MSI 26.5" MPG 272URX QD-OLED 240Hz 26.5" 4K Monitor

In my experience, 32” 16:9 is just a little unpleasant for some use cases… it feels a little nauseating for FPS games even with my super mega-deep desk. It’s just too tall.

4k 27” 16:9… yum yum.
32" uw isn't that high in vertical size though, guess you thought I was talking of 32" 16:9 or 16:10

Also isn't windows scaling quite poor? So it's best leaving to 100%. Although I do use 125% on both of my displays 1440p 27" and 1220p 16"

I try to choose ppi where a bit of windows scaling is required to make things look bigger, use native display resolution. And I games run native with no scaling and if possible no AA to lessen burden of GPU. No dlss/fsr.

I try not use games scaling as I go back to dos and windows 3.1 era so native in games was always the right way although with TVs and video always have to scale dvd to 1080p or SD to 4k etc so similar in principles to fsr and dlss
No I am talking about 32" 16:9, that's where I find the height a little too much personally for me. I know others don't mind it but I found it a significant change from 27" (which should have been obvious to me considering the size difference!).

I don't mind Windows scaling, I blow hot and cold with it. I'm currently running my 1440p OLED at 125% because I found it mostly sorted out text fringing and helped with eye strain on reading big chunks of text. I've definitely preferred to run at 100% in the past but for now I'm ok with 125% at 1440p.
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