Movies about The Falklands War?

I'd have liked to have seen Ridley Scott do another of his "Blackhawk Down" style films about the Falklands but the war was so long that I'm not sure a 2hr to 2:30hr film could cram in everything without being forced to miss out important stuff, unless it just focused on a single element like the SAS raid at Pebble Is, or 3 Para at Goose Green, or even just the Sea war with Harriers Vs A4's/Mirage and ships attacked by missiles etc.

However it's such a narrow market (no US/China audience) that such a film will never be made.
Americans finance movies that perform well at the American box office which is their largest market, most people in America like watching movies they can relate to, crazy concept I know.

Yeah. It's like what I wrote, but with different words.
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