Clone : You know me m8, always on the salvage hunt. I was toying with the idea of taking the PA160 off you but I dunno if switching out my Stealth GT would be worth it.
DataVampire : Beware of using too many of the different cathodes as they can drown each other out. UV light works best when there are not other light sources.
If it dosn't pass orthos blend for at least 1 pass (usually 11-12 hours) then I wouldn't class my PC as stable. Stability testing is a very personal thing - some people don't see the point in doing it if it runs everything they use fine - personally I like to have the best indication that my pc is stable no matter what I throw at it so having a PC game stable is all fine and dandy but if your HD is slowly corrupting due to incorrect calculations then what is the point?
I don't feel insecure enough to spout what qualifications I have and wouldn't dream of trying to prove my point by saying so as if it made a difference but for all those qualifications m8, you are having a very hard time reading a post - maybe a refund is in order? I did actually state Orthos gives an INDICATION of stability.
I agree it isn't the be all and end all of a systems stability and shouldn't be considered as such. Its an INDICATION of stability. It is however an indication that I and many others in the overclocking community rely on to test for indications of stability. Does that make it right? No of course it dosn't but it will show an indication that your pc is either stable or not.
If Orthos or P95 or any other stress tester fails then it has made a computation error. If a CPU has made a computation error its is not stable. If its not stable then your hard drive will eventually corrupt. I don't know where you read or were taught that data corruption cannot be as a result of an unstable cpu/ram/motherboard m8. A cpu that is unstable or ram that is unstable or a pci bus that is flaky CAN AND WILL corrupt what is written to the disk, and corrupt where things are written to the disk resulting in a corrupt HD and possible data loss. Sure overclocking too far is not the only thing that can corrupt HD's - there are many other things that could be responsible but I say 9/10 times overclocking is the problem. Overclocking too far can also cause sudden resets (again causing corruption of hard disks). In short I do believe it is indeed YOU who are talking 'utter rubbish' in this respect - no offence.
If you don't want to run Orthos or any other stress tester then fine m8 - no one is gonna force you, its an age long debate that some find stress testers useless while others think they are very handy tools. Each to there own I guess, horses for courses and all that.
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