MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

I agree there, if its confirmed to be politically motivated I'll feel very ashamed of supporting the same side as such a person in this referendum.

Oh dear massive over-reaction to say the least, whoever this guy was and whatever he may have said what on earth has that got to do with the referendum.
If, as I suspect to be the case, the police say that Britain first was not shouted, i am expecting a full apology from those saying this is to do with brexit.

Can someone explain the fixation with whether "Britain first" was shouted or not?

Didn't this guy fabricate a weapon, and then specifically choose his target which happen to be a politician?

I mean surely this wasn't just some random killing? Isn't a politically motivated killing the definition of terrorism?
Can someone explain the fixation with whether "Britain first" was shouted or not?

Didn't this guy fabricate a weapon, and then specifically choose his target which happen to be a politician?

I mean surely this wasn't just some random killing? It is politically motivated terrorism?

I understand she intervened in an argument between 2 blokes, what's politics got to do with it.
I understand she intervened in an argument between 2 blokes, what's politics got to do with it.

Wow, you are right just read all the way to the bottom of the story.

She just got involved in a scuffle and the lunatic pulled a gun out, and shot her multiple times and then started kicking her!
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Oh dear massive over-reaction to say the least, whoever this guy was and whatever he may have said what on earth has that got to do with the referendum.

Exactly this, nothing to do with the EU referendum, all because he may have shouted Britain First, who are pretty much a small gang of thugs, not a religion.

Mentally ill man possibly supports a gang of right wing extremist who are very small in numbers and they cannot and never will have any influence on the referendum vote because of the sad events of today.
I wonder what the fight she got involved in was about.

It does seem bizarre. I believe the fight was completely random and unrelated to the reason he was carrying a gun.

This guy had a gun on him, and if the guy he was fighting with was actually his intended target, then there is no way he would have used his shots on an unrelated by-standing woman, he would have used them on the guy he was fighting. Which leads me to believe he simply wanted to kill anyone that day, there was no premeditated target.

Think about it, either get arrested for taking out your target or get arrested for killing a non-target.
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