Most Overrated Movies of All Time

20 Oct 2002
Lord Of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit Films..

Yes they may have epic scale, yes they may have lots of character arcs, yes the may have huge budget, yes they are based on books but oh my god are they tedious to watch.

"All right, look, there's only one "Return," okay, and it ain't "of the King," it's "of the Jedi."

One of my fav all time scenes from a movie is the scene in Clerks II when they are berating Lord of the rings as I agree with every single thing!
28 Nov 2002
Missing the point ftw!

I think some people don't know the difference between something not being their cup of tea and something being crap.

I agree with that to an extent but everything is subjective

There's some films I've seen that many would agree are very well acted, great story, visuals, script etc but I have not enjoyed them simply because they're not to my taste

Then again all those elements are also subjective and only someone's opinion that they're top notch

Personally I tend to accept a film is technically good if the majority of viewers rave about all those elements being good and the movie overall is of a high standard and enjoyable to watch, although this doesn't mean I will like it

If that makes any sense heh
22 Jul 2012
I know what you're saying.

How about this for example: Hobo with a shotgun
I know this film is **** (grindhousey kind of genre which is pretty marmite at the best of times), yet I enjoyed the hell out of it. Do I expect other people to like it because I do? No.

Some people in here just don't get why other people would like a certain film simply because they don't get it or it did nothing for them, or it doesn't meet certain technical criteria.
Take Sin City/Pulp Fiction/Shawshank. Sure, if you don't like it, fine. But having no idea why anyone else would like it is ridiculous.
2 Jan 2005
I know what you're saying.

How about this for example: Hobo with a shotgun
I know this film is **** (grindhousey kind of genre which is pretty marmite at the best of times), yet I enjoyed the hell out of it. Do I expect other people to like it because I do? No.

Some people in here just don't get why other people would like a certain film simply because they don't get it or it did nothing for them, or it doesn't meet certain technical criteria.
Take Sin City/Pulp Fiction/Shawshank. Sure, if you don't like it, fine. But having no idea why anyone else would like it is ridiculous.

maybe, maybe not. There are classic films that i'm not bothered about but can see why people like them - a lot of the films mentioned here are 'good' but maybe overrated depending on your opinion.

Sin City however, i dont understand how anyone can think its better than average (at best) - i really don't!
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
maybe, maybe not. There are classic films that i'm not bothered about but can see why people like them - a lot of the films mentioned here are 'good' but maybe overrated depending on your opinion.

Sin City however, i dont understand how anyone can think its better than average (at best) - i really don't!

Sin City is masterfully executed. If you don't like it, fine, but you can not possibly say that it isn't competently made, acted, directed, that the art style isn't bang on, etc, etc.
2 Jan 2005
Sin City is masterfully executed. If you don't like it, fine, but you can not possibly say that it isn't competently made, acted, directed, that the art style isn't bang on, etc, etc.

I do think it was well directed and the art style was good but i have to disagree that it was well acted or that the script was good.

maybe i need to watch it again - its been a long time since i've seen it!
22 Jul 2012
maybe, maybe not. There are classic films that i'm not bothered about but can see why people like them - a lot of the films mentioned here are 'good' but maybe overrated depending on your opinion.

Sin City however, i dont understand how anyone can think its better than average (at best) - i really don't!

The thing is, we're currently in a trend of where anything short of absolute perfection is rated as average/poor more often than not.
I don't know if you saw that ratings graph showing the difference between the way people generally rate things now compared to 10-20 years ago?

As for Sin City, go read the comics and then watch the film again. It's a damn near perfect translation and is supposed to be heavily stylised and OTT in terms of the acting/script as well as the obvious visual side of things.
As is usual with something that is so heavily styled in a certain direction, it will always divide opinion and come down to matter of 'is it my cup of tea or not'?
22 Jul 2012
Tbh, I'm gonna get around to it soon, but hearing what most people say about it makes me think it's not my cuppa. Of course, I have to see it for myself before forming an opinion though.
I do get the feeling that it gets a lot of love and awards purely for the subject material and a few good performances rather than how good the film really is as a whole.

Again, I'm being premature with the judgements :o
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
I do think it was well directed and the art style was good but i have to disagree that it was well acted or that the script was good.

maybe i need to watch it again - its been a long time since i've seen it!

The acting and script are also lifted straight from the source material, so it's all really bold over the top noir stuff. I guess what I'm saying is that it's an excellent adaptation. It scores well for that. It's also why the argument that it's style over substance falls flat, because the style is the substance.
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