking anything away from Epic though as they are a fantastic developer but regardless of who you are, more money is always going to help

I'd have thought the same could be said for the Sony, if they funded a developer they'd end up with an awesome game :)
If anything Epic helped make it better since they asked Microsoft to stick in 512MB of ram I believe. (Something like this)

That may or may not be true, I've heard it in various forums though.
Jihad said:
If anything Epic helped make it better since they asked Microsoft to stick in 512MB of ram I believe. (Something like this)

That may or may not be true, I've heard it in various forums though.

ah of course. i had forgotten about that. though like you, i'm not entirly sure if its true??
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cokecan72 said:
ah of course. i had forgotten about that. though like you, i'm not entirly sure if its true??

it originated here:

In his latest podcast, Major Nelson included a Q&A session with Mark Rein, recorded at the Canadian Community Party. During the session, the VP of Epic Games revealed that Gears of War played a key role in convincing Microsoft the Xbox 360 needed 512 MB of system memory instead of the 256 megs originally projected.

"The interesting thing is that story you all heard about us costing Microsoft a billion dollars… that’s actually true," Rein explained to a laughing crowd.

"So what happened was, my partner Tim Sweeney, we kept arguing and arguing like, we really wanted a hard drive in every single machine; that was something we really wanted but we realized that the 512 megs of RAM was way more important, cause otherwise you couldn’t do this level of graphics if you had to both write your program and do your graphics in 256 megs. Nothing would really look that HD."
"So we argued, and argued, and what Tim did is he actually sent a screenshot of what Gears of War would look like if we only had 256 megs of memory. So the day they made the decision, we were apparently the first developed they called; we were at Game Developers Conference, was it two years ago, and then I got a call from the Chief Financial Officer of MGS and he said 'I just want you to know you cost me a billion dollars' and I said, 'we did a favor for a billion gamers'."
This is Jack Tretton just trying to score points against the other two. It is well known Sony are money hatting a lot of third party exclusives for next year ( 1up have dropped snippets that sony have been spending big money recently behind the scenes ). So takes this quote with a pinch of salt, pr is mostly spin and lies.
Needles said:
This is Jack Tretton just trying to score points against the other two. It is well known Sony are money hatting a lot of third party exclusives for next year ( 1up have dropped snippets that sony have been spending big money recently behind the scenes ). So takes this quote with a pinch of salt, pr is mostly spin and lies.
Sounds just liek sony tbh. I have no idea why they continue to lie through their teeth, it doesn't do them any favours.
Kreeeee said:
Sounds just liek sony tbh. I have no idea why they continue to lie through their teeth, it doesn't do them any favours.
I agree, they may have fooled us in 1995 through to 2000 with the Playstation Generation, again, we were willing to wait for them to deliver, meanwhile *this* Playstation Generation have grown up, are more educated and actually have money, we begin to see through their lies and general bs.

Now many of that generation have grown so wise to that fact that they will buy all consoles or just an Xbox360.

Still Sony try and pull the same crap they were doing for the last decade, just we don't fall for it any more.
NokkonWud said:
I agree, they may have fooled us in 1995 through to 2000 with the Playstation Generation, again, we were willing to wait for them to deliver, meanwhile *this* Playstation Generation have grown up, are more educated and actually have money, we begin to see through their lies and general bs.

Now many of that generation have grown so wise to that fact that they will buy all consoles or just an Xbox360.

Still Sony try and pull the same crap they were doing for the last decade, just we don't fall for it any more.
But there's a whole world of the younger generation who are still buying into the Playstation brand with the PStwo and then there's the countless people who dont read game news, unless it's from the official PS mag, and are just waiting for the price of the PS3 to drop before getting one.

Both of the last Playstations have sold over 100 million units each - there's only been just over 10 million 360's sold and a lot of them will have been Xbox owners or like you say will have owned all consoles. So I dont think the amount of people who have defected from Sony to MS is as high as people think.

I think people on these forums take the view that the wider console audience holds the same opinion as the majority of people on here - I disagree.
Joebob said:
Both of the last Playstations have sold over 100 million units each - there's only been just over 10 million 360's sold and a lot of them will have been Xbox owners or like you say will have owned all consoles. So I dont think the amount of people who have defected from Sony to MS is as high as people think.

Two things here, if a competator is offering a better product/service at a better price and something which keeps offering and delivering on its promises, in this case high quality gaming, then consumers are going to go for it (the xbox360). Also I read somewhere that around half of 360 owners never owned an original Xbox. Only 2 of my 7 personal friends on my Live friends list had an original Xbox. I think MS have done really well so far in getting new fans.
slambo69 said:
Two things here, if a competator is offering a better product/service at a better price and something which keeps offering and delivering on its promises, in this case high quality gaming, then consumers are going to go for it (the xbox360). Also I read somewhere that around half of 360 owners never owned an original Xbox. Only 2 of my 7 personal friends on my Live friends list had an original Xbox. I think MS have done really well so far in getting new fans.
I agree that they have done a good job and definately made up ground on the playstation brand. But people underestimate just how big that brand actually is - there are a LOT of die-hard playstation fans out there who have never even looked into the 360 as they made their minds up a long time ago that they wanted a PS3 when the price is right.
slambo69 said:
Two things here, if a competator is offering a better product/service at a better price and something which keeps offering and delivering on its promises, in this case high quality gaming.

debatable wether there overall service is better

its a chalk and cheese thing , you cant really compare them
andy said:
debatable wether there overall service is better

its a chalk and cheese thing , you cant really compare them
It's kinda like Sony = quality product. (Reliablity), Blu-Ray. Microsoft = Better software (Currently) and online service. (Optional HD-DVD)

I don't really mind, I have both so I can't lose here but that's the real comparison at the moment.
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