MPH Show/Top Gear Live...

I'm surprised by how much people like it. MPH is just a glorified car showroom which got a bit bland pretty quickly, there's some nice metal don't get me wrong, but nothing astonishing. It's mostly dealers selling their cars and a few "custom" AV installs in hatchbacks, definitely not worth paying to see.

The stage show was pretty poor, the first time the display team did an act it was fairly entertaining, but after that it's just repeating the same stuff and gets boring. The banter between the trio is scripted on the TV show, as we all know, but it never seems too forced or too word-for-word pre-prepared, on the stage show they were practically reading from a script; it was quite funny if you manage to look beyond that, but it was just really forced.

This year was the first and, suffice to say, last time I'll be going.
I went with my brother this year, tickets were about £100 each for Platinum (Xmas gift from mum :)). MPH show was very MEH, not a lot there and as other have said, there was much more to see at the Classic Car section.

Top Gear Live was superb, as already said, very scripted (more so than the TV) but you kind of expect it, and its great to see it live :D

We sat 3 rows from the front and had a superb view, it was a great show with lots of stunts :)
We sat 3 rows from the front and had a superb view, it was a great show with lots of stunts :)
I was 4 from the front :D seats 43/44 i think, right on the end of the row too so extra room for the man area :D

You get a much better deal if you go to the NEC, you get to see the Classic Motorshow which was fantastic.

The classic motorshow was pretty good, i enjoyed seeing some of the motors in there.

I need to get my pics sorted and post them up.
I was going, until I got my exam timetable for the week before, and then after.

Meant either fail, be happy, or be sad and... fail :p
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