DPD is taking a ****, second day and still not delivered. Again said "no one available to sign for the order". Next delivery on monday. Did any 1 had the same situation with them ? I mean, you was at home waiting for the driver and he didn't turn up but stated that he did :>
ok, so i've just run the heaven benchmark on mine with everything maxed at 1080p res (would've uploaded pics but don't know how?)

gpu core clock - 960 (300 idle)

gpu mem - 1250 (150)

temp - 52 (26)

fan - 42 % (30)

gpu load - 59 % (0)

vddc - 1.236 (0.805)

mvddc - 1.551 (1.551)

current in - 18.0A (2.5)

vddc current in - 2.0A (0.2)

bios ver (113-c38864000-x00)

gpu clock 960 mem 1250

with the above information, am i ok or do i need to change something i.e. flash bios etc?
DPD is taking a ****, second day and still not delivered. Again said "no one available to sign for the order". Next delivery on monday. Did any 1 had the same situation with them ? I mean, you was at home waiting for the driver and he didn't turn up but stated that he did :>

Yes. (not an OCUK delivery though) Wife missed the delivery on a Friday (they posted a card) while picking up the Kids from school :mad: it said on the list for the next day Saturday but you can't reschedule / call for 24 hours from delivery time otherwise I would have collected.

Waited in Saturday morning and they didn't arrive - checked the website and they said we were not in at 08.57 which is ridiculous as we were all in the kitchen eating breakfast at that time which looks out at the driveway!!!
How the heck is your card running that cool and quiet on 1.23v?

Is your GPU being loaded 100%???

Can you upload your BIOS for me?

Gpu was only at 59 % running the heaven bench mark. I'll upload the bios if you let me know how to do it. I recall seeing an icon on the bios Page on gpu z to upload the bios to a website., is that the one?
Same Settings as before with the STALKER benchmark..


Completely stable, flashed it at 1.1v which is more then enough for 1100Mhz too :D

Your core clock and gpu usage seem to be fluctuating a lot after lowering the voltage or is it a different benchmark?
In custom mode with highest settings I got 1022 in heaven 4.0 full screen at 1080 res.

In extreme windowed mode I got 989

Gpu temp didn't rise above 65% and fans at 52 % with gpu at 99% load

CPU is an i7 930 oc to 3.8

There seems to be no consistency with these msi 7950's :/ Seems like pot luck if you'll get a good one or not.
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