Motorsport Off Topic Thread

Man of Honour
30 May 2007
St A
I often come across interesting snippets of F1 info or other motorsport related topics that doesn't seem to be relevant in other threads or worth a new one, I can't be the only one? :o

So hopefully this thread will prove useful for random bits of information you found interesting and wish to share with others.

I'll start with Lewis Hamilton allegedly having recorded a secret R&B album! :p
2012 tyres

I think that's a serious amount of money myself to plow into an average driver in a very poor team. That's far above what we are used to hearing for paid for seats.

I've been used to hearing about 1 or 2 million, or Justin Wilsons struggle to sell himself for his career earnings. Nothing like 30 million sterling.

There was a F1 Forum show on the red button last year towards the end of the season where they discussed this.

iirc it was Brundle who said that pay drivers are bringing £12-£15 million minimum each, to the team.
Melbourne tyres will be the Soft and Medium, softer and closer between them compared to 2011.

Mebourne will have 2 DRS zones (1 in 2011). Detection1 Entry T14 and Activation1 Exit T16(main straight), Activation2 Exit T2.

This comment tickled me from the weekend:

"Every driver on the grid has scored points in F1, except for the three French guys" :p
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