Red lighted switch is power on and power led.
Green lighted switch is reset and hard drive actifity.
Piccy came out a bit crap as it was hard to photo the green actifity light.
Yate loon fans sprayed red,got a close a match as i could.
The 6 rad fans are SH models and the 3 other case fans are SL models,note one fan is missing well i dropped it while i was spraying ...doh.
The fans on the rads are linked to 1 3 pin so that i could keep it tidy as possable.
Sprayed some SS hex bolts black & my D-TEK FuZion intel bracket.
hmmmz is it time for a revuild after seeing yours clone .........wife says no im still thinking where i can put my second loop though lol
nice job clone
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