Moving to Canada for 12 months - IEC Working Holiday Visa

Well the actual IEC Canada site has a lot of useful information, some of it is tucked away in the form of PDFs but have a dig around and you should find all you need.
This is the main page which explains how to apply, although it could change for next year - http://www.canadainternational.gc.c...e/application_guide-guide_demande.aspx?view=d

Here is a FB group for people chatting about this years thing, which you might find some useful info on. There's a fair bit on inane banter, but there is some useful information as well:


This is a long thread, but if you're bored at work one day it could be worth a read for general info:

And this is to convince you that Vancouver is the place to go (make sure you use the dropdown at the top to try different views) :D
Another update from me, we booked our flights last night.

Our 9 hour 45 minute flight (or thereabouts) will begin at 8.50am on Tuesday 19th March 2013.

To say I'm excited would be an understatement. Only 5 months and 8 days to go!!
I know I keep bumping this every now and again but I thought I'd post a couple of links to help out anyone else thinking of doing the same thing.

Well, one link really, the site was only launched recently I believe and it's awesome in terms of the information it provided:

Also, my girlfriend and I have started a blog :)
Blimey, just realised it's a year since I started this thread! Only a few months to go now :D

Looking long term, and considering the fact that nobody would want to move back to the UK after living in the awesomeness that is Vancouver, what are the prospects for when you realise that you really want to stay in Canada? Is residency a long and difficult affair? Is it a case of forget about it unless you have a company lined up to sponsor you?

I think our best hope of staying past the initial 2 years allowed via IEC will be via sponsorship from an employer. I don't know where I'll be working or what I'll be doing yet but it's certainly a possibility.

There's the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) route, although I don't know if this is the same as what I've mentioned above or not -

I've always struggled with what is and isn't considered skilled work or not. I've ran my own photography business for 3 years so perhaps that could be something I look into.

Good question, and one I'd like to know the answer too. I used up a visa back when you were only allowed one and now you can get two fresh ones I'd love to go back with the intention of trying to stay for good.

Vancouver kicks all kinds of rear. :D

Glad you had a good time. When were you there and what were you doing during your stay?

Hey SS, haven't seen a mention of what age you are? Myself and the missus are considering it ourselves but with no career clues myself i'm not sure its the best idea..

I'm 27 and my girlfriend is 28. I've been in a career focused job for nearly 6 years now, it's time to move on and we knew that if we didn't do something like this now then we never would. Go for it!

We're going out there with no idea what work we will be doing. We'll be open minded and open to pretty much anything to begin with. Fortunately we'll have enough cash to get by without working for a few weeks at least.
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Just read through this thread, looks like a fantastic opportunity!

I hadn't considered doing anything like this before, but am now very tempted follow in your footsteps. Keep this thread updated!

Will do :)

There's not much going on now until we go to be honest, but if you're interested we're running a blog at :)

I first went out in 2007 to do a ski instructor course at Big White which is near Kelowna, then I went back the year after to Big White with my visa, did a season there then spent the summer in Vancouver painting houses.

Since then I've been back for a couple of winters. The last one I spent in a place called Cold Lake 300km north of Edmonton. Small Oil/Military town, very weird with a group of 5 Brits just there to teach skiing at a very small hill. We were treated very well lol.

That was with a sponsored visa so I still have the two they announced a year or so ago to use up before I'm 30. :D The first of which I am applying for this year.

Sounds awesome! Looks like you've made the most of your time there, I certainly hope we can say the same when we've been there for a couple of years. We're planning all kinds of trips and things like that but you know what it's like, we may well get a job and then just end up not doing anything. I hope that's not the case though.
I've just sent this to you on Facebook but I'll post it here as well anyway :)

In terms of costs, and I'm doing this from memory, this is what we have/will spent/spend: (all of these are what we paid each)

- Police certificate - £35
- IEC fee - £90
- Flights - £330
- Insurance - will be around £100-150 each
- Accommodation for 2 weeks when we get there - £250 each

This could change, and I may not have remembered them exactly but it's close enough.

You'll also need proof that you have $2,500 (about £1,600 I think) when you get there. Although from the research I've done people are recommending that you take a lot more as it can be expensive when you first arrive, particularly if you're heading to Vancouver like we are, as apparently it's very expensive. Not sure how bad it is, it seems alright to me but time will tell.

We have booked a one-way flight because it worked out cheaper. There is no requirement to book one-way or return, you can get there however you like.
When I went, which given is a while ago now, they didn't ask to see any funds at immigration. That was with BUNAC though, so perhaps they aren't so bothered compared to a visa which you have got off your own back.

I personally didn't actually have much money myself, having just finished Uni. Luckily it was enough to last me until I started working when I got a job.

I've read a lot of reports from people recently saying that they weren't asked to show anything, but it is a requirement so you need to have it with you just in case.

