
I dont have any difficulty getting up but often question and despise the typical 9 to 5 grind

I enjoy being in nature the most, so if you don't already get out to your local woods for some walking and/or cycling
I do a few hours of me time everyday as a reward for not murdering some of my colleagues in the proceeding 8-9 hours.

I've fallen into a bit of a rut here, I don't do anything for myself anymore, I get up, go to work, get incredibly bored, go home, make dinner, then chill out and watch youtube / netflix, I just don't have the energy or drive to want to do anything. It even came up in conversation with someone I work with who I was getting to know and he said "what exactly do you do after work?" and the truth is, nothing.
By 2-3pm on a work day I hit a wall and experience fatigue, but its only when I am at work, I can have less sleep and be working on a project at home, or for someone (totally unrelated to work) and have the drive, dedication and energy to keep going all day and night, and not feel a decrease in energy levels at all. For example, a few weeks back, I insulated and boarded out my tool shed which is at my parents, including building new shelves, and sorting through stuff, if it wasn't for the sun going down and the risk of ******* the neighbors off, I could have had it finished in a couple of days, as when I set my mind to something, I'll just keep going.

Quit your job and lounge around all day watching sky on your 75" OLED while smoking crack. It's easily done on benefits if the wisdom I've gained from reading these forums is true.

Would love to just quit my job, I could do so many more productive tasks, and actually enjoy my life, rather than slaving away for a company, 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, but obviously need money, somehow I need to find balane.

It's a good question.

Firstly, collectively we're absolutely ruining the world.

Secondly, most of us end up enriching others more than ourselves through the work we do.

Third, we're only here for the blink of an eye then we're gone.

Objectively and without emotion, we're all living extremely pointless existences.

Taken as a whole humanity is a mostly destructive force upon the planet. There's nothing to be proud of, here.

Why do we keep going... keep breeding... keep consuming...

It's a good question.

Part of my problem is the thought of just working for the sake of it, a continuous cycle, earning money, paying bills and then die, what a life to live!
What is the point of life if we just go to work, there is so much more to life than just a job, how do you find balance? How do you find something interesting to do to keep the money flowing in, while some what actually enjoying what you do?

Fear of having no money hence no life?

I always believed we should live to work, not work to live, but finding that balance is incredibly hard.
I dont have any difficulty getting up but often question and despise the typical 9 to 5 grind

I enjoy being in nature the most, so if you don't already get out to your local woods for some walking and/or cycling

I love nature, but not entirely sure where to go, as currently in Bristol, but with working hours, its difficult to have the energy for anything.
So what motivates you, to get up for work and enjoy, to some extent your work / job?
At lest my job gets me out of just sitting on my ass in the house
I also think if i didn't work i would weight something like 22 stone instead of my 12 stone ;)

Don't think i ever say that i enjoy getting up at 6am six days a week for work :(
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At lest my job gets me out of just sitting on my ass in the house
I also think if i didn't work i would weight something like 22 stone instead of my 12 stone ;)

Don't think i ever say that i enjoy getting up at 6am six days a week for work :(

I'm the opposite, if I didnt have to get up stupid o clock 6 days a week, I would I'd be more motivated to get to the gym regularly, have a healthier eating routine, eat healthier, sleep better as I wouldn't be so stressed out all the time, instead I struggle to get up every morning, and while my diet isn't exactly bad, it could be much better, and I could be in a much better routine. Work prevents me having the life I actually want.
Well you've kind of part answered some of your questions yourself. Balance is a keyword in all aspects of life.

Even 5 days a week 9 to 5, I am similar to you and start fatiguing around 3pm

Only you can find that balance, of course we are in unprecedented times but you need to start planning how you will find that balance.

Is it another job?

You need to set the requirements and stick to them
The most motivation I had was the 8 weeks I spent on Furlough in the summer. My life was whatever I wanted, I did loads of projects around the house (some left unfinished when I went back to work), I had loads of time for my hobbies, and frankly I hate working. My goal is to get the mortgage paid off ASAP (45K left) and work part time from then-on.
I dont have any difficulty getting up but often question and despise the typical 9 to 5 grind

I enjoy being in nature the most, so if you don't already get out to your local woods for some walking and/or cycling

I have a park 2 minutes away with a bit of woodland, go for a walk there every morning before working from home. Sets me up for the day..
Part of my problem is the thought of just working for the sake of it, a continuous cycle, earning money, paying bills and then die, what a life to live!
What is the point of life if we just go to work, there is so much more to life than just a job, how do you find balance? How do you find something interesting to do to keep the money flowing in, while some what actually enjoying what you do?

You need to find a job you enjoy. It always amazes me the amount of people who don't actually enjoy their job. Considering you work most of your life, if you don't enjoy it, you really are failing at life. I mean generally, not you personally.

Ten years ago I left my job, took a big paycut and went to work for another company. It was a calculated risk. I did it to gain extra skills and experience I could later use to get the job I really wanted. We had two kids, so it was a struggle. Money was tight.
Took me three years, then moved to another company, and three more years got me the promotion I was after.

This is the only job I really enjoy. That's not to say I didn't have good days at my other places.
I've fallen into a bit of a rut here, I don't do anything for myself anymore, I get up, go to work, get incredibly bored, go home, make dinner, then chill out and watch youtube / netflix, I just don't have the energy or drive to want to do anything. It even came up in conversation with someone I work with who I was getting to know and he said "what exactly do you do after work?" and the truth is, nothing.
By 2-3pm on a work day I hit a wall and experience fatigue, but its only when I am at work, I can have less sleep and be working on a project at home, or for someone (totally unrelated to work) and have the drive, dedication and energy to keep going all day and night, and not feel a decrease in energy levels at all. For example, a few weeks back, I insulated and boarded out my tool shed which is at my parents, including building new shelves, and sorting through stuff, if it wasn't for the sun going down and the risk of ******* the neighbors off, I could have had it finished in a couple of days, as when I set my mind to something, I'll just keep going.

totally get that, i experience the same kind of thing, except i got myself in a position that i dont have to work full time but this makes things worse sill having more free time = time to do nothing
i know i need to change but its bloody hard as its hard wired into me know
And we wonder why boomers hate millennials :)


One of the most common life regrets of the elderly is spending too much time at work or working in a job they didn't like all their lives.

I highly doubt you'll ever be told by someone on their death bed that they wish they worked harder to buy more pointless rubbish :p
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What motivates you to get up every day, to complete the work cycle? Get up, go to work, finish, dinner, bed, repeat.
I find more often than not I'd rather stay in bed, work doesn't excite me and keep me interested.

So what motivates you, to get up for work and enjoy, to some extent your work / job?

Duty I guess! I have a reasonably pleasant working environment so although I am not thrilled by the work, it's not too bad being there for the most part! I finish quite early (3:30pm) and live 10 mins drive away so I still get a plenty of time to myself in the afternoons.
normally? well i love my job, sure like every job it has bits i hate (read politics) but the technical side of things really does latch onto my interest.

these days, well the technical side has been put behind a wall of politics, so i'm becoming increasingly less motivated.
It's quite simple - I work because I get paid. People who are able to look after themselves have a duty to do so. That doesn't mean that I don't resent the fact that I have to spend most of my time doing something that I don't enjoy for the most part.

I think the more relevant question is about the meaning of life though. If you thought that your life had some purpose that was worthwhile (raising a family, for example) then you wouldn't have a problem working to support that. Working just so you can put a roof over your head and feed yourself isn't particularly inspiring though if you don't know what the point of your life is.
I get up and go to work because I need an income to live with even a modicum of comfort until one blissful day I get to not wake up, forever.
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