move bf3 to SSD

2 Aug 2010
Egypt/ Surrey
Hi guys my download speed is utter rubbish so re Downloading is out of the question. I dont mind reinstalling.

Has any one had success moving origin games between hard drives?

What do I need to do?

Thanks in advance
The way I've done it in the past, which is a bit long winded is basically make a copy of the game folder onto the SSD, uninstall the game from Origin, then in Origin settings change the install folder for games to the SSD and then tell it to install the game you copied to the SSD, it should find the files and not actually download anything.
I have a few games on origin but just want BF3 on an SSD, the rest can stay on mechanical.

How do?

It's in the thread.

The way I've done it in the past, which is a bit long winded is basically make a copy of the game folder onto the SSD, uninstall the game from Origin, then in Origin settings change the install folder for games to the SSD and then tell it to install the game you copied to the SSD, it should find the files and not actually download anything.

Thanks broken hope it worked
Use the Steam Mover program. It can be used for moving ANY folder from one place to another, not just steam games. You just have to manually change the source and destination directories, and make a note of what these are for when you want to move things back, particularly the source folder. It really is quite simple, all the mover app does is automate the mklink/junctioning process. As long as BF3 has its own folder somewhere in Origin it can be moved with this.
Agree with Bubo (although I used Junction Link Magic rather than Steam Mover as I had it installed - I renamed my Battlefield 3 folder to "Battlefield 3.temp", then created a new junction point from the mechanical drive Battlefield 3 folder to the SSD, then put the contents of Battlefield 3.temp folder in the new SSD folder. 5 minutes and it was all done and dusted - game now loads in 15 seconds rather than 45, still wonder why it takes so long though?

I tend to keep my most played game on the SSD and all the rest on the mechanical and then move them as and when needed using junction points to avoid installing/reinstalling each time.
And the good thing about these junctioning programs is that once it is done Origin, Steam or whatever is absolutely none the wiser that anything has changed, e.g. it will install updates to what it thinks is the game folder in its origin folder, but the files actually go straight to the ssd. And when you move things back it takes everything with it, it is totally transparent to Orign/Steam/Anything. From what Confused Stu says about JLM I have to say Steam Mover sounds a bit easier to use as you don't have to rename anyting or move any files yourself, but it sounds like it acheives to same in the end.
Sorry, my brain must be completely fubar but this isn't making any sense!!
Right, so I've re-installed STEAM onto my SSD and kept the original in my 'games' partition on my mechanical drive. Of course the newer version says I need to install all my games. D/L steam mover so how on Earth do I use to play all my games again??
Gonna have to get simple here....
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