Comedy value, the nonsense you spout about the French is usually accompanied by nonsense about the Americans, hence it's usual to mock both together.
That's not what a straw man is lol.
That is a massive straw man - what are you even refering to - again I made no criticism of the Americans yet you refer to me posting nonsense about them.
Not really, as an EU/NATO ally they were pretty much instant in their cutting of ties to Argentina and their support for us.
Completely missing the point - I've just illustrated where that lobbying was required.
You're referring to Dassault employees who had worked/lived in Argentina for years, it's sad that they chose to break the law and their orders in order to help their friends but it's no fault of the French as a whole.
One of them was a French Agent working for their national intelligence service.
Would have been nice if true![]()
What do you mean would have been nice? How is it nice... It is/was true.
Would have been nice if true, and posting an edited excerpt from an official document in order to pervert the context doesn't make it true. The only reason we knew of the danger of Exocet's making their way to Argentina via Peru is because the French warned us that they suspected Peru would violate their contract and ship them to a third party hence why they had refused to give them the missiles and sent their ship away empty (as detailed in the part of the report you redacted). Hence why the report also states that as a result of that fear France had halted shipments to Peru until after we retook the Falklands, despite legal pressure from Peru and the fear of losing their military contacts throughout South America (and pretty much begs them to tell them when we think we will have the islands back by so they can make arrangements).
I've not redacted anything.
The part you posted is essentially Thatcher trying to statesman by strongly wordily asking him to do the thing he's already informed her he will be doing![]()
That's false.
Oh, and if you read the rest of the document you will see the part where the government are mad at Israel because instead of stopping arms sales to Argentina they have stated shipping them by air instead to get them there faster, but hey it's more fun to try and paint the French as bad guys right?![]()
No - re-read the post - the comment was about the French... why does replying to a comment about the French require whataboutery re: some other countries.
You're posting a lot of nonsense tbh...