When I used to ride bicycle in Canada, the only problem I had with motorists were the idiots that didn't seem to understand that bicycles have as much right to being on the road as cars do.
Yes, bicycles are subject to the rules of the road just like any motorised vehicle, and as such are also free to use the road in the same manner.
Now there's a couple caveats to throw in there. Just like an extremely slow moving vehicle (like a tractor), a bicycle should make every effort to allow motorised traffic to pass. But not at the risk of endangering themselves. Just like the rules of the water, the vehicle with the greater speed and horsepower capability MUST give way to the slower/less powerful. It seems ludicrous, but an ocean going tanker HAS to give way to a sailboat. In the same way that a car MUST give way to a bicycle. Of course, there's quite a bit of common sense on both parts that needs to be taken into account.
The major reason I never had much problem was because when I rode, I was staying with traffic, occasionally actually passing, too. 35mph wasn't even a strain for me. I had been pulled over doing 55mph in a 45mph zone once. Granted, it was downhill, but anyways.......
In town on 30mph streets, I was in the centre of the lane, just like a motorcycle would be. You wouldn't believe the number of times I was subject to abuse by motorists, "Get on the sidewalk where you belong!!". To which my reply was, "Read the rules of the road. I am EXACTLY where I'm supposed to be. YOU are the one that's wrong!!"
The only real problem I had was people pulling out onto the road or turning off the road directly in front of me like I wasn't even there. SO, so many times I was very glad I was blessed with my father's drill instructor voice and had opera training!! Regardless of traffic, pedestrians, music on in thier car, it didn't matter. If I let fly with, "WTF are you doing?!?!?!" at the top of my lungs, EVERYBODY for two city blocks heard me. Including the butthead in the car. And when I came to a stop with my foot on thier door handle after almost standing the bike on its front wheel, I would continue the verbal tirade until they understood that as a cyclist, you try to kill me, I pretty much have every right in the world to yell at you!! You don't like it? Don't drive a car until you understand that cyclists have the right of way and have EVERY right to be on the roads just like cars.
Now, a caveat of my own here, the three in the original post were complete idiots. As I said a few paragraphs ago, common sense should prevail. And those three morons obviously had NONE between them.