Muse at Wembley Stadium (16th + 17th)

lozza23_uk said:
did anyone make a mental note of the songs they played on both nights?

wouldnt mind keeping a copy of it.

I had an excellent time. first stadium gig.

aggree on the DPThings, didnt like it one bit. thought the sound was rather off (PA's like that need ramping up to sound good, and they held it all in reserve for muse)

was suprised to see empty seats as well.

beer was average, food was cold. but ultimately its all about the music, which was worth it.
and only a 20quid cab back to chiswick, which was nice.

Empty seats are probably down to visibility issues due to the stage setup or tout tickets that went unsold (boohoo, not). As for setlists I believe it was something like; ;)


'Knights Of Cydonia'
'Supermassive Blackhole'
'Map Of The Problematique'
'City Of Delusion'
'Butterflies & Hurricanes'
'Citizen Erased'
'Feeling Good'
'Man Of Mystery'
'Time Is Running Out'

'Soldiers Poem'
'Plug In Baby'

'Micro Cuts'
'Stockholm Syndrome'
'Take A Bow'


'Knights Of Cydonia'
'Supermassive Blackhole'
'Map Of The Problematique'
'Forced In'
'Sing For Absolution'
'Butterflies & Hurricanes'
'Apocalypse Please'
'Feeling Good'
'Blues Jam'
'Time Is Running Out'

'Soldiers Poem'

'Plug In Baby'
'Stockholm Syndrome'
'Take A Bow'
Last night was amazing. First time I've seen them live. Wish I was in standing though, couldn't get the feel for it in seated! Apart from that, it was a great night - and I was impressed with Biffy Clyro.

The time it took to get out of the Stadium parking was nuts though, took about 30mins/45 to get out of there, then we hit the A406 west, then standstill for about an hour, someone came off their motorbike... didnt look nice. Was meant to get home at 1am, ended up getting in the house at 3.15am.
I went last night.
They were superb, the Absolution songs got the biggest screams from the crowd, with "Time is running out" and "stockholm sydrome" sending everybody completly mental.

My Chemical Romance were quite good too.
atpbx said:
I went last night.
They were superb, the Absolution songs got the biggest screams from the crowd, with "Time is running out" and "stockholm sydrome" sending everybody completly mental.

My Chemical Romance were quite good too.

Didn't enjoy MCR. I saw someone throw something at them the second they walked on. Confused me as to why they played... They completely dropped the tone when they started talking about avoiding suicide - and then to top it off they played a song called Cancer...
mp3kla said:
Didn't enjoy MCR. I saw someone throw something at them the second they walked on. Confused me as to why they played... They completely dropped the tone when they started talking about avoiding suicide - and then to top it off they played a song called Cancer...

Well, they are Emo tastic arnt they?
You are one of three types of people regarding this:

You hate Emo
You love Emo
You dont give a toss either way and if you like something you listen to it regardless of what "it" is.
I am the third option, most of the seated tiers were up and singing with them anyway.
Muse were fantastic! I've always wanted to hear Sing For Absolution live, I wasn't disappointed. Also the intro to Apocalypse Please sounded amazing in that stadium! Matt was on top form, running round the stage like a idiot :D. I'm sure I saw him running and sliding onto his knees a few times.

Sly Child weren't that great, Biffy Cyro was pretty good, haven't really heard much of their stuff but I want to now. MCR were ok i guess... But did he really have to swear so much? And what was with the whole suicide/self harm lecture? Got a bit fed up.

Sly Child: 4/10
Biffy Cyro: 8/10
Zaine Low (Sp?): 6/10 (only because he played some Prodigy...)
MCR: 6/10
Muse: 10/10 ;)
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I dont hate emo, just dislike the style of music / attitude. Also, (mentioned above) did he really need to say **** before every word - I'm not one against swearing, only he seemed a complete tit...

'Wembley ******* Stadium!'
'Can you ******* hear me!?'
'Do you want to hear ******* Muse?'

He must have repeated the above three lines about 5 or 6 times. Feeder would have been a good support act... maybe?
Mr.Orb said:
:eek: That would have been brilliant! I would have been in a coma from the excitement.

Hmm, at least if you were in a coma you wouldn't be thinking about what MCR were saying... suicide, self harm, violence and Cancer. I'll take a Feeder induced coma any day.
I really liked that first track by Shy Child. That was proper fresh and up beat.
I thought My Chemical Romance did alright. Biffy Cyro did very very well.
Muse were off the hook as they always have been. It is the first time I have seen Muse in the 10 years of supporting them.

I was floor standing. I was right next to where MUSE came out of the central stage. Also got my hands on some free glow sticks, a bouncy confetti filled condom and a few thrown beers.
Fstop11 said:
I really liked that first track by Shy Child. That was proper fresh and up beat.
I thought My Chemical Romance did alright. Biffy Cyro did very very well.
Muse were off the hook as they always have been. It is the first time I have seen Muse in the 10 years of supporting them.

I was floor standing. I was right next to where MUSE came out of the central stage. Also got my hands on some free glow sticks, a bouncy confetti filled condom and a few thrown beers.

Yeah I noticed a lot of beers and condoms flying around. I saw one guy stack a load of empty beer glasses to about 6ft tall, then threw them in the air. Everyone within about 25ft was throwing him their beer glasses.
mp3kla said:
I saw one guy stack a load of empty beer glasses to about 6ft tall, then threw them in the air. Everyone within about 25ft was throwing him their beer glasses.

haha, i saw that. Didn't know what it was at first, just saw this thing rising out of the crowd.
molinari said:
Who were the group before The Streets on the Saturday? We got into the stadium after they'd started, and was there another group on before them?

So how long was the walk and wait for trains after???

Before the streets it was Dirty Pretty Things and before them it was Rodrigo y Gabriela ...

the Dirty Pretty Things didn't really get the crowd going at all but the streets managed it a few times although as soon as muse entered in the centre of the stadium it all erupted :D
mp3kla said:
Were you being sarcastic when you said this? I normally relate coma's to being bored... :confused: :p

Haha, no I would have fallen into a coma from being so excited... Just to clarify Feeder rock.
Got back at 4am this morning from the Sunday night event due to the atrocities of the London Underground. :rolleyes:

But puting that aside. I thought the concert was really rather average. Muse were, as goes without saying, perfection in their performance, but they were majorly let down by their sound support. It took them half the set to get the sound right and by that time I was so fed up that I had already made up my mind that this was no way worth £40 of my hard earned money. The background noise generated by the echoing of the sound from the speaker behind me had me turning one ear towards the speakers in front of me in an attempt to actually make out what the original sound was. I had Muse in my ears from about 5 different locations all at different times (and it only needs to be fractions of seconds difference for it to turn into a jumbled mess).

I'm hoping that this is just down to it being one of the first music concerts at Wembley, therefore they haven't quite mastered the acoustics of the stadium yet. It has to get better.

As for the support bands... don't even get me started. My Chemical Romance were terrible. The lead singer took a moment out in between two songs to give an announcement that went along the lines of; "No matter how bad things are, suicide isn't the answer. It's cool that you can only fit in at rock concerts like these, but don't kill yourself".
Errrm, would you be addressing your teenage all-in-black suicidal following there then? As I certainly have the social skills to fit in at more than just rock concerts thank you very much.

But hey, the balloon acrobats were cool. :)
The sound was great where I was, but my only complaint was it got drowned out by people that couldn't clap in time in places which was frustrating. A bit more volume was needed.
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