Motorsport Off Topic Thread

It looks so wrong, but it seems so right!

It's nice to see him going back to the yellow helmet.
I like it as well with the car, but the Purple and Orange red visor in the blacked out Merc will always be a fav for me.

Yes MBS imo isn't right for F1 especially and the FIA as a whole. I too would not be unduely upset if he doesn't get re-elected, first making changes so that in effect he can't be investigated and now this.

Yes i suppose that F1 drivers might have a bit of a "potty mouth" but i suspect adrenaline is very high at times and i challenge anyone to mind what they say at those times.

If his objection to language is "for the sport's image" surely there could be found some sort of mechanism whereby car radio messages are censored (i disagreee with this bleeping out swears on a personal level but meh) if ONLY they could delay transmission of radio so that it could be cleaned........ other motorsports such as rally i assume don't have as much swearing?, i've never watch so can't say, but if true probably because they're concentrating more on what the co-pilot is telling them whats coming up.
even better if say Doohan having no WDC points gets to the 3rd strike does he get 30k fine + suspension + lets say the points docked is going to be 10, that means he'd need to place 10th+fastest lap to place him on 1 WDC point. can't have a rule that only penalizes certain drivers and we know penalties do not expire as jenson has a grid drop if he ever comes back
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