MSI B350M MORTAR not posting

So if I buy a cheap single crucial ddr4 2400 dimm for £28 0r so that should allow me to boot into the bios to update?
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4GB Crucial ddr4 dimm fitted and just like that I was able to get into the bios. Updated to the latest version but it still doesn't post when I put the Corsair ram back in. Are there any bios changes I have to make for it to work with the Corsair LPX 16GX4M2B3000C15 16GB 2x8GB dimms
4GB Crucial ddr4 dimm fitted and just like that I was able to get into the bios. Updated to the latest version but it still doesn't post when I put the Corsair ram back in. Are there any bios changes I have to make for it to work with the Corsair LPX 16GX4M2B3000C15 16GB 2x8GB dimms

No you shouldnt have to change any settings, personnaly though after powering down and swapping over to the Corsair, I would clear the cmos with the jumper on the board before trying to start back up, I dont know what it is with Corsair RAM or why everyone buys it, but most of the issues I see with RyZen is because of Corsair memory.

If that doesnt work, try 1 stick at a time.
Will be returning my Corsair ram. Any suggestions on what 2x8GB 3200Mhz kits I should buy to replace? Don't want to spend stupid money but want a kit that the mb will recognise as 3200Mhz without a lot of additional work.
Also will add an additional 2x8GB at a later date for 32GB total.
Bloody Corsair again, they would have to pay me to use it again!

I've had 4 issues in the last 5 years with Corsair compatibility but it seems that if you live in the UK there is almost no option, all suppliers in the UK are the same. 200 different RAM available to buy and 180 of them are Corsair, I don't get it!
I use G.Skill Trident Z RGB CL16 3200mhz and its running at 3200mhz, see my video here on the mortar, settings included.

And using the ASUS Auru Lighting Control app to control the LEDs on it as the G.Skill software is rubbish to keep it polite:

Many thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it! Could you confirm if this is the ram? G.SKILL F4-3200C16D-16GTZR
I want to make sure I buy the right kit this time

many thanks
Many thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it! Could you confirm if this is the ram? G.SKILL F4-3200C16D-16GTZR
I want to make sure I buy the right kit this time

many thanks

Yup, thats the kit ive got, I brought it from the shop in Bradford as Overclockers dont stock it.

In the video description you can see the links to all the tests I ran at those speeds.
Looking on the support page for this MB their don't seem to be any chipset drivers? 64

I installed the latest Ryzen drivers from here:

My question is shouldn't I be installing drivers provided by the MB manufacturer and not AMD directly?

many thanks


No, I always go to the chipset manufacturers websites for drivers too, they update them more often, so you're guaranteed to get the latest drivers, the only thing I use the boards website for is utilities and bios updates.
Overclockers confirmed that my first board was faulty and was doing the exact same for them. I said the new board you sent me is doing the exact same as the previous. I have also asked for them to replace the RAM for a set that is more likely to work and requested that they made sure both the motherboard and ram work before they send a third faulty motherboard out to me! Third time lucky.......
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