Mutterings of a GrumpasaurusBex

Pre-exhausting your core before doing a lift like squats isn't great. You need your core to be fresh to help with keeping the lift tight.

Saying that though, I have read doing some planks before hand can help wake things ;)
Saying that though, I have read doing some planks before hand can help wake things ;)

PLG, you should be bracing your core maximally when doing squats/deadlifts/most other things anyway.

This is going to come down to a problem with circuits vs actual weight training.

Many PTs like to make weights sessions more like circuits. Now, that may be because they want to hit primarily metabolic factors and give you what is actually mostly a cardio workout, or it could be because they are lazy because it's an easy way to make their client feel "worked".

If it's the latter, it might be worth giving the PT a little bit of encouragement.

For the sake of understanding the situation, consider the remaining quantity of belly fat to be 100% down to diet.
I believe it would be more to the first point to hit metabolic factors. I believe I have the training program & nutrition doc that I was originally sent if anyone would want a read over to see if you agree/disagree with anything in there.
Yeah post it up.

Also, to be clear, the metabolic stresses you are subjected to with circuits don't necessarily help with fat loss.
Day 7 - Tues 23 Jul

• 8 min treadmill warm-up | incline = 0 | Speed = 5.5 → 5.2

• Chest press /w bar | 1 x 8 @ 25kg | 1 x 7 @ 30kg | 1 x 5 @ 32.5kg | 1 x 8 @ 35kg |
— the 35kg had the target of do as many as you can
• Bent over rows /w bar | 1 x 8 @ 25kg | 1 x 12 @ 25kg | 1 x 15 @ 25kg | 1 x 18 @ 25kg
• Incline chest press /w d-bells | 1 x 8 @ 12.5kg | 1 x 10 @ 12.5kg | 1 x 20 @ 10kg
• Tricep pushdown (one arm; alternating) @ cable machine superset /w hammer curls
— TP = 4 x 10 @ 20kg | HC = 1 x 10 (each arm) @ 5kg | HC = 3 x 10 @ 7kg
• Bicep curl /w no break between sets | 1 x 8 @ 6kg | 1 x 8 @ 5kg | 1 x 8 @ 4kg | 1 x 8 @ 3kg | 1 x 8 @ 2kg | 1 x 8 @ 1kg |
• Tricep pushdown (both arms) @ cable machine | 1 x 10 @ 20kg → min weight

• Leg raises | 2 x 40 (20 x pulses & 20 x high) | 2 x 30 (pulses)
• Plank | 40s (front) | 60 sec (30 front & 15 each side) | 30 sec (15 each side)

Warn Down
• 5 min treadmill | incline = 0.2 → 0.05 | Speed = 4
Well, I read it.

I don't know quite what to say.

He's given you some good advice, but it's interspersed in a vast majority of poorly understood, outdated or flat out incorrect nutritional advice.

His exercise selection is ok, with the exception of his quite awful core workouts (although this is very typical). His rep schemes are fairly random, and generally he is asking you to hit quite high reps that won't be doing much good. But I dare say that it's quite fun to do so crack on for the time being.

After you've finished, look up some basic weight lifting routines (there are some on this forum) and do some circuits too.
Noted! I'll try to do more core post lifts.

Must.destroy.stomach.flab! ;) :p

You can't spot lose body fat! That means working areas will not reduce fat in those areas.

Your diet plan that the guy's wrote is a bit odd as well, considering the first point is sugar and how you should avoid it in all its forms.

That means no fruit, but he suggests fruit on the next page.

He also doesn't know how to use apostrophes, and you should never trust a man who doesn't know how to use apostrophes. :p

He also mentions using coconut oil a lot, but puts emphasis on lean meat. Coconut oil is high in saturated fats (good for you) but it kinda invalidates his recommendation of going for lean meat.
@ Spoffle

To be fair, the PT/whoever has attempted a mashup at a number of different diet plans/philosophies/fads to come up with something 'different'.

Coconut oil is also an MCT source which is better from an energy source/metabolism/whatever perspective.

I'm not a fan of the diet plan, but my perspective is: whatever works. If PixieLandGirl is getting on with, enjoying and losing weight on it, then great.

If not, then that's where we can start being pernickity.

And agree with the statement on apostrophes. :D
I'd call the practice of hashing together things you don't understand to seem new and interesting completely unacceptable.

It's very clear that this is what he's done, possibly even copypastering.

Despite all that, it won't not work. If it's a plan that's being followed then it's better than no plan.

Also, he should have paid someone to write or at least proof read it :p
I'd call the practice of hashing together things you don't understand to seem new and interesting completely unacceptable.

It's very clear that this is what he's done, possibly even copypastering.

Despite all that, it won't not work. If it's a plan that's being followed then it's better than no plan.

Also, he should have paid someone to write or at least proof read it :p

That's how it looks to me. As you said too, it won't not work.

It's pretty hard to get a diet so bad that it will be completely detrimental unless it's constant ready meals that lack any tangible nutrition like those horrid weight watchers branded meals.

They are so bad, they may as well be pre-digested because of how quickly they run through your system.
I'd call the practice of hashing together things you don't understand to seem new and interesting completely unacceptable.

It's very clear that this is what he's done, possibly even copypastering.

Despite all that, it won't not work. If it's a plan that's being followed then it's better than no plan.

Also, he should have paid someone to write or at least proof read it :p

Not disputing any of that. :D

I'm also no fan of these "boot-camp" type workouts (why would I want to get really good at exercising?), but given that her PT has given her the above, I'm not sure suggesting proper lifting would be anything other than unsafe. If you or somebody who knew what they were doing was in the same gym, then sure, but as is, I'm not sure it's such a good idea. :o

Is that a good reason to continue? Not really, but given our OP is - so far - sticking to this (and caveated with statement of progress in terms of exercise capacity and weightloss) and it's working (...), I'll sit back and monitor, waiting for the stall to come. :(

@ PixieLandGirl: we're debating this in your thread because it's very relevant. As already pointed out, your exercise routine is not what would be described as optimal, and your diet plan isn't, either (but - based on what I've seen of my colleague who's doing a boot-camp thing, fairly standard fare in this context), and so each of us is itching to provide you with advice as to how to make it better and give you the results you want in the long run. :)
Not disputing any of that. :D

I'm also no fan of these "boot-camp" type workouts (why would I want to get really good at exercising?), but given that her PT has given her the above, I'm not sure suggesting proper lifting would be anything other than unsafe. If you or somebody who knew what they were doing was in the same gym, then sure, but as is, I'm not sure it's such a good idea. :o

Is that a good reason to continue? Not really, but given our OP is - so far - sticking to this (and caveated with statement of progress in terms of exercise capacity and weightloss) and it's working (...), I'll sit back and monitor, waiting for the stall to come. :(

@ PixieLandGirl: we're debating this in your thread because it's very relevant. As already pointed out, your exercise routine is not what would be described as optimal, and your diet plan isn't, either (but - based on what I've seen of my colleague who's doing a boot-camp thing, fairly standard fare in this context), and so each of us is itching to provide you with advice as to how to make it better and give you the results you want in the long run. :)

I have a feeling the PT is of the type that scaremongers squats, and presses the "fact" that your needs will explode with your knee caps smashing in to the wall across the room if you even consider thinking about potentially trying squats below parallel. :p
I have a feeling the PT is of the type that scaremongers squats, and presses the "fact" that your needs will explode with your knee caps smashing in to the wall across the room if you even consider thinking about potentially trying squats below parallel. :p

And do you want him teaching the OP how to do... well.. any compound lift with an appropriate weight?

He may well be able to, but given the evidence, I remain unconvinced.
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