Muse at Wembley Stadium (16th + 17th)

One More Solo said:
There was grass poking through the stadium floor so unless the grass is uber long it was in contact with the pitch. This is why stadiums host gigs in the sport off-season so they can replace the pitch, I can't imagine there's a game at Wembley till Octoberish so loads of time.

Nah, the grass is really long, haven't you seen 28 Weeks Later? :D

Most really big, modern stadiums have absolutely rubbish playing surfaces, especially ones with closable roofs- bad light and air conditions. So no real surprise here.
The venue will probably take as much as muse, if not more. Remember the tickets were £40 minimum. 70,000 people on the first night, about 60,000 on the second night.

Thats 5.2million just from ticket sales, then you gotta think about things like food sales, cus that was pretty expensive. £7.50 for a burger and chips, £4 for a piece of bread with tomato sauce/cheese on. £1.50 for a tea... etc. Me n my parents spent about £25 on food, which will have a lot of profit on.
mp3kla said:
The venue will probably take as much as muse, if not more. Remember the tickets were £40 minimum. 70,000 people on the first night, about 60,000 on the second night.

Thats 5.2million just from ticket sales, then you gotta think about things like food sales, cus that was pretty expensive. £7.50 for a burger and chips, £4 for a piece of bread with tomato sauce/cheese on. £1.50 for a tea... etc. Me n my parents spent about £25 on food, which will have a lot of profit on.

The band will probably take a million of that, then you've got to pay security, police, venue staff, promoters, support acts, cleaning... the list is endless.
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