Mother Mine - Extreme Mining Setup

Air con is not pumping heat out, that's extraction. Air con is pumping refrigerated air in. Those big boxes on the outside of buildings are refrigeration units, they have refrigerant gas inside them.

I know where you're coming from, but AC doesn't pump any air "in" or "out". The only thing moving is the energy from the indoor air to the outdoor air, so I think it's better to just think of AC systems as heat pumps.

Your second paragraph is correct. Extraction will only be as good as the outside ambient, and in the UK that will be suitable for what, 90% of the time?

An air con system will cost big bucks, and considering that the ambient external air temp is 20C or below for the majority of the time in the UK, a total waste of money.

I don't know, that will be up to the OP to find out, but you'd think if it was a simple matter of using a few large extractor fans then server rooms would use this approach right?
I know where you're coming from, but AC doesn't pump any air "in" or "out". The only thing moving is the energy from the indoor air to the outdoor air, so I think it's better to just think of AC systems as heat pumps.

I don't know, that will be up to the OP to find out, but you'd think if it was a simple matter of using a few large extractor fans then server rooms would use this approach right?

Dude, AC uses refrigerated air. It has cool air intake, warm air extraction. As for server rooms, they work on the same basis.

To simplify this, if there's an opportunity to shift warm air outside, and shift cool air inside, then that's the way to go. All it requires is a fan for each.

If there's no access to external air, then that's when an AC system is required.
What you've written doesn't make sense. The internal and external air is kept separate. Only heat is moved, from the inside to the outside. Look at the figure on wikipedia

Cool air intake to the room. This is achieved by intake system either bringing in air from outside that is sufficient temp, or cooling outside air with refrigerant gas before bringing it in. Extract side simply removes hot air from inside to out, ie exhaust.

I've installed the systems in industrial premises, and I won't be debating this any further as I'm sure everyone else reading the thread is bored with it.
Cool air intake to the room. This is achieved by intake system either bringing in air from outside that is sufficient temp, or cooling outside air with refrigerant gas before bringing it in. Extract side simply removes hot air from inside to out, ie exhaust.

I've installed the systems in industrial premises, and I won't be debating this any further as I'm sure everyone else reading the thread is bored with it.

I think the argument here is stemming from one of your guys thinking of Air-Con as household machines and the other as industrial.
An Industrial installed machine will not transfer any air in or out, it transfers heat from the coolant outside and uses the now cooler coolant to cool down internal air. Where as the Household unit does it all in one unit and pumps the warm air created outside through a tube.
So you're both correct based on the type of Air-Con unit you are thinking about.
Air con will cost to buy, run and not be of much use once the project is complete.

I think in this instance the best bet is to just get some of the hot air out and thus lower the ambient, bricks out even without fans would help even if it only drops the temp a few c's, you could go one. Step further and have 2 sets of bricks out, on in one out, circulate the air a bit for minimum cost...
Air con will cost to buy, run and not be of much use once the project is complete.

I think in this instance the best bet is to just get some of the hot air out and thus lower the ambient, bricks out even without fans would help even if it only drops the temp a few c's, you could go one. Step further and have 2 sets of bricks out, on in one out, circulate the air a bit for minimum cost...


Treat the room like a PC case. Bricks out and fan at one end, bricks out and fan at the other. One fan intake, the other exhaust. It will definitely lower temps, and you don't need to worry about holes in the wall because there will be fans in them!

Whether this lowers temps by enough, remains to be seen.
You should be utilizing the heat generated to your benefit!
Get a couple of cheap in-line extractors and pump that hot air into your main house to reduce heating costs and drop temperature in cellar!! Win Win :-)
I've had an idea about your basement! From what Chief said, it was pretty hot down there. Why not invest in channelling the heat to a greenhouse of some description and grow exotic fruit - it'll be the perfect temp for it. Add a little water spray for moisture and you're all set!! :)

Have you looked at watercooling? Universal gpu blocks are not that expensive, and you could put the rads outside.

That would be a pain to drain if a card went down!
I've had an idea about your basement! From what Chief said, it was pretty hot down there. Why not invest in channelling the heat to a greenhouse of some description and grow exotic fruit - it'll be the perfect temp for it. Add a little water spray for moisture and you're all set!! :)

Great suggestion!
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