Out of interest, when did you complete your degree and what did you study?
I did mine 20 years ago but I've seen nothing reliable to suggest that they've genuinely become any easier since.
I do however hear a lot of sweeping statements by people without them, who love to tell me how easy they think they are.
Maybe he took advantage of the essays for cash situation. Would make it a bit easier
Personally I have a semi theory based on how I have seen education since I left school. Leaving secondary late 80s and 6th form end of the 80s, and seeing how my cousins (approx 10 years younger) were 100% schooled differently highlighted to me that basically there was zero coaching on passing exams as I went through secondary into 6th form. 80s comprehensive education FTL (/ wave Liz)
IE it was down to the individual to make use of or not, study guides etc. I didn't apart from Chemistry and looking back I
vastly outperformed in that (my worst subject) compared to all my other exams.
My cousins entered exam period far more prepared, which IMO means more passed and hence the "they got easier" many would quote.
I think as that generation passed through, better prepared and more versed in passing exams they appeared to make courses easier from 6th form to uni even.
To my annoyance I never got the "pass the exam" as opposed to the thoroughly know your subject twist until very close to the end of my professional exams. It suddenly twigged why the pretty poor knowledge individuals who went on lots of revisions courses etc could pass the exams and yet in the real world demonstrate a distinct lack of knowledge.
It was then I really switched my views to everything should be open book, you need to know the subject widely in order to be able to go and pickup the specific details in order to answer more detailed questions this way, rather than being able to rote learn a load of bullet points which you could tweak to answer a question.
I know degrees aren't at this level towards the end, but many exams still are as they cant make them last a week.