@TRS, have you a chance to see if Network Genie works with this board as it has an Intel Lan chip. Just wondered if there are any network traffic management options so that certain types of traffic can be given a higher priority please?
looks like I'm a bit late for this one!

The last CPU I installed was a Q6600, so I'm not familiar with the LGA1155 sockets, but I was a bit concerned at the amount of force needed to clamp the cpu in place on my GD65, and even more so when I lifted the cpu out to check it was seated and saw what looked like all the pins evenly bent over! Thankfully, as far as I can tell that is how it is supposed to be, they're just at a slight angle, and everything works fine. But it was quite disconcerting :D
:) cool, I was lucky as I had a £25 runner up cashback prize from msi plus it was on special last week so when I get the cashback it will have cost me about £104 and seems like it has a lot going for it. One thing I don't think you picked up on was that Network Genie is not yet relevant on this board due to it using an Intel LAN chip.

Just out of interest are you the ginger haired guy that didn't like giving the mic away in them youtube videos from CeBIT?
:) cool, I was lucky as I had a £25 runner up cashback prize from msi plus it was on special last week so when I get the cashback it will have cost me about £104 and seems like it has a lot going for it. One thing I don't think you picked up on was that Network Genie is not yet relevant on this board due to it using an Intel LAN chip.

Just out of interest are you the ginger haired guy that didn't like giving the mic away in them youtube videos from CeBIT?

Yah that was me on the videos but I'm not a ginge mate!
Having to RMA my second one of these. (Anyone got there £25 cheque yet btw?)

First one didn't post
Second one ethernet controller doesn't work.
Got my 3rd one today. So far so good, updated the bios to 10.5 with no problems.

Now to actually put it in my case.
need a good overclocking guide for this board... been trolling through the net and no good detailed overclocking guide available... even though a lot of people seem to have this board.
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