Old MOT and your log book/V5.
Your car. No, seriously, you don't need to have any documents.
If you want the new MOT certificate dated from the end of the old one, rather then the test date, you need to take it in. Eg you can have a new MOT certificate for 13 months (valid for 12).You dont need anythingAn MOT tester does not need the V5, and he definitely does not need the old MOT cert.
If you want the new MOT certificate dated from the end of the old one, rather then the test date, you need to take it in. Eg you can have a new MOT certificate for 13 months (valid for 12).
Well it always used to be the case. Might have changed with the improvement of the online database.No you dontI may be completely imagining this as i always take the docs with me anyway, but i think it pulls the old expiry from the system automatically? I dont recall them needing to see the old cert at the last 13 month MOT i had.
locking wheel nut thingy (if you have one)
I'm probably stuck ten years agoOh yeah, before the computerisation you of course needed to prove the existing MOT. I think its automatic now though with them all being online anyway.