Most outrageous food you've eaten?

the wackiest wildest thing i've eaten i guess would be ormer. local delicacy :)

Edit: its like a mini abalone, just for reference :p
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Had Hákarl a few times while visitng Iceland. (The country not the supermarket)

It is quite the most revolting sounding food I have ever heard of.

They take shark meat gut it and clean it Then because it is poisonous they bury it in the ground for a few months for the fluids to drain away. Then once its putrid they dig it up hang it to dry then eat it.

Tastes kinda like a very fishy, slightly rotten hotdog.

I would eat it again though.ákarl
I suppose I've eaten some stuff like ostrich and piranha, but nothing too outrageous really. I've never been anywhere where people seem to eat eyeballs and penises.

I used to eat humans all the time when I was a zombie, but alas those days are over.
The funny thing is one day I was with my tribe (yes I'm an honorary chief of 2 bush villages) and I was handed an orange.
I started to eat it and started to get gasps from all the Nigerians
Apparently they don't eat the inside of the orange but just squeeze it for juice.

:eek: I did not know this about you, you used to be in a tribe? would like to hear some stories :)
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