I'm hoping to have around £5-6k with me when I go, although knowing my spending habits it will be more like £3k!
Good luck man, can't offer anything constructive in terms of costs as was about 10 years since I did a a year study abroad at UBC in Vancouver and loved it. Very easy to get 'aboot' and across downtown, friendly and loads of cool bars, etc. Always seemed much cheaper eating out than actually buying food then for some reason but the exchange rate was great in 2002. Looking forward to hearing the updates!

Thanks dude :)
No message on Facebook :( Appreciate the reply on here too though. Have you found that yourself and Natalie have managed to save money on things like accommodation because you're a couple?

We plan on taking as much money as possible, both selling cars/getting rid of outstanding debts like loan payments before we go, so hopefully we'll have a good couple of grand each, if not more.

We're probably saved a bit of money because we're a couple, with the place we've booked at least. If it was just me it would cost me double.

On the other hand, if you're on your own it would probably be easier to find spare rooms with people, which would likely be a lot cheaper.

I'm hoping it will be easier to find an apartment as a couple as we can get a 1 bedroom place and share the cost. Whereas if I was on my own it would either be very expensive or I'd need to look into sharing.

Hoping to get all mine applied for when it opens for 2013 soon and head off once saved up enough. Hard part is actually making a commitment to do it and having the nerves to go alone into a new country. As said though chances of gaining permanent residency are slim if you don't have a trade and getting a company sponsorship is really pot luck.

Come to Vancouver :)
The recent changes to the Irish IEC means that you can now get a single 2 year visa, rather than two 1 year visas. People that are currently on their first visa can apply this year and get another one with 2 years, meaning they've had a total of 3 years.

I'm hoping the delays to the opening of the UK IEC this year is because similar changes are being made. It means that if my girlfriend and I apply for another one before we leave we'd also end up with a total of 3 years.

Fingers crossed!!
Is the application window normally open by now then?

It opened in December last year.

It looks like the delays have been caused because they have completely changed the application process. There's some information here:


- Application is now completed online
- Now a two stage application with verification of eligibility before applying for the visa. Previously you applied once and it went through the 2 stages automatically. Now it's split up into 2 distinct parts it seems. 1st Stage eligibility is done in London.
- Your police check isn't required until the 2nd stage so you'll want to make sure it isn't out of date before that time.
- My understanding of "centralized processing region" (for the 2nd stage application for the visa) is that applications are now processed in Canada (either Sydney Nova Scotia, Mississauga Ontario or Vegreville Alberta) rather than the UK.
- February 1st is mentioned a few times throughout so that might be the magical date. All of the above seems to account for the apparent delay beginning the program this year as these are radical changes from previous years.
- By law, (complete) applications must be processed within 8 weeks
- Mention of the changes to eligibility for Ireland are included but this latest update has nothing new for UK citizens - I'd therefore find it unlikely there will be any changes

Thanks for the continued updates dude :) I'll definitely follow your blog :D

Just waiting for the IEC to open for this years lot now... I thought it'd be Nov/Dec last year but still waiting :p

Thanks :)

Check above, 1st February is current speculation.

As are we - sending off the Police Certificate application this week hopefully :)

As the Visas may be valid for up to 2 years, does this mean that the Letters of Introduction may be as well?

It's looking unlikely now the UK will change to 2 years, but I could be wrong. If it does change to 2 year, now or in the future, I'd be very surprised if the LOI would change to being valid for 2 years as well.
Ah, so basically:

  • Apply for eligibility testing
  • Once through, you can apply for (or have ready) your police certificate and other documentation (online I understand)
  • Application should be completed within 8 weeks submission.
  • Letter of Introduction can be issued any time from that date

Do I understand that correctly?

Thanks for all the updates on that Nick :)

Where have you got that information from? All the pages I've seen state that it hasn't opened yet. Unless I'm confusing 2 separate things; the "window" and the application process?

This page states that applications aren't being accepted yet?

Sorry, by last year I actually meant December 2011, the one that my girlfriend and I applied for.
Amazing, thanks for all your help and advice on this! Myself and the OH are planning on applying as soon as the visa's for this year are open again and hoping to be out by July 2013 :) All of your links and tips are going to be so beneficial to us! Thanks a lot dude :)

No problem at all, I'm glad to help :)

Where are you and your OH thinking of moving to in Canada?
We're going to Vancouver, pretty sure we'll just stay there although winter in Whistler looks appealing depending on how we get on with jobs.

2 months today until our flight!!!
Unfortunately that is the case.

What are the chances you'll head out there then? Or do you think you'll just give it a miss?

We're going out with no jobs and don't plan to properly look until we even get there.
WOW! Now that is seriously cold! Fortunately we're heading to BC :D

Yeah I've read that a lot actually, we'll definitely be applying for our first jobs (ie. the ones to tide us over until we find proper ones) in person and following up in person if we don't hear anything back.

Good idea about Skype calls as well. I wasn't planning on applying for jobs before I went but I'd just finished my resume and I saw one on LinkedIn that I liked so I applied for it on the off chance.
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