The west is absolutely declining.
Maybe less so in the USA. As thier focus on capitalism means those in USA doing well have got themselves to the top of the pyramid.
But then America is a very selfish (even by western standards) society. So if you have it good? You have it great. If you have it bad? It's dire.
But UK is heading that way anyway. Public services are falling apart, and I'm sorry, for all the pledges of about and tories, they don't have the money to fix it. Or at least.. The money isn't available. Locked up in international businesses and very wealthy individuals who can always escape it.
So we will end up like America, where if you're you're poor, you die younger and younger. And if you're rich life is great.
We endlessly kick the can down the road and more subsequent generations will have it worse and worse.
I don't believe any government can alter this. It's natural pressures playing out. We simply will need to accept that we are in decline. We simply cannot consume at this rate.
Only curve ball is future technology progress. It could either make things very much worse or better. Probably, overall, it will accelerate the funnelling of wealth to a smaller number of companies and individuals to a point where governments are even more so at mercy of corps.