Most reliable OS ssd ?

18 Oct 2002
At home
My server Samsung evo 960 ssd has stopped working after being on 24/7 for the past 7 or so years.

so looking for a decent and reliable ssd which is just for the os. Not bothered about storage space as only need about 100gb max.

Oh the motherboard is about 10 years old so nothing too fancy either

Don't think it's that old with first review ows 960 Evo in late 2016...
Or did you typo 860?

Because M.2 standard was introduced in 2013 and 10 years old motherboard won't have slot for it.
And while PCIe adapter would allow use, booting OS from PCIe drive needs BIOS support.
using an old Kingston SSD from 2012 now so now sure how long that may last. :eek:

ideally cheap as possible as its literally just the boot OS disk, as long as it doesn't fail on me anytime soon.

Ah thanks for the link I'll check that out !!
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