More proof of aliens

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Is it oil companies, it is isn't it, it's oil companies?
Those pesky oil companies getting in the way of technology.

You are probably closer to the truth than you realise - oil was one of reasons I alluded to earlier a few pages back.

The sale of oil is a major contributor to the world's economy. Without the need for oil, or less of it, we would possibly see a collapse of the economy globally.

In short, keeping the supply and demand will continue to bring wealth and power - eliminating that need for oil in vehicles and aircraft too quickly would eliminate or reduce that wealth and power substantially.

It would make sense if the US government had the means of propulsion without the need for oil, they would keep it under wraps for specialist use or requirements. But when I say, "government" I really mean US military black projects, because I very much doubt that elected officials are behind the running of these so-called black projects. It's more likely private contractors and unelected civil servants that remain despite the change in political powers, are more in-the-know about these things than most elected officials.

Also, don't discount the pull these large companies have on legislation and policies, look at the NRA for example and the military-industrial complex.
In short, trillions of dollars would be lost in a very short space of time. They just won't let that happen because as mentioned above, power and money.
In short, trillions of dollars would be lost in a very short space of time. They just won't let that happen because as mentioned above, power and money.

or it could be that no one has invented anything better yet?
It's funny how these oil companies have let some manufacturers build electric vehicles.
or it could be that no one has invented anything better yet?
It's funny how these oil companies have let some manufacturers build electric vehicles.

The sale of electric vehicles is still very small in terms of global sales compared to other vehicles and aircraft dependent on oil.

It also makes sense that with the decline of the world's Oil supply over time, that new technology is introduced in a very graded exposure to lessen the disruption of supply and demand and internal markets.
The truth behind these conspiracy theories is that news of something this big would not stay out of the public domain. It would get leaked. The cover up would require more resources and people involved, and so more and more details would get leaked until the full facts are known.
The truth behind these conspiracy theories is that news of something this big would not stay out of the public domain. It would get leaked. The cover up would require more resources and people involved, and so more and more details would get leaked until the full facts are known.

Indeed, trump can’t even keep his telephone calls private never mind massive conspiracy theories.

I watched the two podcasts with rogan with the pilot and the Area 51 scientist.

Pilot came across as a bit of a attention seeker and the scientist guy sounds like he’s watched one too many sci fi flics.
The truth behind these conspiracy theories is that news of something this big would not stay out of the public domain. It would get leaked. The cover up would require more resources and people involved, and so more and more details would get leaked until the full facts are known.

The term "Intellectual Property Confidentiality Agreement" just comes to mind. When a tech company devises a a new method or device independently with defense applications or in response to a request for tech by defense, you don't walk in legally unarmed. To avoid being sued by company investors (as well as maintaining any gainable advantage), the prospective client must protect it.
The first electric vehicles where coming out in the 1800s. Detroit Electric was a major manufacturer in the early 1900s.

That's interesting. A good thing about these techno history nuggets is they help me keep a partial foot in the conversation with my techno adult kids. :)
That's interesting. A good thing about these techno history nuggets is they help me keep a partial foot in the conversation with my techno kids. :)

Only reason I know about Detroit Electric is Jay Leno has one and a couple months back did his "Restoration blog update". Skip to 18 minutes in this video.

5G will become the biggest technological advancement since the jump from 2G to 3G. It will allow low latency comms over great distances to vehicles and devices that previously wasn't possible wirelessly so will be extremely beneficial for high bandwidth low latency communications and so improve efficiency in all areas of modern life. It is a must have advancement really.

The political interests is correct though.Space tourism will happen in our lifetime, but it should have happened a long time ago. Imagine the trip to the moon base, walking around looking back at Earth whilst Carl Sagan's famous speech plays through the speakers about the pale blue dot...
Just what we need. Burn a whole heap of fuel to send tourists to the moon.

Whilst at the same time trying to cut down on air travel and encourage people out of their cars...

The benefit of putting a bunch of tourists on the moon is? It certainly shouldn't be the focus of the space industry, imho.
It's partly about inspiring people and getting them onboard with these things. There is no better way to gain interest and inspire new ideas than hands on exposure to something. Especially with younger generations. I can't understand why some of you are so hell bent on not exploring the far reaches and seeing what's out there and wanting to share that experience with the rest of humanity. Exploring has also been a staple part of humankind since man has been walking on land and will never stop.

You need to see beyond the immediacy of change and action and think longer term. Otherwise you're no better than the oil tycoons and investors only interested in the money being made to line their pockets in the present.

Besides, it's not only about taking tourists to the moon or wherever. Tourism funds chunks of projects and during each visit scientists can conduct more research at the same time. Effectively becoming cheap research potential each voyage since tourism has funded it.

And it isn't the main focus of the space industry, it is the focus of privatised bodies like Virgin Galactic and Space X. But both are also part of heavy R&D too.
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On a vaguely related note, I happened across a video on a WW2 German technology that was real and was indeed taken by the USA and developed further. Not time travel. Not talking with aliens. Not death rays. Not anti-gravity. Not whatever magic/sci-fi anyone claims the Nazis had. Something real. Something that will look oddly familiar to people today.

The clickbait title is unworthy of the channel, which is about actual history. Although I suppose in 1945 it certainly would have been unidentified.

On a vaguely related note, I happened across a video on a WW2 German technology that was real and was indeed taken by the USA and developed further. Not time travel. Not talking with aliens. Not death rays. Not anti-gravity. Not whatever magic/sci-fi anyone claims the Nazis had. Something real. Something that will look oddly familiar to people today.

The clickbait title is unworthy of the channel, which is about actual history. Although I suppose in 1945 it certainly would have been unidentified.

love this guy's channel. If you're after 5 to 10 minute videos usually about a relatively unknown aspect of ww2, give it a try for sure!

You really need to read past the headlines of things you link if you are using it to try and back up a claim. Since again, that link explicitly says the gas is not moving faster than the speed of light

The "headline"

`We see almost a dozen clouds which appear to be moving out from the galaxy's center at between four and six times the speed of light.

The detail

We believe this apparent speed translates into an actual velocity just slightly below that of light itself."

The term `superluminal motion' is something of a misnomer. While it accurately describes the speeds measured, scientists still believe the actual speed falls just below the speed of light.

``It's an illusion created by the finite speed of light and rapid motion," Biretta said. ``Our present understanding is that this `superluminal motion' occurs when these clouds move towards Earth at speeds very close to that
of light, in this case, more than 98 percent of the speed of light. At these speeds the clouds nearly keep pace with the light they emit as they move towards Earth, so when the light finally reaches us, the motion appears
much more rapid than the speed of light. Since the moving clouds travel slightly slower than the speed of light, they do not actually violate Einstein's theory of relativity which sets light as the speed limit."

I know you now desperately want to prove what you said was right and are now doubling down, but believe me, if there was evidence for matter travelling faster than the speed of light, it would be massive news and we would generally know about it.

More information on the illusion that is Superluminal motion
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