On the 21 September 2012 I ordered a mobile phone using
www.affordablemobiles.co.uk with the Orange network.
I received the phone the next working day and it was fine, I then got my PAC code and proceeded to get my mobile number (xxx) changed over to my Orange account.
A few days later I got a call from someone saying that they believed Orange had messed up both mine and his billing, and his mobile phone number (xxx) was actually associated with my account and my direct debt. I called up Orange to check this and sure enough this was the case, I said can it be removed and never got another call back about the issue.
When my billing happened for the activation and the first month line rental, which happened on 8 October 2012 I had been charged for my line rental, £20.50, AND the other numbers line rental of £48.90.
So I called Orange to explain what had happened and they told me to contact the mobile seller that the other number was activated from,
www.dialaphone.co.uk, however the mobile outlet had no note of me on their system and because of this would not speak to me.
I then called the other number, and found out that the person was called Connor who owned the other number, and that sure enough he had not been billed.
He then phoned up Orange to try and sort out the issue but they would not speak to him as all of the account details associated with his phone number were in my name.
I then called Orange again to try and allow them to speak to him, but they only advised me to try and get him to call up so it can be swapped to his account, as they had no record of him on their system that they could find.
I have also spoken on Orange's web "live chat" about this issue, and on Orange's facebook helpers page about this issue but both have told me to call Orange as they can't help.
I have then cancelled my direct debt, to stop any further billing.
After that I've spoken to Orange again, but this time they said they would call be back within the next two days, but sadly they have not called.
I have now seen that according to my on-line billing there is an outstanding invoice on my account.
As a side note, I tried to activate my on-line account, but it is "limited access" because my phone number is registered to someone else's on-line account, speaking to Connor it turned out that he registered his phone number on-line which I expect has caused my account to be registered to him. Which has allowed him access to my address, phone number and other contact and personal information, exactly what he has access to I am unsure but it could include banking details and various other things that would brake the Data Protection Act.