MSN Live Invites

This thread is rammed with requests, so if you want one, e-mail me and save me trawling through. That way I can operate first come first serve, rather than who I see post first and miss a backlog of people after an invite.

So, e-mail [email protected] if you want one :)
Atomic said:
How do you generate invites? I've got MSN Beta and want to give some to people I know.

You have to wait for msn live to send you invites, you get a few invites to start with when you 1st sign up to test the beta, normally in the next couple of days :)
No idea who has one and who doesn't......Just seeing requests but dunno if you have one or not.....So......

I have 5 invites.....So the next 5 peeps wanting one can have one! :)
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