My baby thread.

Congrats to both of you - will raise a glass to his/her safe arrival on 6 December - a fine day to be born (yea I was born on this day more years ago than I care to remember!!!)
lol, thanks again, will keep this thread updated with more scans and stuff.

i'm excited yes, but also trying not to get my hopes up incase the worst does happen (after 3 previous losses you can't help it). just hope it's 4th time lucky :)
aww congratulations! :D

my sister's baby is due in a month and i cant wait to be an auntie again!

she had a bit of a panic on monday - she picked up a virus thats been going about and being physically ill caused her labour to start

luckily they stopped it and she is making sure she has plenty of rest.

went for 3rd scan today, it was funny, i think the baby knew it was on camera :D he/she gave a wave and then did a dance and then went to sleep during the scan, he/she is a healthy 37mm long now, which is spot on for his/her age.

here's a pic.....


our next scan is on monday and then we have to go upto Newcastle hospital for nuchal translucency tests (this is a scan which checks the pallate (for cleft), the spine (for spina bifida), fluid in the neck (for downs) and other chromosomes, we've opted for this due to out last miscarriage being tested and having 47 chromosomes (there were 3 on chromosome 15 instead of a pair).
All being well i'll have a very clear scan to show next thursday which is probably the next best thing to a 4D scan. :)
Humpty said:
Great news!! All the best people are born on 6th December :D

Hope it all goes well for you and yours.

no, the best people are born on the 25th July, but 6th Dec. is 2nd best :D also kell ee, i also hope things are going great.
had another scan today, good god don't thiese things grow quick hehe, saw it's fingers and it's face, it weighs in at a healthy 43mm now :D so it's grown 8mm in 5 days., so far so good, may post scan later after i scan it.
When my girlfriend was pregnant we went to a clinic that could scan in 3D, the detail you see on such a scan is amazing, we had to pay for that ourselves but it was well worth it and they made a video of the whole scan.

Nice to know the preganancy is going as it should, time to plan the nursery ;)
Dutch Guy said:
When my girlfriend was pregnant we went to a clinic that could scan in 3D, the detail you see on such a scan is amazing, we had to pay for that ourselves but it was well worth it and they made a video of the whole scan.

Nice to know the preganancy is going as it should, time to plan the nursery ;)

we're gonna have that a bit later on in the pregnancy, it's a 4D scan and costs ~ £110 - £200 and you get a 10 minute DVD of it :D
well, just got back from 34th week scan, my GF still has a low laying placenta which is covering the OS, so a cesarian is definite, however we have to go for another scan in 2 weeks as my baby is huge, infact, he's twice the size he should be at 34 weeks @ 8lb 9oz estimated, though everything else looks fine :) dunno where he'sgot it from as me and gf were both 8lb 1oz at birth, so birth is looking likely between 3 and 4 weeks now :D, and as long as my g/f doesn't go into early labour, we should be able to pick what date he's born :D
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