I just want to get out of here now. We've spent today packing, we have so much bloody stuff, the journey is going to be a nightmare! Tomorrow will be spent cleaning our flat all day, then we finally go on Tuesday. Excited to be going home now to be honest with you. We've had an amazing year.
Natalie did a post recently with some of our highlights: http://www.ourcanadianadventure.co.uk/2014/03/the-final-countdown/
Good luck getting your final bits sorted, Ben!
Safe trip back SS and Good luck Westy !
Yeah they changed it from being able to have two one-year visas to having one two-year one. We did apply when we got back to the UK so could have gone back for another two years as they weren't excluding people who had only been once before. Due to wanting a baby and also money we decided not to go.