Mortgage Rate Rises

The current "fitness" ¿style? at the moment is for muscles. I'm not 100% sure having big muscles means you have a healthy cardiovascular system though if cardio is never done.

I'll admit, the diet may be healthy as you can't outrain a crap diet but if all you train is the skeletal muscular system, does that keep the cardiovascular system healthy as well/better than someone also doing a good cardio programme?

To me, for healthy older age, you need a strong cardiovascular system and some good joint/mobility.
The current "fitness" ¿style? at the moment is for muscles. I'm not 100% sure having big muscles means you have a healthy cardiovascular system though if cardio is never done.

I'll admit, the diet may be healthy as you can't outrain a crap diet but if all you train is the skeletal muscular system, does that keep the cardiovascular system healthy as well/better than someone also doing a good cardio programme?

To me, for healthy older age, you need a strong cardiovascular system and some good joint/mobility.


Also, given that muscle weighs significantly more than fat, it also means that you might have a weight that puts you into the obese category based upon the traditional BMI measure; all the while still being extremely fit and having a low body fat percentage.

But anyway, we’re going fairly off topic. :D
“GordyR contests government obesity figures! Suggests we are just getting more swole as a nation.”

Thanks for that, I just totally snorted my beer with laughter. :D

In all seriousness, if that’s the data it’s the data; I’m just always slightly dubious of obesity figures until I have a complete understanding of how they arrived at them.

It’s only because i’ve been an avid gym goer and fitness fanatic for the last twenty years and I know that I sit cleanly into the obese category if you measure my BMI, despite having around 9-10% body fat in the summer as an unfortunately very middle aged man. :p
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I've got a colleague at work who likes to see the misery many are suffering with and revels in conversations where mortgages come up. He's got a 2 bed flat in London and is the very definition of "I'm alright Jack". He barely has to turn his heating on as it's a very well insulated flat. Had his mortgage paid off years ago. Wants rates to rise so his thousands in the bank grow and wants to see the country burn. Has no sympathy for anyone struggling. Finds it funny. :(
I find this mindset interesting if anything. I don't understand fully how people can become like that. Why so much hatred for others just trying to live.
He wants to live a dystopia?
yeah. tracker interest only for the last year pending a move. Right fun getting a letter every month with new rate rises.

Will switch to a 4.5% for 3-5yrs post move
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What's the down sides of a tracker mortgage? At this point, it feels like we are going to be nearing peak interest rates and the only way is down. Can you decide to take on a regular mortgage at any point while you're on a tracker?
What's the down sides of a tracker mortgage? At this point, it feels like we are going to be nearing peak interest rates and the only way is down. Can you decide to take on a regular mortgage at any point while you're on a tracker?
You still generally commit for a period of time e.g. 1 year or 2. Fully variable is where you can do what you want but those are mega expensive.
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